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Realistic Summer Targets


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The Sun reckon Wayne Bridge, Wes Brown and Dean Ashton are on his shortlist.


BAGGIO you've got to change you avator --PLEASE

Just the sight of that buffoon makes me want to vomit.

It is also embarrassing that the useless snot-eating perv supports Newcastle

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All good players with troublesome injury records.


agree, would be a bit disappointed if we get those three. especially ashton, i don't see what makes him so special on the few occasions that he plays. would also suggest that we're not exactly scouring the globe for the best talent but just going for some of the obvious names, two of whom are on the way down a la butt or parker or duff, coming from big clubs where they were never good enough to be outright first-choice.

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All good players with troublesome injury records.


agree, would be a bit disappointed if we get those three. especially ashton, i don't see what makes him so special on the few occasions that he plays. would also suggest that we're not exactly scouring the globe for the best talent but just going for some of the obvious names, two of whom are on the way down a la butt or parker or duff, coming from big clubs where they were never good enough to be outright first-choice.


Agree when it comes to Brown (ie never being good enough, on their way down, etc), and arguably agree about Ashton - though i reckon he'd muster a good return if he were to play 38 games a season. But i think Bridge is a very good player; the only real reason why he wasn't first choice was because he was up against Ashley Cole - massive wage, massive reputation, came from Arsenal, England's first choice, etc.


Bridge has looked quality whenever i've seen him. Seems a quality crosser of the ball. One of those stupidly crucial things that we've lacked for ages.


However, maybe we need to learn our lesson regarding ex-Chelsea players. And i'm happy seeing how Enrique develops. In the grand scheme of things, i don't have many gripes about him so far. I've got pretty big hopes for him personally; strong, quick. Looks a decent player.


Ashton would be great though imo. :thup:

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YaYa Toure

Richard Dunne






I like this!

I'd rather have bridge than Shorey but the rest is good, and quite realistic.

I'd also add Bentley to the list.


Leave Wes Brown alone. He's not good enough




YaYa Toure realistic??


Hudd is very happy and Ramos rates him highly now that he's light enough to move about a bit.  Don't imagine he will be on the move anytime soon.


YaYa Toure is realistic as Barcelona are having a poor season and a change at the top looks likely.

We need a phsical presence in midfield and Toure/Huddlestone are both big lads that can play a bit makes a change from the Munchkins that we have got running around in midfield.

Huddlestone is a very good player who has under performed this season Ramos seems to have sorted him out and he will be a class act in the future.


Whilst Barca are no great shakes this season, YaYa is not doing his personal reputation any harm at all.  Deco I would happily admit is a realistic target but YaYa is no more attainable than Jeremy Menez who someone mentioned as a possible target (imho).  I think the summer will be very interesting if only to see how strong the backroom team of Wise, Vetere and Jimenez are.  A succession of good players should bode really well for you in the future.  If they struggle to produce premiership quality players, as some are suggesting, then maybe their contacts aren't as good as has been suggested. 


Personally, I think it will be somewhere in the middle, nearer to the first option than the second.


why is Menez unobtainable? he's at the same stage as Muntari or Berbatov were at Udinese or Leverkusen, performing well in weaker leagues, loads of big clubs sniffing around but no one prepared to take the risk and pay a big sum until lesser clubs like Spurs and Pompey came in. VDV at ajax too was linked to only the biggest teams and ended up going to Hamburg. could make similar argument for Alves and he ended up at Boro. if we are prepared to pay what other sides aren't, and show ambition in the transfer market, i don't see why we can't get a player like that, or Veloso at Sporting for that matter.

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How about Saha in the summer?


Would he come? Would he make us better?


Alan Smith and Nicky Butt. Now Wes Brown and Louis Saha. Why don't we just go and sift through their wheelie bins while we're at it?


I could watch Man U tv for £6 a month if I wanted to watch their reserves.

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How about Saha in the summer?


Would he come? Would he make us better?


Alan Smith and Nicky Butt. Now Wes Brown and Louis Saha. Why don't we just go and sift through their wheelie bins while we're at it?


I'm afraid that's what we've been reduced to thanks to the 2 fat bastards that have put us in that position.

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How about Saha in the summer?


Would he come? Would he make us better?


Alan Smith and Nicky Butt. Now Wes Brown and Louis Saha. Why don't we just go and sift through their wheelie bins while we're at it?


I'm afraid that's what we've been reduced to thanks to the 2 fat bastards that have put us in that position.






:drink: :suicide:

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How about Saha in the summer?


Would he come? Would he make us better?


Alan Smith and Nicky Butt. Now Wes Brown and Louis Saha. Why don't we just go and sift through their wheelie bins while we're at it?


I could watch Man U tv for £6 a month if I wanted to watch their reserves.


Good point.  I'd prefer players who view joining the club as a step up rather than the only way to maintain an enormous salary outside of the top 4. 


Players like Bridge, Brown, Saha...what is the incentive to come to Newcastle and succeed?  Surely the whole point of getting Jimenez/Vetere/Wise is so we have a more competitive transfer policy; not the same old overpriced, motivationally challenged cast-offs.

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YaYa Toure

Richard Dunne






I like this!

I'd rather have bridge than Shorey but the rest is good, and quite realistic.

I'd also add Bentley to the list.


Leave Wes Brown alone. He's not good enough




YaYa Toure realistic??


Hudd is very happy and Ramos rates him highly now that he's light enough to move about a bit.  Don't imagine he will be on the move anytime soon.


YaYa Toure is realistic as Barcelona are having a poor season and a change at the top looks likely.

We need a phsical presence in midfield and Toure/Huddlestone are both big lads that can play a bit makes a change from the Munchkins that we have got running around in midfield.

Huddlestone is a very good player who has under performed this season Ramos seems to have sorted him out and he will be a class act in the future.


Whilst Barca are no great shakes this season, YaYa is not doing his personal reputation any harm at all.  Deco I would happily admit is a realistic target but YaYa is no more attainable than Jeremy Menez who someone mentioned as a possible target (imho).  I think the summer will be very interesting if only to see how strong the backroom team of Wise, Vetere and Jimenez are.  A succession of good players should bode really well for you in the future.  If they struggle to produce premiership quality players, as some are suggesting, then maybe their contacts aren't as good as has been suggested. 


Personally, I think it will be somewhere in the middle, nearer to the first option than the second.


why is Menez unobtainable? he's at the same stage as Muntari or Berbatov were at Udinese or Leverkusen, performing well in weaker leagues, loads of big clubs sniffing around but no one prepared to take the risk and pay a big sum until lesser clubs like Spurs and Pompey came in. VDV at ajax too was linked to only the biggest teams and ended up going to Hamburg. could make similar argument for Alves and he ended up at Boro. if we are prepared to pay what other sides aren't, and show ambition in the transfer market, i don't see why we can't get a player like that, or Veloso at Sporting for that matter.


Although Muntari and Berbatov were playing in lesser leagues, they weren't youngsters, they are established internationals.  Menez is young and talented, probably on a par with Ribery though not as consistent at the present time.  It was widely reported in the media that the only thing that prevented a move to Inter was haggling over the price to be paid.  You may be right and maybe he would opt to move to Newcastle, I personally think he is looking for one of the European giants to sign him and I think they will.


With regard to VDV I think the circumstances were different due to his fall-out with Koeman.

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Muntari was 22 at the time he moved to Pompey so still young and Man Utd considered buying him as did Juve. Before they signed him you'd have thought they had no chance but the big teams didnt take the risk of a big fee so a cash-rich lesser light managed to steal him. Ribery was 24 when he went to Bayern. there'd been talk for years that Ribery was going to move to a massive side but no one was prepared to take the gamble and he ended up waiting 3 or so years more than he should've to get the big move. same could easily happen with Menez. i mentioned no one prepared to pay a big sum cos of the inter haggling. if we came on and paid the full asking price then there's a good chance a side like Inter won't bother negotiating anymore. i dont think Koeman was even manager when VDV left.

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Jefferson Farfan is another good young player who has been linked with big clubs but never got the move. can also play wide-right iirc and isn't playing for Peru atm cos he was found with prossies in his room while on international duty.

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