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Steve McClaren


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Guest neesy111

The way the club have handled his sacking is a disgrace. I know they wanted everything to be final RE Rafa, but to keep him hanging there is p*ss poor and typical of the way this club does things. Yes he was the wrong appointment and he is indeed a s*** manager (for a club like ours anyway), but he went into work every day giving it his all to try and make this club better. If half the players did the same and the owner and his minions, we wouldn't be where we are, fighting relegation. the players are a f***ing disgrace as well.


I subscribe to the general view that McClaren was a very decent guy but I'm not going along with the "he was treated badly" line. Here's a bloke who had no right to expect to land a PL job, based on his recent CV, which included getting sacked from a championship club at the top of it. He's been handsomely rewarded financially during his time here, and because he didn't walk, will be going away with a tidy compensation. These figures are likely to be well beyond what most of us here will make in 20 years or more of our working careers.

The club were being selfless and looking out for itself in making sure the replacement and all his assistants were signed up prior to sacking the man in charge, fearing being in a situation like last year where they had a kit man running the first team. No problem with that at all. If that hurts poor Steve's feeling a little, well to be honest I really don't give a s***. Go work in the media and earn more in a couple of hours than most of will in a month !


I personally believe you treat people fairly, even if they are crap at their job. I'm a businessman and have at times had to be ruthless and tell people straight up they are not good enough or will be getting the chop. But you treat them like people at all times, like how you would want treated. Just because you're not good enough at your job shouldn't mean you get treated like shite. He is or was a privileged man being paid handsomely and he was failing massively, but again treat him with dignity and humility as he has treated the club on his departure.


Penfold hasn't the balls to speak to people face up, he's a coward and a wimp of a man. Ashley likewise.


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A man with total blind optomism and a cheesy grin to boot, while losing your job is terrible its an industy where they are rewarded for failure if he doesnt get another job he goes on tv, if he never works again he is a multi millionaire it isnt like the lads working in the steel industry getting no notice or finding out on the news their company is in trouble.


As usual there is a right way and wrong way in handling things as in many aspects of this current regime if there is an element to do wrong or badly we make sure to incorporate that into our approach this is what happens when you have some in a job like Mr Charnley in a job he is vastly unqualifies for who has admitted himself does not want to be in the public eye or draw attention to himself.


Will I feel sorry for McClaren never he got a job we begged him for 3 times he had nearly half a season from being asked the first time to see the team, the squad and the way we were playing he was ineffective and was not professional enough to admit defeat you cannot always click with a side and he has been like chalk to our cheese from day one.


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Badly treated!!! how the hell do we know (yes those upstairs are pricks but...) SMC will get a handsome payoff, likely to be a mill+, never wanted the bloke and always thought it was destined to fail and he bought into that and now he suffers the consequences (very richly rewarded for it as well)..bye Schteve and I really don't care what the future holds for you


As TMac said without him there wouldn't have been today...maybe I can thank him for that...and I intend to enjoy a few days of (blind) optimism

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I feel sorry for the way it has turned out, and I'm disappointed for him in his failure make his mark and take the club forward.

I feel absolutely no disappointment or sympathy like HTT et al. for the way in which we've handled his departure and the transition to Benitez and his team.


Nowt wrong with what we've done, other than allowing McClaren too much rope in the first place rather than cutting him free a good few weeks sooner.



Nice to hear that our courting of Benitez has been a long term aim too if true. :thup:

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Didn't mind him. Thought he'd be average. Was way off. Don't dislike him like I did with Pardew & Carver, he was just out of his depth.

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Similarly have no real negative feelings for him and think he's been a bit unnecessarily humiliated this week, though he should've quit after the last match.


Thought he was an underwhelming, mediocre appointment, never expected him to be so bad.

He may come across as nice and he may be that but he should have walked.  He clearly hasn't wanted to be here for a while and he's waited to be sacked for a pay off.  We can all say I'd wait to be sacked to get money but he will already have more money than he and his family needs to be comfortable for the rest of their lives.


It's a lot different than Barry the Purchasing Assistant being shite at their job and waiting to get redundancy on his 18k per year salary.

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He was everything I expected and more.

Exactly was scathing when we signed him and it turned out to be correct.


He turned out to be even worse than I thought he would be.


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Former employee....move on...close thread


I'm actually all for this (not closing the thread, no matter how many times people say that it won't happen) in that I already feel like I don't want to think about him any more. Been and gone, fuck it.


Be different if we do go down like.

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I've watched nearly every game and the only thing that impressed me was how our full backs went wide and looked for the ball from goal kicks in one of our first friendlies. That was honestly it.


I don't hate him but he's not a top manager like a lot of the media think.

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He used to manage us, he doesn't any longer. What happens to him in the future has zero impact any more. Can't summon any emotion about him other than relief he's been binned.

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Former employee....move on...do not close thread


I'm actually all for this (not closing the thread, no matter how many times people say that it won't happen) in that I already feel like I don't want to think about him any more. Been and gone, f*** it.


Be different if we do go down like. - NAYSAYER!!!!



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Former employee....move on...close thread


I'm actually all for this (not closing the thread, no matter how many times people say that it won't happen) in that I already feel like I don't want to think about him any more. Been and gone, fuck it.


Be different if we do go down like.


Just an entirely forgettable experience, really.


Everyone knew the score with McClaren: it was obvious we were getting him, nobody really wanted him - the board role was a slightly surprising turn of events and made me wonder if the club was changing its approach - but then it quickly became clear it wasn't going to work. To the surprise of no one.


So aye, he failed to fix us, but he doesn't leave behind a legacy like Pardew/Carver did. In fact, his job was to ensure that legacy was erased and that was ultimately what he failed to do.


Now he's gone and we can all just shake our heads, roll our eyes at the utter predictability of it, and move on.

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Deflated when we appointed him as there were many other good managers around but was reluctantly happy it was him rather than John Lip Licking Carver at that time. Willing to give him a chance and with the players we bought in and the 'mediocre' objectives the club gave him, thought he could get near it. It fell apart and he should have had the dignity to walk, if not after the Chelsea massacre, definitely should have at Saturday tea time.


He was the victim this week, treated appallingly and disgracefully, yet got paid for it so I think it ended fairly for us the fans ultimately. He got sacked, humilliated and paid. We got a team 2nd from bottom, hope and Rafa.


Good luck to the man and do wish him well. Above Pardew and Carver's class by a long way!

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