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Kinnear Out


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Yes he's far from ideal but lets give the fella credit for today.


Portsmouths worst home defeat since they got back in the Premier League. No mean feat.

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Guest Howaythetoon

He's like Roeder, the less decisions and choices he has to make the better we seem to do which is pretty much letting the players get on with it as they are good players when they want to be. I'm a torn man when it comes to Kinnear, half of me is embarrassed he is our manager and I accept he is a very poor manager but the other half of me is grateful and desperate for him not just for the side and our club but him personally too because despite his bullshit and pathetic spats with the media and officials, he's a genuine football man who must be loving it here and like our club, maybe deserves a bit of luck. I'm very pleased for him as well today and I'd be happy if after all of this he lands a good job somewhere.

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he's getting some unfair flak, Kinnear. He's got the players heads up and some spirit in the club, very difficult under the current circumstances and its what we need if we are going to stay up. Thats all that matters, his public comments are irrelevant, and some of the rants are staged anyway to promote the spirit in the dressing room.


Whether he will get the job long term and whether he's worth it, I don't know, it depends what he does with the clubs money and how much he gets.

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He's learning, but I still hate the fucking clown.


Enrique deserves an apology for Kinnear's comments after his second-half performance today. If it was me I'd have told him to fuck off and started packing my bags for Spain.

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he's getting some unfair flak, Kinnear. He's got the players heads up and some spirit in the club, very difficult under the current circumstances and its what we need if we are going to stay up. Thats all that matters, his public comments are irrelevant, and some of the rants are staged anyway to promote the spirit in the dressing room.


Whether he will get the job long term and whether he's worth it, I don't know, it depends what he does with the clubs money and how much he gets.


public comments are very relevant when he's a first team player knowing he'll probably be gone in January

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Guest Howaythetoon

Its hard to stay calm in all of this (the mess we are in) and naturally Kinnear regardless will get caught up in some of it and unfairly so at times which I've been guilty of myself. I've always said however that a manager can make life easier for himself by making the correct decisions even when we get beat. Lose and make the wrong decisions as has happened and it infuriates people, i.e. Stoke.

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Guest Chris P

As far as I see it, Kinnear was the only manager out there who had the balls to stand up and have a go at what was a quickly sinking ship. He's managed to gain some consistancy, even if its below what the vast majority of fans think we should be achieveing. We could have quite easily been at rock bottom with a large percentage of the players wanting out as soon as the January window came along.


True enough he has made some bad decisions but as much as I would want to manage the club, there would be no way I would have taken the role when he did. He was destined for failure, with only a tiny slither of light available for any sort of success. People have got to remember that we have a thin squad of average players and that mid table was the very best we were ever going to achieve this season (even if, dare I say it, the walking talking messiah was still here).


Theres still a lot of anger around the place after the events at the beginnning of the season and this was bound to come out as soon as a few bad results came our way. The team and men making the decisions at this very tricky stage in the clubs history need the support because the last we need is further changes. We are starting to gain some consistancy again and results will come eventually. Theres still half the season left and we are far from being 'left behind'. I'd much rather be in the scenario we have now than back when the club was in TOTAL freefall only a few months ago.


Kinnear will at least have my support until the end of the season!




well said

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he's getting some unfair flak, Kinnear. He's got the players heads up and some spirit in the club, very difficult under the current circumstances and its what we need if we are going to stay up. Thats all that matters, his public comments are irrelevant, and some of the rants are staged anyway to promote the spirit in the dressing room.


Whether he will get the job long term and whether he's worth it, I don't know, it depends what he does with the clubs money and how much he gets.


Very sensible post Beermonster.

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I like Kinnear in many ways, its only his substitutions, which can be absolutely baffling, that stop me from rating him as a decent to good manager.  He's certainly done well in picking starting sides in my view.  Unlike so many Newcastle managers (Roeder, Souness, Allardyce) in the past he hasn't kept dropping back to the same underperforming players no matter what.  If someone's done well they've kept their place and that counts for a lot IMO.  He just has to learn from some of his substitution nightmares and if he can do that I'd be very impressed with him.

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he's getting some unfair flak, Kinnear. He's got the players heads up and some spirit in the club, very difficult under the current circumstances and its what we need if we are going to stay up. Thats all that matters, his public comments are irrelevant, and some of the rants are staged anyway to promote the spirit in the dressing room.


Whether he will get the job long term and whether he's worth it, I don't know, it depends what he does with the clubs money and how much he gets.


public comments are very relevant when he's a first team player knowing he'll probably be gone in January


didn't effect anything today did it ?


Simple fact is, his comments don't matter. If Owen wants to go, he'll go and if the club do anything to persuade him that its worthwhile to stay, then he would stay.


Keegan staying may have persuaded him to stay, but because of the current situation you couldn't blame him for wanting to go. Plenty of players over the years have looked like they were leaving clubs ie Gerrard for Chelsea and Ronaldo last summer, and the press speculation and comments made by agents, managers or anybody, made not the slightest bit of difference



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he's getting some unfair flak, Kinnear. He's got the players heads up and some spirit in the club, very difficult under the current circumstances and its what we need if we are going to stay up. Thats all that matters, his public comments are irrelevant, and some of the rants are staged anyway to promote the spirit in the dressing room.


Whether he will get the job long term and whether he's worth it, I don't know, it depends what he does with the clubs money and how much he gets.


public comments are very relevant when he's a first team player knowing he'll probably be gone in January


didn't effect anything today did it ?


Simple fact is, his comments don't matter. If Owen wants to go, he'll go and if the club do anything to persuade him that its worthwhile to stay, then he would stay.


Keegan staying may have persuaded him to stay, but because of the current situation you couldn't blame him for wanting to go. Plenty of players over the years have looked like they were leaving clubs ie Gerrard for Chelsea and Ronaldo last summer, and the press speculation and comments made by agents, managers or anybody, made not the slightest bit of difference




Hopefully you're right when referring to Gerrard etc. Don't forget as well that he's consistently said (including after today's game) that we've not actually offered him a new contract yet*. If he keeps scoring and he doesn't get better offers elsewhere he may well stay.


*Btw I don't know how this relates to this statement the club released: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/n/newcastle_united/7578328.stm. Yet more propaganda? Looks like it.

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he's getting some unfair flak, Kinnear. He's got the players heads up and some spirit in the club, very difficult under the current circumstances and its what we need if we are going to stay up. Thats all that matters, his public comments are irrelevant, and some of the rants are staged anyway to promote the spirit in the dressing room.


Whether he will get the job long term and whether he's worth it, I don't know, it depends what he does with the clubs money and how much he gets.


public comments are very relevant when he's a first team player knowing he'll probably be gone in January


didn't effect anything today did it ?


Simple fact is, his comments don't matter. If Owen wants to go, he'll go and if the club do anything to persuade him that its worthwhile to stay, then he would stay.


Keegan staying may have persuaded him to stay, but because of the current situation you couldn't blame him for wanting to go. Plenty of players over the years have looked like they were leaving clubs ie Gerrard for Chelsea and Ronaldo last summer, and the press speculation and comments made by agents, managers or anybody, made not the slightest bit of difference




Hopefully you're right when referring to Gerrard etc. Don't forget as well that he's consistently said (including after today's game) that we've not actually offered him a new contract yet*. If he keeps scoring and he doesn't get better offers elsewhere he may well stay.


*Btw I don't know how this relates to this statement the club released: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/n/newcastle_united/7578328.stm. Yet more propaganda? Looks like it.


His agent confirmed they had received the offer from us and that they were going to talk about it and arrange more talks with us, once Keegan and Jimenez went and the club went up for sale it all went out of the window.

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he's getting some unfair flak, Kinnear. He's got the players heads up and some spirit in the club, very difficult under the current circumstances and its what we need if we are going to stay up. Thats all that matters, his public comments are irrelevant, and some of the rants are staged anyway to promote the spirit in the dressing room.


Whether he will get the job long term and whether he's worth it, I don't know, it depends what he does with the clubs money and how much he gets.


Very sensible post Beermonster.


Remarkably so.


I was just looking at the BBC match report and the intro says something about us ending "a five-game winless run". Made me think, fuck off, that's now five games without defeat. It's a slow process and very far from spectacular, but we seem to be turning a corner. Got a feeling that a number of teams are going to be contesting that 18th place for a good while yet, though.

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