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The Magedia Thread - Sunderland suck trollolololol


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We have no national media in this country.  We have a parochial London-based (and London-obsessed) media, broadcast nationally.  Just look at the London-based "hype" of poor little Tottingham!!!


In that local-London world (broadcast/written nationally) we will always have rubbish routinely written about us.


There is no hope of it ever changing.


This country will never get a National Press/Media.  Never.

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I think I am actually speechless at the thought of Coloccini being labelled as one of the duff buys of the summer...


I think I must have missed Robbie Keane's 2 game-dominating appearances so far for Liverpool

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Crazy isnt it...


I can honestly say I'm pretty thick skinned when it comes to the media, but the sheer stupidity and lack of anything geniune or evidence to say otherwise has me utterly bewildered.


How people are employed with such utter garbage they claim as 'work' is beyond me.


They are wrong on all of those transfers, even the scum getting Healy.

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KEVIN KEEGAN was under fire last night for letting James Milner join Aston Villa — and calling up thug Joey Barton.

Newcastle fans are furious he has let the club’s clean-cut young hero go while bringing back jailbird Barton for today’s trip to Arsenal.


They also feel boss Keegan has shamefully misled them as earlier this week he claimed the transfer of Milner was ‘unthinkable’, saying: “I don’t want to talk about losing James Milner — he’s absolutely top-notch.”


But in a staggering U-turn yesterday, Keegan insisted it was his decision to sell the £12million England Under-21 midfield star.


He said: “I did want to keep Milner and what I said after our game at Coventry was right.


“But there comes a point where a deal is right to do.


“If you look at my managerial record, I’ve not been afraid to sell players as well as buy them — Andy Cole comes to mind.


“So, in the short term, people ask ‘wow, why have they done that?’ But over a period of time they might say ‘that’s why’. Sometimes you just get to a point where you say it’s the right time to do this deal.


“You could argue about the clock on the wall, with the deadline three days away. That makes it a bit more tricky but I am pretty confident we can overcome his loss in the next three days.


“We have to get in three or four players and I am confident we will do that — but I’ll be judged on Monday at midnight.


“It won’t look like a positive move to our fans but what will happen in the next few days will be positive.


“I wouldn’t have sold him if I didn’t think we would move this club forward and that’s what we are going to do.”


One angry Toon fan said last night: “Keegan’s badly let us down over Milner. To lose him and have that thug Barton back in a Newcastle shirt at Arsenal is a disgrace. Me and my pals are sickened by it.”


Keegan faces a battle to convince supporters that he was not overruled by owner Mike Ashley when they met in the Midlands on Wednesday.


He maintained yesterday that Milner’s claim for a pay rise was discussed at the meeting — but was overtaken by Villa’s swoop.


The Milner controversy erupted in the middle of United’s build-up to this evening’s game at Arsenal where Barton will be involved for the first time this season.


Keegan has gambled by recalling the midfielder before next Friday’s FA hearing decides whether to ban him severely over his training-ground assault on former Manchester City team-mate Ousmane Dabo.


The Toon boss said: “Joey will be on the bench, slightly ahead of schedule. His frame of mind is very good — there’s no problem there.


“Maybe it has happened a week or 10 days quicker than it should have done, but he’s on the bench and might come on for 10-15 minutes.


“We don’t know what’s going to happen on September 5. A group of people have to sit down at the FA and do whatever they’ve got to do.


“Some people think he might get a 15-game ban, which sounds ridiculous.


“It wouldn’t be unbelievable for him to get very few because he has already missed a lot of games.” Keegan hopes to use the Milner cash to sign Chelsea winger Florent Malouda while Guinea international Kamil Zayatte is a another target.


Milner, 22, became Villa’s record signing because he felt Newcastle were trying to keep him on the cheap.


He insists he had no option but to hand in a transfer request after the club refused to renegotiate his £15,000-a-week deal.


Milner, one of the lowest-paid players on Tyneside, admitted: “I knew offers had come in over the summer and the club had turned them down.


“Their valuation of me wasn’t reflected in the deal I was on. Speaking to Newcastle I thought it was the right thing to put in a transfer request to show how I felt, seeing they weren’t on the same wavelength as me.


“They then made the decision to sell me. A new contract was never discussed.


“Keegan wished me all the luck in the world. He told me he wanted to keep me but things change quickly in football. I’m a Villa player now.”


Milner almost signed for Villa two years ago, after a season’s loan, but Newcastle pulled the plug five minutes before he put pen to paper.


The midfielder added: “It was a tough time for me and I’m sure for Villa as well. But two years down the road I’m a better player and a stronger character.”


Villa boss Martin O’Neill was delighted to confirm his eighth signing of the year, taking the club’s spending to £48million.


O’Neill said: “I could not be more pleased. He is a talented player and his best years are ahead of him.


“He has been here on loan before I was manager and he made a big impression. The backroom staff I inherited said he was a delight.


“I’m not surprised Kevin Keegan is disappointed. He is a football manager and he would not have wanted a very good player to leave.”


I'm not really sure what the point of this article is. Barton is on our payroll, he's legally safe to play, he's served his time, he'll add to the squad and he's fit enough to make the bench.


I also love these balanced fan viewpoints they've got. Sure some aren't happy about the Milner sale but I think most believe £12m is good business even if they're sad to see him leave. But hey, I wouldn't expect balance in a Sun article.



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That article. :lol:


"Shamefully misled"


"Their clean cut young hero"


One angry Toon fan said last night: “Keegan’s badly let us down over Milner. To lose him and have that thug Barton back in a Newcastle shirt at Arsenal is a disgrace. Me and my pals are sickened by it.”




Tell you what, I'd give anything for Barton to come off the bench and score the winner tomorrow. I can almost hear the vomiting on Fleet Street already.

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Why am I never the one that gets to do rent-a-quote for the Sun btw?


"One Toon fan last night told us to f*** off"

whereas i'd be smart and tell them the whole regime has to go as milner was the new garrincha.
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i'd love Barton to come off the bench 2moro and score the winner, love it.  Hopefully with a 30 yard screamer......


I can't see the point of the Suns article,  the club and Keegan have backed Joey and given him another chance, did they expect us to give him another chance but not play the lad?? muppets. 

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i'd love Barton to come off the bench 2moro and score the winner, love it.  Hopefully with a 30 yard screamer......


I can't see the point of the Suns article,  the club and Keegan have backed Joey and given him another chance, did they expect us to give him another chance but not play the lad?? muppets. 

the write it to fill copy. they aren't the muppets. the muppets are the mugs who buy it (both financially and metaphorically)
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We have no national media in this country.  We have a parochial London-based (and London-obsessed) media, broadcast nationally.  Just look at the London-based "hype" of poor little Tottingham!!!


In that local-London world (broadcast/written nationally) we will always have rubbish routinely written about us.


There is no hope of it ever changing.


This country will never get a National Press/Media.  Never.


Isn't that what the whole country is like ? Based on 'Financial Services' in the South East while most of the country lives off the scraps ??

There has been no country-wide prosperity since all the Industries committed suicide - Shipbuilding, Car-making(except as screwdriver ops run by the Japs or Germans), train-building,Steel etc etc etc.


And DON'T just blame the Tories - easy target - because whilst they DO have some responsibility, the greed of myopic managers and prehistoric unions were mostly responsible..


It is no coincidence that successful Football teams(Man U, Chelsea, Arsenal ) are in areas with large concentrations of so-called Financial or Service Industries...in any event, most of Man U's fans are southern based..that is where the money & jobs are in the UK.

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We have no national media in this country.  We have a parochial London-based (and London-obsessed) media, broadcast nationally.  Just look at the London-based "hype" of poor little Tottingham!!!


In that local-London world (broadcast/written nationally) we will always have rubbish routinely written about us.


There is no hope of it ever changing.


This country will never get a National Press/Media.  Never.


Isn't that what the whole country is like ? Based on 'Financial Services' in the South East while most of the country lives off the scraps ??

There has been no country-wide prosperity since all the Industries committed suicide - Shipbuilding, Car-making(except as screwdriver ops run by the Japs or Germans), train-building,Steel etc etc etc.


And DON'T just blame the Tories - easy target - because whilst they DO have some responsibility, the greed of myopic managers and prehistoric unions were mostly responsible..


It is no coincidence that successful Football teams(Man U, Chelsea, Arsenal ) are in areas with large concentrations of so-called Financial or Service Industries...in any event, most of Man U's fans are southern based..that is where the money & jobs are in the UK.


So, we should just ACCEPT that a parochial, isolated and insular little local press (for one sh*t*hole part of the country) gets to broadcast its little local media (TV & Newspapers) viewpoint around our country, under the guise of being a "National" media??



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We should launch some kind of campaign against the press. Not just us -- all the various club fansites. Get as many people as we can to boycott buying papers for a week or something. That'll show the drivel-spewing cunts.



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We should launch some kind of campaign against the press. Not just us -- all the various club fansites. Get as many people as we can to boycott buying papers for a week or something. That'll show the drivel-spewing c***s.



we already have.


it's called "don't buy it".....it's why their sales fall.

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That Sun article is ridiculous. I actually thought someone was on the wind-up. "One angry Toon fan said.."  :lol: What a joke.

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We have no national media in this country.  We have a parochial London-based (and London-obsessed) media, broadcast nationally.  Just look at the London-based "hype" of poor little Tottingham!!!


In that local-London world (broadcast/written nationally) we will always have rubbish routinely written about us.


There is no hope of it ever changing.


This country will never get a National Press/Media.  Never.


Isn't that what the whole country is like ? Based on 'Financial Services' in the South East while most of the country lives off the scraps ??

There has been no country-wide prosperity since all the Industries committed suicide - Shipbuilding, Car-making(except as screwdriver ops run by the Japs or Germans), train-building,Steel etc etc etc.


And DON'T just blame the Tories - easy target - because whilst they DO have some responsibility, the greed of myopic managers and prehistoric unions were mostly responsible..


It is no coincidence that successful Football teams(Man U, Chelsea, Arsenal ) are in areas with large concentrations of so-called Financial or Service Industries...in any event, most of Man U's fans are southern based..that is where the money & jobs are in the UK.


So, we should just ACCEPT that a parochial, isolated and insular little local press (for one sh*t*hole part of the country) gets to broadcast its little local media (TV & Newspapers) viewpoint around our country, under the guise of being a "National" media??




Just don't buy/watch it - hit 'em in the pocket.

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