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Oh My Good God!


I've just realised what this photo reminds me of:




with apologies to the 'tards.

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There you have it ladies and gents, 5-1 is much more offensive than a swastika.


After a couple of days of belly bursting laughter browsing that forum I have to say that's the funniest one yet.


Previously it was the one where one of them had turned to his mate at the end and said "this place has no class - at least at Sunderland we have class "

That'll be the class which gave us err.... them smashing up their own train home on Sunday, a lass being flattened by a macum (in Sunderland station) for telling him to behave and of course the charva grannie who was in amongst the mob on the pitch "trying" to get at Newcastle fans at the SoS a couple of seasons ago.

Lets not forget them attacking Shay Given during one of their frequent pitch invasions either.

Now there's class for you !

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they are still adamant that they have the better team on paper and they say we are deluded.



seen that a lot yesterday while i was gloating like fuck on smb. they are mental. they dont even see it was that sort of belief that made them look soooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid on sunday.

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