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Realistic Summer Targets


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Guest LucaAltieri

I wouldn`t mind trying for someone line David Suazo at Inter.....hasn`t had a much chance at Inter in terms of being a starter this season but he`s a very good player with pace, power and finishing ability. Rather him than Henry tbh


Not a bad call, actually. However, Cruz is pushing on. Suazo must fancy his chances of getting a regular first team place. Also, I'm not so sure  he offers us anything more than Martins would.


Then again, who'd complain about having two of Martins?

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Denilson from Arsenal has only started 2 league games this season, that's despite Gilberto being out of favour and Diaby injured for most the year. Maybe Wenger doesn't have faith in him, anyway, might be worth a cheeky bid. Wenger seems to let those youngsters he doesn't rate go very easily.

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Denilson from Arsenal has only started 2 league games this season, that's despite Gilberto being out of favour and Diaby injured for most the year. Maybe Wenger doesn't have faith in him, anyway, might be worth a cheeky bid. Wenger seems to let those youngsters he doesn't rate go very easily.


Had a hamstring injury couple of months ago, apparently came back too soon and suffered a setback.  That's what I was told the week before last.  That would explain why Whinger hasn't been picking him!  He's not in the scum squad playing Spurs reserves tonight.  Not optimistic but I'll be there all the same. 

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We need Peter Crouch here.  Get him in the summer.


Owen, Crouch, Martins, Viduka - plenty of quality options up front there!


I wouldn't want Crouch, we need a big man with more pace and movement than he's got.

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Dont like Crouch here either, doesnt strike me as the typeof striker that Keegan would want  either. His healthy knack of popping up ad scroign the odd important goal has disguised the fact that actually he's a very avergae layer who desnt really excel in any particular aspect of his game.

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Dont like Crouch here either, doesnt strike me as the typeof striker that Keegan would want  either. His healthy knack of popping up ad scroign the odd important goal has disguised the fact that actually he's a very avergae layer who desnt really excel in any particular aspect of his game.


I agree.

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Zigic anyone? If you're going to go on about Crouch, again.


Haven't seen much of him lately, he's jus fannying abou on Valencia's bench at the mo & they've been shocking lately.


He looked pretty good at Racing last year mind.

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tal ben haim? was good at bolton, seems to be forgotten about at chelsea


Most obvious player we should be siging. Him and Faye centre back.


We should be aiming for better than Ben Haim if we're spending money.

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Guest shaun11177

Crouch was excellent against Arsenal-his link up play and his ability to hold up the ball were second to none-if you want a player to rotate with Viduka he would ideal.

If you want a different type of striker-thats a different debut.

Vucinic of Roma looks very good. 

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Santa Cruz would be a great siging but we're looking for realistic sigings here!


Blackburn simply wouldnt do busines with him and it would take silly money to even tempt them!


Whereas Crouch is looking unsettled and IMO would jump at a chance to sign for a big club where he could play every week, star and push on with his england career! (can only imagine Crocuh and Owen playing well togehter at club level would help their cause at international!)


Crouch has 14 in 26 for England and seems to score a fair few goasl at Liverpool WHEN he plays!


His approach play is extrmely under-rated, it is expected due to his height that he should be winning headers and flick ons, yet he actually is really good at taking the ball down and laying it off, the key trait of 'the big man' in a front three formation!


He is one I'd love to see here, honestly believe Martins and Owen would thrive off him, but yet theres something in my head, and dont know why, that has me excited about this Gomis character!

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Adriano would be an absoltely immense signing as well, would be immense in the PL as well, i know he has a huge amount of baggage but i beleive if he's able to enjoy his football and have a team built around him he could thrive here.


I genuinelyf eel that there are some surprisingly big targets going by some of Keegans quotes.

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Guest LucaAltieri

Crouch was excellent against Arsenal-his link up play and his ability to hold up the ball were second to none-if you want a player to rotate with Viduka he would ideal.

If you want a different type of striker-thats a different debut.

Vucinic of Roma looks very good. 


Vucinic is very good technically. He works fairly hard and could be instrumental in build up play but in terms of goals he's not prolific. He's not particularly strong or quick. Very much Kuyt the second.

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Crouch was excellent against Arsenal-his link up play and his ability to hold up the ball were second to none-if you want a player to rotate with Viduka he would ideal.

If you want a different type of striker-thats a different debut.

Vucinic of Roma looks very good. 


Vucinic is very good technically. He works fairly hard and could be instrumental in build up play but in terms of goals he's not prolific. He's not particularly strong or quick. Very much Kuyt the second.

agree with all that, but i'm amazed how people assume he's good technically.. he's not bad at taking on people, but he can hardly run straight with the ball and his dribbling style is very much kick the ball and run after it.. he was also quite prolific for Lecce..

i don't really like him as a player, although after his goal vs Madrid i told myself i'd never talk bad about him again.. same as Taddei

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Guest LucaAltieri

Crouch was excellent against Arsenal-his link up play and his ability to hold up the ball were second to none-if you want a player to rotate with Viduka he would ideal.

If you want a different type of striker-thats a different debut.

Vucinic of Roma looks very good. 


Vucinic is very good technically. He works fairly hard and could be instrumental in build up play but in terms of goals he's not prolific. He's not particularly strong or quick. Very much Kuyt the second.

agree with all that, but i'm amazed how people assume he's good technically.. he's not bad at taking on people, but he can hardly run straight with the ball and his dribbling style is very much kick the ball and run after it.. he was also quite prolific for Lecce..

i don't really like him as a player, although after his goal vs Madrid i told myself i'd never talk bad about him again.. same as Taddei


I rate him as a player, don't get me wrong. Comparing him to Kuyt wasn't meant to be an insult - they both bring a lot to a team. I just don't think either of them are players we need or would know how to use.


Vucinic doesn't score that many goals, save one great season at Lecce. With the likes of Owen, Martins and Viduka in the squad I don't think it'd be a good move for either party.

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people are now asuming that just because we have 1) keegan and 2) money that all the best players in the world are going to flock to us. and this is the relaistic target thread? henry- too good for us deco- likewise. i would love to see us sign bentley, but blackburn are higher in the league than us, chalenging for 6th plaace this season. it would take a lot for it to come off. we arent goiing to be able to attract players the calibre of owen and martins im afraid. this is just like th mackems thinking that they would get forlan and keane. not going to happen, although id like to think wed get better than chopra and andy reid!!

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people are now asuming that just because we have 1) keegan and 2) money that all the best players in the world are going to flock to us. and this is the relaistic target thread? henry- too good for us deco- likewise. i would love to see us sign bentley, but blackburn are higher in the league than us, chalenging for 6th plaace this season. it would take a lot for it to come off. we arent goiing to be able to attract players the calibre of owen and martins im afraid. this is just like th mackems thinking that they would get forlan and keane. not going to happen, although id like to think wed get better than chopra and andy reid!!


Was reading the mackems "realistic summer transfer" thread the other day and was thinking what a crazy bunch of delusional idiots they were, saying that Keane should go for the likes of Bentley or Martins. Then I come here and see us seriously talking about Henry, Deco and Ronaldinho.

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