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Everything posted by Coffee_Johnny

  1. ‘Do the Dog’ to ‘We are Cov’ would lend itself to the seemingly required tempo!
  2. Seems ‘ungenerous’ but the Sevilla keeper… so should have done better with three of those goals. Good to see the highlights mind, but (on a roll…) not quite as impressive as our 5 goals in 21 minutes against Spurs (noticed Dovyk doing same ‘head’s gone’/brain scrambled celebration btw).
  3. Shirley there’s a few dimpled behind the knee Nazis?
  4. He’s probs been on the Evo again. It’s always someone else’s fault. He’ll nee doubt end up dancing to Are Friends Electric, on his Walkman, behind the PE block. Radge ?‍♂️
  5. Howay BB, let’s have a quick tab in the book cupboard. Let these barmy Arabs slap each other daft. (With apologies to anyone easily offended by pre ‘90’s patter, i.e. the frankly barmy, or those of an Arabian bent.)
  6. Who is this Frank you speak of? And how come he has the inside track? Is he a priest at the church Roberto has already scouted out?? (Btw, can’t believe he’s only 59)
  7. Bournemouth really should have had a couple of goals.
  8. Unless it is against us. When he’s like a dead-eye Dick (… where the feck does that phrase even come from ?‍♂️)
  9. Are you just trying to take your mate with you, Joe? Is that what is going on?
  10. Good deed for the day (and please, if you ever get that far, sing ‘Dr Gibbs’ not Dr Gibbs’s—latter and subsequent ‘ribs’s’ sounds fucking ridiculous). I went to Blaydon Races, 'twas on the ninth of June, Eighteen hundred an' sixty-two, on a summer's afternoon; We took the 'bus from Balmbras, she was heavy laden, An’ away we went along Collingwood Street, that's on the road to Blaydon. Chorus: Oh me lads! You should’ve seen us ganning, Passing the folks alang the road just as they were standin'; Aal the lads and lasses there, aal wi' smiling faces, Gannin' alang the Scotswood Road, to see the Blaydon Races! We flew past Armstrong’s factory, up to the Robin Adair, [famous pub on Scotchy Rd] Just gannin' doon to the railway bridge, the bus wheel flew off there. The lasses lost their crinolines [hooped petticoat worn under long Victorian skirts], an' the veils that hide their faces, I got two black eyes an' a broken nose ganning to Blaydon Races! (chorus) We got the wheel back on an’ away we went again, ‘Cept some that had their noses broke went back ower hyem; Some to the Dispensary and some to Doctor Gibbs, An' some sought out the Infirmary to mend their broken ribs. (chorus) Noo when we got to Paradise [small village along the Tyne—still a bus stop there] a bonny game begun; There were fower-an-twenty on the bus, man, hoo we danced an' sung; They called on me to sing a song, I sung them "Paddy Fagan", I danced a jig an' I swung me twig the day I went to Blaydon! (chorus) We flew across the Chain Bridge reet into Blaydon toon, The bellman he was callin' there, they call him Jackie Broon; I saw him talkin' to sum chaps, an' them he was persuading, To gan an' see Geordie Ridley's show, at the Mechanics' Hall at Blaydon. (chorus) The rain had poured aal the day, an' the grounds they were quite muddy, Coffee Johnny had a white hat on – they were shootin' "Whi stole the cuddy?” There were spice stalls, an' monkey shows, an' old wives selling cider, An' a chap with a hapenny roond aboot, shooting: “Noo me boys for riders!" (chorus) George (Geordie) Ridley (10.2.1807-9.9.1864, both Gateshead)
  11. Kin hell. It’s like one of those badly dubbed Bruce Lee films in here!
  12. Love that goal from Beardsley. I wasn’t at the match but I was on Felling bankies, with the dog, and could hear the celebrations for the final goal and see the helicopter leaving.
  13. It’s just bad luck. You can’t control the uncontrollables. Unlikely we will have such a run of injuries (and a ban) again.
  14. The aim and the bottom line minimum expectation ‘do not achieve at your peril’ are two different things though.
  15. Stick to Seinfeld, bonny lad.
  16. I, for one, am all for it. Can’t abide people with shit taste in drinks. Pssst! I’d give them a pass if they were necking Rob Roy’s (…that is so easily misunderstood).
  17. Yep, just checked him out. Seems to be a little faster than he was last week ?‍♂️
  18. I am sure he suddenly appears a little taller and less… less… less spice-head looking.
  19. Imagine if it again is simply family related? Let’s say the ‘playing away’ was all bollocks and his wife/him feel so unsettled by the burglary (maybe even the abuse from the crowd? Though seems a bigger stretch) and he’s agreed to move, perhaps to join families she/they get on with?
  20. Can’t help wondering if the real impetus to leaving, assuming there is some truth in this, is whatever has been going on in his personal life?
  21. Wow. He’ll be on his hit list now.
  22. I agree. Think you’re desiring/describing Phillips, who ‘tidies up’ nicely, but has a great range of passing.
  23. Looked Joelintonesque against Liverpool.
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