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Everything posted by Coffee_Johnny

  1. You and most of us, no doubt. Suspect many more will be paying attention to exciting young prospects in future. Especially when we’re in the Europa League next year! (7th qualifies apparently, HTL )
  2. Must be demoralising playing in a stadium that size with so few people there.
  3. This ‘dafty’ (copyright @Groundhog63) done his interview yet?
  4. Gallagher could be our new Rob Lee. Not talking playing style necessarily, just pure ye olde Lon-don vibe. Lad could make himself a legend here.
  5. Is there not a way of removing it without damaging the material?
  6. I hear he got his 25m swimming at a younger age than Sven Botman. Faster time anarl, Marra!
  7. Nothing to see here. Move along now. Move along.
  8. I’d guess at 21,000 (?‍♂️) be interesting to see. Assuming they publicise?
  9. Signing up to insta immediately in hope of seeing image with an olive branch…
  10. Done. £36.95 well spent (hopefully).
  11. Still 1,533 people in front of me. On plus side, 12:00 work commitment has cancelled so should be able to take my slot. *****More exciting updates as they happen folks!*****
  12. Dizzy heights of 13, 091 in the queue. Be still my beating heart.
  13. Might have ‘awoken’ more than that though.
  14. A week of waiting with no doubt more waiting tomorrow for official confirmation of The Botman.
  15. Fecking 15,000 people in front of me in queue. Hoping some of you have 40 devices on the go again ?
  16. Fancied a top six bet, but 5/2 seems super stingy.
  17. Well, how many season tickets are there? How many ‘potential’ league match tickets on sale? Because I reckon we’re looking at tens of thousands of members.
  18. Yep, going to be a continual clusterfuck of a lottery. Still, gotta be in it… (plus, might get a nice lapel badge).
  19. Arnaut Danjuma? Rumour has it he’s off to West Ham or us imminently. Guess Howe and Tindall would know him well and vice versa. Can’t recall him for Bournemouth but seems to have had a good season in Spain.
  20. Pretty confident (on the basis no actual evidence…) they at least two of those players with have some really stiff competition for a starting place.
  21. I think they will too. Maybe do even better.
  22. ? was there as well. Though think Howay 5-0 still pips it for sheer disbelief and joy!
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