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Kevin Keegan


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It we had won the Forest and Spurs games we would have won the title on GD. :(


If that wanker Woan hadn't equalised we'd have beaten Spurs no question.  We all knew Bryan Robson's Boro were always going to lie down for Taggart so the draw at Forest fucked it good and proper.

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He dropped down a division and could have taken it easy here when he joined as a player, but by all accounts he was the first into training, the last to leave and put his heart and soul into every match he played for us. Everyone from that era has nothing but good things to say about him and even though he was a megastar and obviously the fans' favourite he always had time for anyone and everyone.


Some of the stories from that era are legendary, stuff like how he paid for clobber and boots for the academy boys, how he donated money back to the club to improve facilities etc.


I f***ing hate, in fact resent, any notion that KK is greedy or selfish. The man paid Terry Mac's wages when he returned as manager because the club couldn't afford it, he also didn't get paid himself, until the club survived. KK also said he would take us off SJH's hands if we went down, effectively becoming our owner and saviour financially.


Under KK every team feared us, domestic and in Europe. Every player wanted to play for us. Opposition fans loved watching us and secretly wished their club was like ours. Those mad 5 years were f***ing phenomenal. No club has had such a huge upturn in fortunes in such a short space of time.




:snod: O0

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If only Pavel Srnicek hadn't been such an utter shit keeper. :(


Or more to the point Shaka. He was horrendous at Blackburn.


They were both shite.


Nah, Shaka had a horrible game at Blackburn but he saved a lot of points  that season with his shotstopping.

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If only Pavel Srnicek hadn't been such an utter shit keeper. :(


Or more to the point Shaka. He was horrendous at Blackburn.


They were both shite.


Nah, Shaka had a horrible game at Blackburn but he saved a lot of points  that season with his shotstopping.


Shite is overstating it for effects like and he might have made good saves (any keeper should be shotstopper) but like Pav he was never good enough to keep net for a league winning league team on the whole, even if he had his moments. Seems a top guy though.

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It we had won the Forest and Spurs games we would have won the title on GD. :(


If we'd won "that" game 1-0 instead of it being 0-1, we'd have won the league with a game to spare. Probably more because that might have killed Man Utd off before then.

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The greatest man to be associated with my club in my lifetime and probably for a long time before it.


Other clubs would treat him with utter reverence, we treat him like s***.


Whose the we? I met him at the training ground (when he was a player) and he was incredibly genuine. I was just a 13 year old, but he talked to me for a few minutes: I'll never forget that he took the time. He is and always be the person that cemented my love for the club.


In my eyes, he should be leading NUFC. He is Mr Newcastle ...... once the FCB did what he did there was NEVER any way back.

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:lol: "a draw" so painfully true.


Tbh a couple of drawers in that run would have won us the title.  But on the other hand it was a an all or nothing charge to the title


I think we lost by 4 points. Mind Man Utd won something like 11 in 12 towards the end, keeping clean sheerts galore.


I personally think everyone connected with the club just wilted a bit under the huge pressure of trying to win us that first title since '27, even KK himself. It stands out as our best ever season since '27 though in terms of the league or top division.


If only we could snip two of the goals from the 5-0 and add them to that 0-1...


That result will probably be regarded as the decider and it was, but more for them than us IMO. When they came away from SJP with that 1-0 win despite a battering all game, that galvanised them and gave them the belief that we were not this rampant runaway train and could be stopped. The result obviously hurt us, but I don't think mentally it had anywhere near as much as an impact on us as it did on them. The Liverpool defeat though... that killed us, especially the manager himself! Great game though :lol:


This - had we beaten Man U as we totally deserved to on the balance of play and chances created they would have died after that. The Liverpool result wouldn't have mattered because Man U would never have caught us.


It gave them real hope and began all the doubts that were to cost us the title.

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Although I believe if we had beaten Man Utd we would have won the title I still think the Liverpool hand did th greatest damage to player confidence. We could has battered Man Utd that day but for Schemichel sp? We outplayed them the players knew they could do it, I feel confidence dropped after the Liverpool result, I think even a point there would have seen us home, nerves beat us at Blackburn and had Liverpool not happened I feel we would have beaten Blackburn. All irrelevant I know but goes to show the belief that KK gave us, we were really contenders we really thought we could sign almost anybody, now we're asking why players like Grenier (who I know next to nothing about) would want to join us :-(

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The Blackburn game was the killer. With Man U and Liverpool, we lost to good opposition, but we threw the Blackburn game away. It must surely have affected the players' inner belief.


1 up with 10 to go - Graeme bastard Fenton

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The Blackburn game was the killer. With Man U and Liverpool, we lost to good opposition, but we threw the Blackburn game away. It must surely have affected the players' inner belief.




We pushed for the winner and left ourselves really exposed at the back. They hit us twice and scored twice.


The Forest game away, Ian Woan.  :anguish:

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He is and always will be a black and white legend. I was lucky enough to see him as a player for us, when I was a kid. The feeling that he generated around the city - giving everyone hope and putting a smile on their faces, was terrific. :)


And to think there are some of wor lot (particularly among the younger lads) who call him worse than shit. Sad. :(

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Guest neesy111

If Keegan ever got appointed again at NUFC it'd be one of the most delightful days in NUFC's history.  He is the greatest legend of the club in the modern era.

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