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Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST)


Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST)   

186 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you / do you intend to pledge to the 1892 Pledge scheme orchestrated by the NUST?

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5 minutes ago, Sima said:

The only movements I think have anything relatively productive are Sack Pardew and The Magpie Group (I think it was them that organises the 11th minute boycott and the SD protests).


Sack Pardew, yeah. Think when he went on Coaches' Voice on YouTube he pretty much said that that campaign coupled with the atmosphere at home to Cardiff in 2014 made his mind up about leaving. Still took Palace to come in, mind.


I did the 11th minute late walk in with my dad and we got stick when we got to our row. 'That's done a lot of good, we're getting beat now' is what someone said to my dad, as West Ham scored on the 11th minute. That's made my dad not really arsed about protests anymore. Uptake was naff as well tbh, only probably around 1k. Still something though.


Yeah the SD stuff was going on around July-October 2018? The online stuff anyway. There was a protest planned at Shirebrook where coaches would drive down full of people and they'd protest but it didn't happen and was an utter shambles iirc.



Edited by HaydnNUFC

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Just now, HaydnNUFC said:


Sack Pardew, yeah. Think when he went on Coaches' Voice on YouTube he pretty much said that that campaign coupled with the atmosphere at home to Cardiff in 2014 made his mind up about leaving. Still took Palace to come in, mind.


I did the 11th minute late walk in with my dad and we got stick when we got to our row. 'That's done a lot of good, we're getting beat now' is what someone said to my dad, as West Ham scored on the 11th minute. That's made my dad not really arsed about protests anymore.


Yeah the SD stuff was going on around July-October 2018? The online stuff anyway. There was a protest planned at Shirebrook where coaches would drive down full of people and they'd protest but it didn't happen and was an utter shambles iirc.

Imagine Bruce if he got that reception Pardew got against Cardiff at home? He would have a breakdown. 


Says a lot that we won 3-0. The anti protest mongos will tell you that protests are detrimental to the team though (as if the Lurpack Guzzler isn’t enough of a detriment).

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What a fucking load of shit. While I’m supportive of the pledge idea, I’m stopping. I’d been quite excited by the whole thing but the trust can fuck off after these past few days. Fucking arseholes.

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3 minutes ago, Sima said:

Mad how they’ve got £161K sitting in an account.  What the fuck are they doing with it?  Just letting it sit there until they get to a magical figure?

It’s taken 6 months to reach that. At this rate they’ll take approx 10 years to reach £3m which is about 1% of the club’s value. One of their other selling points was if we tumble down the leagues and our value decreases they’d get a bigger stake and more control. Last thing this club needs after Ashley is these having a say in decisions.

Heron seemed like the one ray of hope of bringing about some change in its mentality but going by his words tonight, it seems clear they don’t share the same view. They’re a mirror of Mike Ashley’s Newcastle. Such a shame.


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14 minutes ago, Doctor Zaius said:

Every time I've heard Heron speak about action, protests and the state of the club he's been spot on imo. If he's jacked in his position on the board, it tells you all you need to know about NUST.


That Alex Hurst is the absolute antithesis of what we need right now. He's absolutely useless. 


Fanbase is a cucked to bits at the moment like. Spirits have been well and truly broke.

Appreciate this mate

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4 minutes ago, HaydnNUFC said:


Sack Pardew, yeah. Think when he went on Coaches' Voice on YouTube he pretty much said that that campaign coupled with the atmosphere at home to Cardiff in 2014 made his mind up about leaving. Still took Palace to come in, mind.


I did the 11th minute late walk in with my dad and we got stick when we got to our row. 'That's done a lot of good, we're getting beat now' is what someone said to my dad, as West Ham scored on the 11th minute. That's made my dad not really arsed about protests anymore. Uptake was naff as well tbh, only probably around 1k. Still something though.


Yeah the SD stuff was going on around July-October 2018? The online stuff anyway. There was a protest planned at Shirebrook where coaches would drive down full of people and they'd protest but it didn't happen and was an utter shambles iirc.




Are you me? As that was exactly my experience.

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5 minutes ago, Danh1 said:

Imagine Bruce if he got that reception Pardew got against Cardiff at home? He would have a breakdown. 


Says a lot that we won 3-0. The anti protest mongos will tell you that protests are detrimental to the team though (as if the Lurpack Guzzler isn’t enough of a detriment).


It's what it should've been v Leeds. The fact we still have a likeable number of players is detrimental to it imo, it was easy to hate a lot of the post-January 2013-14 squad. A basic thing people that still go to the games should do is bring these banners into the ground and display them in the East Stand or somewhere where the cameras are looking at often:








Would be far better than going to the games and doing nowt on top of that, because the former is not going to stop, as much as it probably should.



Edited by HaydnNUFC

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3 minutes ago, Mattoon said:

@Heronthank you for trying to make a difference, you're one of the good ones mate, absolutely sucks to see you undermined this way. You've done the right thing in distancing yourself from what's been happening.

Cheers mate. I've probably piled pressure on them even moreso tonight but at least they get it out the way in one go... Appreciate your comments :thup:

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3 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

It’s taken 6 months to reach that. At this rate they’ll take approx 10 years to reach £3m which is about 1% of the club’s value. One of their other selling points was if we tumble down the leagues and our value decreases they’d get a bigger stake and more control. Last thing this club needs after Ashley is these having a say in decisions.

Heron seemed like the one ray of hope of bringing about some change in its mentality but going by his words tonight, it seems clear they don’t share the same view. They’re a mirror of Mike Ashley’s Newcastle. Such a shame.



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1 minute ago, HaydnNUFC said:


It's what it should've been v Leeds. The fact we still have a likeable number of players is detrimental to it imo, it was easy to hate a lot of the post-January 2013-14 squad. A basic thing people that still go to the games is bring these banners into the ground and display them in the East Stand or somewhere where the cameras are looking at often:


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Would be far better than going to the games and doing nowt on top of that, because the former is not going to stop, as much as it probably should.

It'd be class to see these banners smuggled in under generic positive ones before the covers fall away to reveal the anti-Bruce artwork, like. :lol:

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4 minutes ago, Sima said:

Are you me? As that was exactly my experience.


I was in the East Stand, like. :lol: That experience has made me dad not want to protest anymore. The guy's in his 60s, done everything else prior, SP, Spurs boycott, Arsenal boycott, that walk-in. But getting grief for trying to do something to try and affect positive change at the club was too much like. Only something minute but that whole message, aye.



Edited by HaydnNUFC

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6 minutes ago, Sima said:

Are you me? As that was exactly my experience.


I got abuse when I had a SackPardew banner away at Southampton. Luckily on that occasion we lost 4-0 that day, the crowd turned and everyone wanted a hold of it by the end :lol: But I think anyone who's actively participated in any of this stuff has gotten grief off other fans.

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2 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

Jesus. :lol:


Christ almighty. I actually don't mind some of the TF lot as they articulate anti-Bruce sentiment and why he's so shit in the national media quite well, but fuck me. 'The Trust doesn't have a say in sacking Bruce, but we're going to continue to do nowt and just hope he gets sack in lieu of serving up relegation worthy dross every week'.

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12 minutes ago, Danh1 said:

Imagine Bruce if he got that reception Pardew got against Cardiff at home? He would have a breakdown. 


Says a lot that we won 3-0. The anti protest mongos will tell you that protests are detrimental to the team though (as if the Lurpack Guzzler isn’t enough of a detriment).


A big % of those who did generate that atmosphere v Cardiff, where Pardew couldn't even leave his dugout, simply don't go to the match anymore.

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I just don’t get what the point of the Pledge is in this case? Why would NUST want a position on the board if they don’t feel influencing managerial changes, etc are in their remit? They should still be able to try and use their position as the club’s trust to try and influence the club. It’s getting more pathetic.

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