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West Ham agree fee in region of £15m with Liverpool for Andy Carroll

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What irks me most about this Spurs/Carroll saga is that we'd never hear the end of it Saggy face moaning if someone continually whacked in bids for Bale in spite of both the manager and club continually reiterating that he's not for sale. Bunch of cunts that Spurs lot, and hypocrites to boot.

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We should release a statement that two things need to happen for a bid to be accepted, first Andy Carroll handing in a transfer request, secondly a club offering £50m up front, anything less won't be considered.




that's a stupid idea

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Why advertise a price? Why imply he might want to go? Talk about publically shooting yourself in the foot, that would be terrible.


What they've done so far is fine. He's not for sale.


Having him constantly linked with a move away and several bids come in is just as bad. Its unsettling for everyone.



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Guest Stephen927

Why advertise a price? Why imply he might want to go? Talk about publically shooting yourself in the foot, that would be terrible.


What they've done so far is fine. He's not for sale.


Having him constantly linked with a move away and several bids come in is just as bad. Its unsettling for everyone.




No one appears to be unsettled yet, so no need to take any action other than rejecting bids that fall below the club's valuation of Carroll.

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No idea why anyone would think selling AC for 25m is good business for us when we all know where the cash will go. As for the Aguero comparison, Aguero hasn't done it in the Premier League, and it's a massive "if" that he would make the transition (Shevchenko springs to mind).


People keep saying this. We "know" no such thing, What we DO know (those of us who have been paying attention, anyway) is that a) Ashley has taken absolutely no money out of the club so far, and b) he has said that all money from player sales will go back into the squad, and that, from the accounts published so far, this has indeed been the case.


I don't really want it to happen, because we all need our heroes, but there's a rational argument for selling Carroll for big bucks and using the proceeds to rebuild the squad, much as Everton did with Rooney. It would be nonsense to try to do this now, though, days before the end of the transfer window.

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Just waiting for Carroll hands in transfer request now.

Why would he?


I meant SSN will report it form there sources, there is only a few days left, they need to make something uo.


Do you ever smile SUPERDOOM?

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Why advertise a price? Why imply he might want to go? Talk about publically shooting yourself in the foot, that would be terrible.


What they've done so far is fine. He's not for sale.


Having him constantly linked with a move away and several bids come in is just as bad. Its unsettling for everyone.




No one appears to be unsettled yet, so no need to take any action other than rejecting bids that fall below the club's valuation of Carroll.


Yet is the keyword there, only a matter of time and if through agents bigger clubs than Tottenham find out he's thinking about a move it opens a door i doubt we can close. If we put a price on him £50m, it stops Tottenham's shite bids and the player can get on playing for Newcastle and bigger clubs can leave us alone, unless he wants to leave, then he has to hand in his transfer request, forfeiting any % of the transfer fee.  


Harry obviously thinks he's getting close with £25m, and because of that he'll come back again with £28m, then £30m etc...whereas we say £50m he climbs back under his rock and uses his contacts to unsettle someone else's player.

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What irks me most about this Spurs/Carroll saga is that we'd never hear the end of it Saggy face moaning if someone continually whacked in bids for Bale in spite of both the manager and club continually reiterating that he's not for sale. Bunch of cunts that Spurs lot, and hypocrites to boot.


We should just do this tbh. Everytime the saggy scrotum faced wankbag talks about Carroll, talk about Bale. Everytime the saggy scrotum faced wankbag puts in a bid for Carroll, put in a piss-takingly derisory bid for Bale. Just show them up for the pieces of shit they are and irritate the fuck out of them. Hell, I'd be so immature I'd put someone on the payroll to contact Spurs every one minute, placing new bids for Bale, upping the offer by 1p everytime.

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Just waiting for Carroll hands in transfer request now.

Why would he?


I meant SSN will report it form there sources, there is only a few days left, they need to make something uo.


Do you ever smile SUPERDOOM?


Not usually supporting Newcastle.

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What irks me most about this Spurs/Carroll saga is that we'd never hear the end of it Saggy face moaning if someone continually whacked in bids for Bale in spite of both the manager and club continually reiterating that he's not for sale. Bunch of cunts that Spurs lot, and hypocrites to boot.


We should just do this tbh. Everytime the saggy scrotum faced wankbag talks about Carroll, talk about Bale. Everytime the saggy scrotum faced wankbag puts in a bid for Carroll, put in a piss-takingly derisory bid for Bale. Just show them up for the pieces of shit they are and irritate the fuck out of them. Hell, I'd be so immature I'd put someone on the payroll to contact Spurs every one minute, placing new bids for Bale, upping the offer by 1p everytime.


I here Andy Gray is looking for work.



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What irks me most about this Spurs/Carroll saga is that we'd never hear the end of it Saggy face moaning if someone continually whacked in bids for Bale in spite of both the manager and club continually reiterating that he's not for sale. Bunch of cunts that Spurs lot, and hypocrites to boot.


We should just do this tbh. Everytime the saggy scrotum faced wankbag talks about Carroll, talk about Bale. Everytime the saggy scrotum faced wankbag puts in a bid for Carroll, put in a piss-takingly derisory bid for Bale. Just show them up for the pieces of shit they are and irritate the fuck out of them. Hell, I'd be so immature I'd put someone on the payroll to contact Spurs every one minute, placing new bids for Bale, upping the offer by 1p everytime.


:lol: I was thinking something similar.

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People keep saying this. We "know" no such thing, What we DO know (those of us who have been paying attention, anyway) is that a) Ashley has taken absolutely no money out of the club so far, and b) he has said that all money from player sales will go back into the squad, and that, from the accounts published so far, this has indeed been the case.


I don't really want it to happen, because we all need our heroes, but there's a rational argument for selling Carroll for big bucks and using the proceeds to rebuild the squad, much as Everton did with Rooney. It would be nonsense to try to do this now, though, days before the end of the transfer window.


Ashley has taken money out of the club and it was in out accounts, he didn't take much but it was a few £million.

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There may be better strikers in the world but I don't think there is any top striker more suited to the English game than Andy Carroll right now. Nobody will give you a better return over the next 4 or 5 seasons. You could not replace him at any price.

Time to worry will be when Man Utd come sniffing which if he has another good season and stays clear of injury, I think they will.

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