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Pass and move, offer an option to the man on the ball and be confident enough to control the ball and drive it forward.


All so simple, implemented really well yesterday. Didn't hurt them much that we were more than willing to allow them ample time to do what they wanted, either.

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Pass and move, offer an option to the man on the ball and be confident enough to control the ball and drive it forward.


All so simple, implemented really well yesterday. Didn't hurt them much that we were more than willing to allow them ample time to do what they wanted, either.


Granted we made it easy for them yesterday, but they have looked good against better teams than us. I'm notsure they are going to be CL certs next year but their fans will be happy watching that brand of football.

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There were quite a few who were pouring scorn on the appointment of Rogers but I'll bet they don't have much to say now. Football played the right way will always be more successful than the Dalglish/Allardyce method.


They were clinical against a piss poor side.

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Let's see who Rogers wins the title with.


Chelsea and the two Manchester clubs have got the title carved up between them now, no other club has the spending power to compete for it and you know that, so why you are using it to bash Rogers I'm not sure. His remit will be to challenge for that 4th spot and CL, and they can certainly do that next season which would be considered a massive success.

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Let's see who Rogers wins the title with.


Chelsea and the two Manchester clubs have got the title carved up between them now, no other club has the spending power to compete for it and you know that, so why you are using it to bash Rogers I'm not sure. His remit will be to challenge for that 4th spot and CL, and they can certainly do that next season which would be considered a massive success.


Suarez has carried them this season. They've played decent football but they should have been a lot closer to Everton at the very least given their budget and players.

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I'm not bashing Rogers. Just defending Dalglish whose style of football is nowt like Allardyce's, by the way.


You're right it's more like Pardew's, very defensive and fearful of the opposition.

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No Dalglish had them playing decent football too, he just signed shit players.


The football was decent because they were already set up well by Benitez. The longer Dalglish stayed the worse they got, similar to Pardew here.

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No Dalglish had them playing decent football too, he just signed shit players.


The football was decent because they were already set up well by Benitez. The longer Dalglish stayed the worse they got, similar to Pardew here.


Are you forgetting Hodgson? As their football was far from decent under him.

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No Dalglish had them playing decent football too, he just signed s*** players.


Agreed. The Liverpool way and all that but it's actually true. They keep it more and the ground now aye but never a long ball team under Dalglish. It was mostly the crap signings that got him the chop.


I think Rodgers is highly over-rated. They're not much better than they where last year with a Suarez in blistering form. They won't finish in the top 4 within the next couple years.

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No Dalglish had them playing decent football too, he just signed shit players.


The football was decent because they were already set up well by Benitez. The longer Dalglish stayed the worse they got, similar to Pardew here.


Are you forgetting Hodgson? As their football was far from decent under him.


Hodgson tried to change to a 4-4-2 and the players weren't suited to that formation having played so long under Benitez. Dalglish took them back to that style to a point and the players responded, but it was never going to work long term. I said it at the time and that's how it turned out.

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It never worked out long-term due to the shite signings and the Suarez issue. Nothing to do with the way that he had them playing though.


One of his shite signings was Andy Carroll. How did he fit into Liverpool's carpet football plan?



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It never worked out long-term due to the shite signings and the Suarez issue. Nothing to do with the way that he had them playing though.


One of his shite signings was Andy Carroll. How did he fit into Liverpool's carpet football plan?




That was the thing. Dalglish never seemed to actually have a long-term goal he was consistently working towards.

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It never worked out long-term due to the s**** signings and the Suarez issue. Nothing to do with the way that he had them playing though.


One of his s**** signings was Andy Carroll. How did he fit into Liverpool's carpet football plan?




That was the thing. Dalglish never seemed to actually have a long-term goal he was consistently working towards.


Thought it was quite obvious what he was trying to do by buying Downing and Carroll (them 2 at least). Enrique was a good buy too.

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Aye, but it didn't work out, and what did he do then?


Er...dunno (genuinely). What did he do?


Don't you sometimes have to give it a bit of a go?


I'm saying this, i don't follow Liverpool at all and can't remember any of it.


I guess my (only) point was in response to your suggestion that Dalgliesh didn't have a plan for his signings. With the 2 i mentioned, i could see a plan. If it doesn't work out that's a different problem, but he i think he had a clear idea when he bought them.


Henderson was bit more of a conundrum (in my eyes). Although we made him look brilliant i haven't seen him much of his supposed talent otherwise.

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Stupidly tried to make conversation with a Liverpool fan the other day. Just threw a minor compliment of 'at least he's got you back to basics and playing good pass and move football from what I've seen'. At which point he blows up and cries like a motherfucker about that's always been the way they've played, Rodgers hasn't come in and changed the philosophy of the club etc. 'I didn't say that, but you'd lost your way in recent years, I was just saying he's gotten you back on track'. Blows up again. He was near to actually using The Liverpool Waytm ffs. :anguish:

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Aye, but it didn't work out, and what did he do then?


Er...dunno (genuinely). What did he do?


Don't you sometimes have to give it a bit of a go?


I'm saying this, i don't follow Liverpool at all and can't remember any of it.


I guess my (only) point was in response to your suggestion that Dalgliesh didn't have a plan for his signings. With the 2 i mentioned, i could see a plan. If it doesn't work out that's a different problem, but he i think he had a clear idea when he bought them.


Henderson was bit more of a conundrum (in my eyes). Although we made him look brilliant i haven't seen him much of his supposed talent otherwise.


Well, there wasn't really a coherent plan B. We played well, we played not so well, we played badly, then well again etc. etc. There wasn't really any clear progression in the side.


With Rafa (and Hodgson), it was pretty clear what they were working towards, even if the latter had his sights set on the bottom half.

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It never worked out long-term due to the s**** signings and the Suarez issue. Nothing to do with the way that he had them playing though.


One of his s**** signings was Andy Carroll. How did he fit into Liverpool's carpet football plan?




That was the thing. Dalglish never seemed to actually have a long-term goal he was consistently working towards.


Thought it was quite obvious what he was trying to do by buying Downing and Carroll (them 2 at least). Enrique was a good buy too.


That's not a strategy, it's a tactic.


Dalglish football was aimless and inconsistent but never roundly turgid. Get it down and play was the broad aim. Not carpet stuff but better than Pardew, Allardyce and Moyes imo.

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