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Everything posted by Coffee_Johnny

  1. Near Altrincham, last I heard.
  2. Killer was also at the end of his career. Kind of had a ‘get-out’/acceptable reason for not playing. Not the same or as easy to swallow for Jamaal.
  3. Absolutely no one is going to believe we’ll only fork out for half a forward. Ridiculous bluff!
  4. Not that crazy a world on a free and given his record. (Not that I’d choose him personally):
  5. At least we have no doubts about their commitment, effort and fit in the dressing room. Not to be underestimated.
  6. Sorry to hear this. Really touched me reading about him deciding not to pursue chemotherapy—making tough decision that treatment (at best to extend his life by months) wasn’t worth the impact on his final weeks. RIP.
  7. Great shout! Wasn’t there but what a way to return to European football! And show the Belgians just why Phillips Albert had signed for us! Hatrick of headers from Rob Lee—out Gary Speeding Gary Speed, before ? Gary Speed he scores them with his heed! ? had even signed!
  8. Yep, totally agree. Kalvin Philips was my hopeful top choice signing. Though I’d assumed (wrongly) that it’d only be possible if Leeds were relegated; didn’t factor in being wanted by the current best team in the league.
  9. He’s got a humorous twinkle in his eyes too. He’d be someone that you wanted ‘in the trenches’ with you, the majority of the down time as well as the life or death situs.
  10. Leeds and Everton for the drop at the mo. Happy times for promoted sides!
  11. 28 August 1982, Newcastle 1-0 QPR. Can’t remember anything about the match itself. Embarrassingly, can’t even vividly picture the goal. Can still re-experience the wait to get in, smell the cider some bugger tried to spit over the police horse pushing through the packed ranks who’d been waiting outside the Gallowgate end for hours in blazing sunshine. Remember the disbelief and excitement of seeing the two times European footballer of the year/English legend turn out in black and white. Kevin Keegan—who I had met at a school football tournament (and was so attentive and welcoming)— is going to be playing for us!?! Felt unbelievable. I definitely wouldn’t have believed the impact he would have, and joy he would bring, to the club. Even though the details are lost in the fug of time, has to be one of the greatest games I have attended.
  12. Don’t be a dafty! don’t want to cause mass ‘clutching’… proper cunt’s trick ?
  13. Looks like a jam packed overdeveloped clusterfuck. Wonder if that phrase featured in their PowerPoint?
  14. Thought they clutched their pearls… ?‍♂️
  15. Liked the bit about us always playing in the top division…
  16. I like him. Seems a nice lad (… until he’s not/you try and get past him ?)
  17. For joy, at result, both 1-0 FA Semi wins at Old Trafford (Sheff Utd and Spurs). The obvious two (Man Utd 5-0 and Barca under the floodlights 3-2). Such amazing atmospheres. I also really loved the final game of the Rafa relegation season (5-1 Spurs) phenomenal atmosphere and great work by Gallowgate male voice choir, literally, throughout. Many springing to mind, but would add as a less likely choice the final game of the promotion season, when we won the Championship ( thanks Jack Grealish!) 3-0 at home to Barnsley.
  18. What on earth are they doing? If that is a standing jump, Paul ‘slam-dunk’ Dummett is a loss to basketball!
  19. How many pennies do we have left? https://tbrfootball.com/report-200m-man-now-considering-exit-newcastle-one-of-three-clubs-who-can-afford-him/
  20. Whiskey helps! ? This time next week it’ll feel more familiar (….unless you keep on the happy water obvs).
  21. Hear he has breathing difficulties. Or that may be SARS. Who knows ?‍♂️
  22. ? ? was equally nonplussed.
  23. It’s the official week of (mainly frustrating…) waiting, Peppe.
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