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Joe Kinnear has triple heart bypass surgery, home on Sunday


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Guest sicko2ndbest

So he's a legend now :lol:


for keeping us up when no-one wanted the job and we were heading for oblivion, yes i think he is a legend.


a one season wonder in a positive sense


if he carries on next season however, i will re-consider my feelings towards him

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Guest toonlass

BBC as accurate as ever.



Kinnear told to stay in hospital  


Newcastle thoughts were with Kinnear

Newcastle manager Joe Kinnear is to remain in hospital under observation for a couple of days


Kinnear went to hospital after feeling unwell before the 3-2 win at West Brom, but he has undergone tests and is "okay" according to a club spokesman.


The spokesman added: "He will remain in hospital for observation for a couple of days and will then be discharged."


The 62-year-old Kinnear, who suffered a mild heart attack in March 1999, took over as Magpies boss in September 2008.


The former Spurs and Republic of Ireland defender was admitted to hospital on Saturday morning after complaining of high blood pressure, but was kept informed of events at the Hawthorns by his grandson.


"I would like to thank everyone who has been asking how I have been feeling," said Kinnear, who has been visited in hospital by first-team coach Hughton and Newcastle managing director Derek Llambias.


"Joe was in good spirits and had been listening to the game all afternoon," said Llambias. "And in typical Joe fashion, he was more concerned about the team's win than himself.


"He was nice and relaxed and hopefully will be back home in a couple of days."


After Kevin Keegan quit Newcastle earlier this season, Kinnear was offered a rolling monthly contract, which was then extended until the end of the season, while last month he revealed he had been offered a two-year deal to remain on Tyneside.


Hughton took charge of the side for the 3-2 victory at West Brom, which eased the Magpies' relegation worries.


"I have been with him for most of the time as per normal in the build-up to the game," said Hughton afterwards. "We prepared for the game as per normal.  606: DEBATE

Get well soon Joe and lets hope it's not serious




"We have a good group of lads and with Joe, they are very fond of him as a manager and appreciate the job he has done.


"They were very much aware of what happened and I am sure that was in their minds."


Kinnear suffered his mild heart attack while in charge of Wimbledon and later stood down because of ill-health.


He went on to manage Luton and Nottingham Forest but then spent four years out of the game.


West Brom manager Tony Mowbray said: "We wish Joe a speedy recovery.


"We are all in this industry together and it can be a stressful job at times.


"Whether that had anything to do with it, I don't know but we hope he gets back to work as soon as he can."


Newcastle's next game is away at Everton on 22 February.




No its not, its at home! Anyway, get well soon Joe, cup of tea and the slippers on for a few days. Supporting Newcastle is bad enough on the blood pressure, so I cannot imagine what managing Newcastle United is like.


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Guest Howaythetoon

How do you complain of high blood pressure btw?


Do you think 'Oh, the pressure of my blood is a bit high, I better go to the hospital'?


He will probably have a blood pressure monitor he carries around with him but high blood pressure alone isn't enough to get you admitted to hospital never mind be kept in for a few days. There are no real symptoms of high blood pressure although severe cases of it which is extremely rare, can bring about major headaches, fits, black outs and loss of vision and can lead to strokes and heart attacks. If he has this rare form of high blood pressure, he'll not be returning to the dugout any time soon and probably never again.


If he's had an angina attack or a heart attack, the same should apply although after a few days rest and some treatment there is nothing stopping him going back to the dugout, he will however run the risk of it happening again and anyone who has angina or who knows someone who does will know that its basically a ticking time bomb and will very likely kill you one day. My dad had it and it wasn't very nice let me tell you, sadly heart disease is hereditary so I better look after my own health a little bit better. Smoking of course is the major cause of heart disease, that and an unhealthy lifestyle in terms of diet and excercise.


If you suffer from angina stress and strenuous excercise will trigger an attack which leads to pins and needles or cramp in the arm, pain around the neck area, light headedness, a tightening of the chest and shooting pains directly from the heart.


I remember when my dad first suffered an angina attack, this was before we knew he had angina, and he collapsed and we all thought he was going to die.


He ended up on blood thinners, these tablets for his cholesterol, and he had to take inhalers for his breathing and some other tablets that he would have to put in his mouth, he had to take these daily. If he didn't he'd suffer an angina attack even in his sleep.


Another bloke I know has angina and luckily for him he is quite healthy in that he doesn't smoke and enjoys a healthy diet, but he's a stress head and because of that he will suffer angina attacks (very mild) daily simply because of the stress he puts himself under.


Another thing with angina sufferers is they bruise very badly due to their thin blood, if you grabbed an angina sufferer by the arm tightly for example, within minutes a bruise will start to form and their arm would look like someone has taken a hammer to it.


It wouldn't surprise me if his state of health is the reason why he hasn't signed the contract he seems intent on claiming he has been offered and that his health is also one of the reasons why Calderwood has joined the coaching staff.


He can come back and see out the season if he returns from his stay in hospital with the all clear, but you'd have to question his health issues if you were his doctor, employer and his wife, and indeed if you were the man himself.


Kinnear's health is more important than his job at Newcastle United.


We are speculating of course but you don't get admitted to hospital and stay there for a few days with high blood pressure which is actually common in most adults over the age of 40, unless there is something seriously wrong with you health wise and knowing Kinnear's health problems, it would be wise if all concerned recognised that and called time on this particular relationship, for the good of the club and more importantly Kinnear himself.



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Guest toonlass

He has a history of heart trouble though. Coupled with high blood pressure (and we don't know if he passed out etc in the hotel) then they may keep him in for observation.

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Feel gutted for Joe, he absoloutly wanted the best for this club and anyone who thikns otherwise can fuck off! Knowone else wanted the post which he took on and to be fair to him he's put up with a lot of shit from both the board of this club over transfers and the majority fans who i believe have never accepted him and what he was trying to do. Until these two factors are resolved this club will never turn the corner.


All i can say is get well soon Joe, thankyou for stepping up the plate and trying to save this club when knowone else could give a fuck, and if he has any sense he'l drop his dream of football management and concentrate on living the rest of his life.


what are you actually SAYING here though? that 'wanting the best for the club' is a trait that should be applauded in a manager? isnt that part of the definition of a managers job? its like praising a mother for feeding her children. who never accepted what he was trying to do? he's been trying to win football matches for nufc, which nufc fans didnt accept that?


he took the job because he was desperate to get back into management, he was desperate to get back into management because no-one would give him a job, no-one would give him a job because he's not a good manager. just because he's in hospital doesnt mean we have to wax lyrical about him.


I know one thing.  If a few more players wanted what was best for the club then we wouldn't be in half the mess we are now.

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Guest Howaythetoon

He has a history of heart trouble though. Coupled with high blood pressure (and we don't know if he passed out etc in the hotel) then they may keep him in for observation.


If his high blood pressure caused him to pass out then he'll have a rare form of high blood pressure and Newcastle United is no environment for someone who suffers from such a form of hypertension.

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Have to agree with the sentiments wishing him all the best, and to be honest if we don't go down, then I personally will give Kinnear as much credit as possible for keeping us up and well deserved too.


The bigger picture is that it has to tell Mike Ashley, or whoever he can sell the club to, to move on and look elsewhere.



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Guest sicko2ndbest

Hope he returns sharpish. Houghton is not up to it and i dread to think who Ashley's next choice would be if Joe left.


Calderwood is there as well now!

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This was bound to happen, after what went on in the transfer window JK said this a risk, I guess Shay feels happy now that he has been given the okay.

Afte all it was Given's fault, Joe said "Shay leaving has left me heartbroken".


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I dont in anyway wish ill health on the guy but in the short and long term it cannot be in his best interests with a medical condition like he has to return to us ,





Joe keen on quick return


Feb 9 2009 by Mark Douglas, The Journal


JOE Kinnear is determined to brush off his weekend health scare and return to leading Newcastle United’s fight for Premier League survival.


Kinnear spent the weekend in Good Hope hospital in Sutton Coldfield after falling ill at United’s Belfry training base on Saturday morning, reporting symptoms of pins and needles in his side and high blood pressure.


With his history of heart problems, Kinnear was admitted to hospital immediately and was due to be released today after being kept under observation for a couple of nights in the West Midlands.


The Newcastle boss was comfortable in hospital last night and already indicating that he intends to resume his frontline duties after a period of recuperation – although there will be consultations with doctors before a final decision is made.


It remains to be seen what the advice of medical professionals will be to United’s 62-year-old boss, and both the club and Kinnear will be will duty bound to listen to any definitive advice given to them.


But first-team coach Chris Hughton, who oversaw the team’s crucial 3-2 victory over West Brom on Saturday, says that Kinnear has already indicated his desire to return to work as soon as possible.


“Joe is in very good spirits, he was on good form and sort of dismissing it all really. He couldn’t really see what the fuss is about and his thinking is very much looking forward to getting back to work as soon as possible,” he said.


“It was typical of Joe when we went to see him – all he was interested in was how the team had done and the way he was


talking he is determined to be back. He is the type of person who will dismiss things like this; his main priority was the result, which he was delighted with.


“We’ll know the exact situation later in the week I’m sure, he was due to be released today and any decisions will be made by Joe and the doctors.


“That’s for them to make the ultimate decision.”


Hughton will take control of first-team duties along with fellow coach Colin Calderwood if Kinnear is forced into any prolonged absence from his managerial duties.


United would look to appoint another manager if health concerns made it impossible for Kinnear to return but at the moment that eventuality appears far from the minds of Mike Ashley and Derek Llambias, who visited their ailing manager on Saturday night after watching the team win at the Hawthorns.


“I think Joe was particularly happy with the three points at West Brom, as we all were,” Hughton added.


“We are all aware of the games that we have to play, and we’ve got some difficult teams to play in the next few weeks, so this was a game we really had to win.


“Looking at the results of the teams around us, this gives us a huge opportunity to build and get away from the relegation zone. It was hugely important – we all knew that.”


The news on Kinnear’s condition appears to suggest that it is not a serious problem. A club spokesman said: “He underwent a series of tests during the day and the subsequent results have shown he is okay.


“As a precaution, Joe will remain in hospital for observation for a couple of days and will then be discharged.” Skipper Nicky Butt admitted it was good to give Kinnear a lift with the victory – and dismissed talk that the manager’s illness might have taken away from their focus ahead of a game of huge importance.


“Not really, no. We were focused on a massive task, which was to get three points, anyway,” the midfielder said.


“I think he’s just been taken for tests and the like. It’s nice to win it and give him a bit of lift.


“But it wasn’t a case if added motivation because we were really focused on the game anyway.”


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Guest Toon Barmy

Hope he returns sharpish. Houghton is not up to it and i dread to think who Ashley's next choice would be if Joe left.


Why would Ashley look anywhere else when we have an ex-manager already at the club in DENNIS WISE? Makes sense.

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heard a rumour that the club are letting kinnear go because of bad health and are bringing in curbishley. :pow:

Curbishley,thats believable.Hes not a bad manager,certainly better than JK.He certainly wouldnt be my first choice but we arent exactly the pick of the bunch ourselves are we?Didnt Curbishley leave for the same reason KK left?

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heard a rumour that the club are letting kinnear go because of bad health and are bringing in curbishley. :pow:

Curbishley,thats believable.Hes not a bad manager,certainly better than JK.He certainly wouldnt be my first choice but we arent exactly the pick of the bunch ourselves are we?Didnt Curbishley leave for the same reason KK left?


that was the first thing that i thought of yeah. just a rumour though, may aswell share these things

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Fuck Kinnear and Curbishley, get Scolari in now. Sack Wise and the rest of the recruitment-crew, give Scolari the time and patience he deserves and watch us shoot up the league.


If only it was that simple.

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Curbs would be an excellent appointment. Although I wouldn't think that we could get him because he'd be a bit wary of who he's working under due to how things ended for him at West Ham.


Would be about on par with Steve Bruce.

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I've no idea why Curbishley would come here.


Because he's unemployed? Curbishley will be lucky if his next job is in the top flight, if i was him i would jump at the chance.


Personally i don't rate him.

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