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Thatcher and cuntish cronies need hauling over the coals as well.....probably the only time I wish Thatcher was still alive. The venomous cunt.


Government papers get declassified after 30 years, wouldn't be surprised if there are additional revelations about political involvement in 2019.

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(1) Delighted that those responsible for maintaining crowd safety that day who ultimately caused the tragedy now are being held accountable. Any cover up was despicable and anyone who used it for personal  or professional gain should also be brought to account.


(2) I'm not comfortable that the behaviour of the crowd has been completely discounted though, you get 50,000+ people in an environment like a semi final then it only takes a small minority to be overly intoxicated and/or acting in a poor manner to create the possibility of a similar scenario where somebody then has to make a decision on how to handle the crowd - another poor decision could not be ruled out here.


I guess what I'm saying is although we've come a long way since the 80's, there is still a potentially unhealthy relationship between big sporting events and behaviour. Unless we continue to look at ourselves as fans (and people) and continue to work on this as a whole population then we are running a risk. Discounting any blame from behaviour will check this progress.


Overall though, really pleased with the ruling and the thorough dilignece and process that has been taken to get here.


The thing is that the jury has spent over 2 years listening to argument and evidence and have decided unanimously that the fans weren't to blame. There will have been fans who'd had a drink or didn't have a tickets but they'll be few in number. The police have drummed this lie from the off and despite this verdict there is still a doubt for some about where all the blame lies. I'm more than happy that the jury has got it right.


I was at Newcastle away games twice in 1985 at Hillsborough, the approach to that end was a bottle neck and once in it was cattle run up that tunnel and you couldn't see the terrace beyond, you had no idea how full it was. The 2nd game was on a Boxing Day and a policeman got hold of me accusing me of being drunk. I hadn't had a single drink, we'd come by car and as was normal we'd been stopped as we left the motorway and the police had escorted a number of cars in at a time, telling you where to park. Hillsborough was a great day out but that end of the ground was a constant problem.


It's time for the truth to be shouted and for previous lies to be acknowledged and condemned.


I dont disagree with that at all, I just think that everyone has a responsibility to assess how we as a nation act around big events to make sure any possibility of future tragedies are minimised - this is regardless of the rightful balme being placed squarely on the authorities here


Alcohol, jumping turnstiles, fighting in public before hand etc etc. Absolutely the actions of a small minority but has a huge impact on the safety and enjoyment of the majority

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Guest Howaythetoon

This has been a long time coming, those poor 96 souls. I don't like LFC, but I admire the families for keep on going. The truth always prevails. I also love how Liverpool as a City keep boycotting the scum. The whole thing was an utter disgrace, everything about it. Tragedy? A tragedy is a young bairn drowning, this is akin to murder! I hope they sue for millions and millions.

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Boris, back in 2004;






He's a cunt but that's not Johnsons quote, he was editor of the spectator at the time but he didn't write that.



If he didn't, then he's as much of a cunt for allowing it to be published, fucking blithering idiot.


That goes for the two of you , in case you were wondering.

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Even in more recent years I've experienced the twattery of South Yorkshire Police.

They seem to have a bully-like tactic for enforcing the law which inevitably creates hostility.


I went to France for Marseille and they were all dressed like Robocop (the French Police) and you couldn't help but feel intimidated and backed into a corner (mind you I was 15). If anything small was done it would have went off big time. It almost did at Benfica a few years back, when a bloke simply tried to take his young son to the toilet and was hit with a baton, as was the kid. Dozens of Newcastle fans started pouncing on the Police and they almost lost control. South Yorkshire Police seemed of similar ilk several years ago. Another bad set I've experienced is Cleveland Police.


It's been seen that by using high police presence, but minimal police force, that one of the fiercest derbies in Britain goes by with minimal arrests. The vast majority of fans are there for the football and banter and should be rightly rewarded with this freedom to do so in a fun and positive way. Hopefully, this sparks the re-introduction of standing areas at top flight British football and hopefully a boost in the atmosphere that can be generated from like-minded fans, standing and singing together, akin to Germany.


Ultimately, the campaigners have showed real grit and determination and can be proud of their actions. Hopefully, whilst this should never be forgotten, the football world can now move on...with hope in it's heart.


RIP you 96 Reds, no fan should ever go to the game and not return.

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German police wear all the riot gear, but they're usually mint.


Aye TBF like the French ones did nowt. We did get put in a warehouse with wall to floor perspex and searched 3 times though...

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I'm delighted for the Liverpool fans, they lost 96 family members, friends and fellow supporters.  They couldn't even mourn in peace because of the lies that came out to blacken them and the victims were made out to look like they'd caused their own problems.


This has to be the biggest cover-up during my lifetime and I hope that all those responsible for this spend the rest of their lives in prison.

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I'm delighted for the Liverpool fans, they lost 96 family members, friends and fellow supporters.  They couldn't even mourn in peace because of the lies that came out to blacken them and the victims were made out to look like they'd caused their own problems.


This has to be the biggest cover-up during my lifetime and I hope that all those responsible for this spend the rest of their lives in prison.

I'd dig her up and parade her stinking remains through the streets of Liverpool.


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I'd dig her up and parade her stinking remains through the streets of Liverpool.



Yorkshire police were terrible and they thought that they could do anything after the miners strike. Policing at Hillsborough became really heavy handed and they treated football fans like scum.  The worst I can remember is when they had us crushed behind the goal, the corner  to our left was closed and nobody could use it, it was awful for the whole 90 minutes when I don't think my feet came into contact with the terracing from kickoff until well after full time.

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Let's not either forget Thatcher's media man, Bernard Ingham, who still refuses to apologise for his disgusting comments about Liverpool supporters' behaviour on that day. Grade A c***.




He sent lots of horrible letters to the victim's families, here's another



Letter from Sir Bernard Ingham to Graham Skinner in December 30, 1996


"Thank you for your letter of December 11. I believe that there would have been no Hillsborough disaster if tanked-up yobs had not turned up in very large numbers to try to force their way into the ground.


I visited Hillsborough the day after the disaster and I know what I learned then. I have never denied that the police may have made mistakes, but I firmly believe that the Lord Chief Justice whitewashed the real culprits and I said so from the moment I read his report.


I have not seen the McGovern film. But I am long enough in the tooth to know that TV films should never be accepted as evidence. But let us suppose there is something in the film – for example, the “evidence” that the pens were already full when the gates were opened.


What, then were all those people doing trying to get into the ground? I have never, of course, said where they came from because I do not know.


I have no intention of apologising for my views which are sincerely held on the basis of what I heard first hand at Hillsborough. I have, however, one suggestion to make: for its own good, Liverpool – with the Heysel disaster in the background – should shut up about Hillsborough.


“Nothing can now bring back those who died – innocent people who, by virtue of being in the ground early, had their lives crushed out of them by a mob surging in late.


To go on about it serves only to confirm in many people’s minds that Liverpool has a very bad conscience about soccer disasters. I think it a disgrace to the public service that South Yorkshire policemen have won the right to compensation.


But it will do Liverpool no good whatsoever in the eyes of the nation if, egged on by ambulance-chasing lawyers, those who saw their relatives killed at Hillsborough now sue for compensation for the “trauma”. Is the pain of losing a relative to be soothed away by a fat cheque?


Take my advice, Mr Skinner: least said, soonest mended for Liverpool."

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I'd dig her up and parade her stinking remains through the streets of Liverpool.



Yorkshire police were terrible and they thought that they could do anything after the miners strike. Policing at Hillsborough became really heavy handed and they treated football fans like scum.  The worst I can remember is when they had us crushed behind the goal, the corner  to our left was closed and nobody could use it, it was awful for the whole 90 minutes when I don't think my feet came into contact with the terracing from kickoff until well after full time.



posted this earlier in another thread.



went to Hillsborough one time mid 80s, went on normal bus service- not supporters coaches, getting off at Sheffield we were put in police vans, and literally herded into a giant pen at the back of the leppings lane end, this was the morning btw maybe 10am, we had done nothing wrong. we were held there with no food no drink no toilets until the gate to the match were opened.


sheff utd- 90 promotion game, stopped vans driving into Sheffield and escorted us all back to Durham, despite having tickets and no offence had been commited, other than maybe shouldn't carry people in vans.



Was also at that spurs game- 87,got separated from my dad, I watched the game from the top of a fence as there was no room on the terracing.

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