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Habib Beye

Guest sicko2ndbest

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It's a good change to see players decline after they leave, it's still ingrained into me to have seen the likes of Ginola, Ferdinand, Speed (RIP), Bellamy off the top of my head go on to still be successful elsewhere after the board were supposedly 'cashing in'. These kind of transfers have gladly stopped now, for whatever reason, whether it be luck or good common sense.


I agree Duff is where he was when he left - a s*** player who has completely lost his game. Milner, none of us can disagree that 10m was a very good price for the lad, and for him to succeed on the back of us making good money on him, I am not bitter. There was no way of us knowing he was going to develop the way he did. Obviously Keegan saw something and tried to stand in the way of it happening but that's another story for another thread. I think the fee we got for N'Zogbia was good under the circumstances, in that because of JFK he was never going to play for us again, and I feel a bit relieved he hasn't gone on to be a world beater, but who's to say he couldn't have gone on to emulate Milner's development to some degree.




Beye was great for us and the last good RB we've had for a long time.


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Best RB I've ever seen play for us probably. Or at least it seemed that way at the time, it had been that long since the last decent one.


Well he was comfortably miles better than Stephen Carr. But yeah, Beye does rank very highly for me too.


[Previous RBs (the ones I've seen in my lifetime anyway): Watson, Warren Barton, Griffin, Hughes]


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missed this story- whats happened?


As the thread title says, he was officially released by Villa today.


Mutual consent.


I got that man :lol:  was wondering what the background was.


Ah sorry :lol:


Don't think there's any background to it. Just cutting the wage bill I think.

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missed this story- whats happened?


As the thread title says, he was officially released by Villa today.


Mutual consent.


I got that man :lol:  was wondering what the background was.


Don't think there's much to it other than MON signed him and surprise surprise, decided he didn't actually like him. Rotted away since and hasn't been able to come back from it. Just ditching him like we should with Smith.

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Best RB I've ever seen play for us probably. Or at least it seemed that way at the time, it had been that long since the last decent one.


Doesn't take much tbf.


Warren Barton!


He was most expensive defender in the planet or some shit. Probably still is.

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Just gut instinct but I can't see how he'd still be useful. 34 years old, 9 PL appearances in 2 and a half years. Sign him on a derisory wage and then leave him in the reserves. 'Cause I'm petty like that. :snod:

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