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Demba Ba (now retired)


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Best way to keep players like Demba Ba is to invest in the team to put yourselves in a position where you're the place they want to be instead of the stepping stone.


Simply won't happen under this lot and I'd be stunned if he's not away in the summer, along with at least one or two others.


If that was the plan we would have kept Enrique or Carroll or Barton or ...


Barton doesn't deserve to be in that list.


Barton's found his level.

I'm not taking about his level or his character, but he starting talking about the board's lack of ambition, which eventually lead to him going away. He stays on that list.


I think they were simply fed up with his shit.

Then they would have gotten rid back when shearer was in charge. They first did when he wanted to go (and was in form), because he was being publicly critical of the way the club of the way the club was run.

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There must be something preventing him from being able to join spurs because this just reeks of sour grapes if it is in fact true. There would be no sense in him telling anyone else that may not be aware of the clause if he wanted him for spurs.


When is Alan's next press conference? Friday?

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Guest elbee909

Best way to keep players like Demba Ba is to invest in the team to put yourselves in a position where you're the place they want to be instead of the stepping stone.


Simply won't happen under this lot and I'd be stunned if he's not away in the summer, along with at least one or two others.


If that was the plan we would have kept Enrique or Carroll or Barton or ...


Barton doesn't deserve to be in that list.


Barton's found his level.

I'm not taking about his level or his character, but he starting talking about the board's lack of ambition, which eventually lead to him going away. He stays on that list.


I think they were simply fed up with his shit.

Then they would have gotten rid back when shearer was in charge. They first did when he wanted to go (and was in form), because he was being publicly critical of the way the club of the way the club was run.


Yes, in other words - they were fed up with his shit.

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There must be something preventing him from being able to join spurs because this just reeks of sour grapes if it is in fact true. There would be no sense in him telling anyone else that may not be away of the clause if he wanted him for spurs.


When is Alan's next press conference? Friday?

Ol' Harry won't pay more than 5m?
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If the clause doesn't exist then why haven't the club denied it?  I'm all for us not getting sucked into every bit of mindless speculation but this is now getting a fair few column inches.  If it doesn't exist then I'd expect to have seen a short statement already or to see it in the coming days.


If it does exist then I'd wonder why.  Was it to give us the advantage over other clubs when signing him?  If the clause is as reported then it seems a very shortsighted deal by us and: a) I'd wonder what we're putting in our other players' contracts; and b) I'd hope we'd at least learn from this and cover ourselves going forward.

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Guest bimpy474

There must be something preventing him from being able to join spurs because this just reeks of sour grapes if it is in fact true. There would be no sense in him telling anyone else that may not be aware of the clause if he wanted him for spurs.


When is Alan's next press conference? Friday?


Thursdays are your pre-match for Saturday games.

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Regardless of this issue, short of us winning something, I'm not sure I can think of anything as satisfying in football as Redknapp doing time would be.


Won't happen like, slimy c***s like him never get their comeuppance.


Needs to do time and get bummed for every player he's ever talked about during transfer windows. He's a complete fucking cunt, I can't even describe at the moment how angry I am about this whole situation. For once we'd gone on an extended period of no real major problems and then this flabby-faced fucker starts talking crap. I saw Keegan do a talk-in a few months back and one of the questions he was asked was 'Do you think Redknapp will be the next England boss?' Keegan's response was 'Well, he's got a court case coming up, we'll have to see what happens there.' I'm sure he knows and I'm sure most people in football know he's a fraud

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If we are in process of offering a new contract, I can't believe we hadn't tried before transfer window to lock him down, maybe Ba wanted something extra and so this fuss is just a play. Sneaky, but for gods sake give him what he wants.

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Hopefully a complaint will be going in to the Premier League.


Rule K, 25.


25. A contract between a Club and a Player shall be treated as being private and confidential and

its contents shall not be disclosed or divulged either directly or indirectly to any Person

whatsoever by either party thereto except:


25.1 with the prior written agreement of both parties; or


25.2 as may be required by any statutory, regulatory, governmental or quasi-governmental

authorities or (where appropriate) any recognised stock exchange or as otherwise

required by law or pursuant to these Rules, or


25.3 in the case of the Player, to his duly appointed Agent and professional advisers including

the Professional Footballers’ Association; or


25.4 in the case of the Club, to its duly appointed Agent and its professional advisers or to

such of its Officials or Auditors to whom such disclosure is strictly necessary for the

purpose of their duties and then only to the extent so necessary.


Rule Q, 1.


2. A Manager shall not, either directly or indirectly (including by making any statement to the



2.1 make an approach to a Contract Player with a view to the Manager’s Club negotiating

a contract with such Player except as permitted by either Rule K.1 or Rule K.2; or


10. A Manager shall at all times observe the principles of honesty, transparency, accountability

and personal impartiality (whether financial or otherwise) in his dealings involving Player



14. A Manager shall conduct himself at all times in an ethical and professional manner and shall

observe the highest standards of integrity and fair dealing



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Guest WashyGeordie
If it does exist then I'd wonder why.  Was it to give us the advantage over other clubs when signing him?  If the clause is as reported then it seems a very shortsighted deal by us and a) I'd wonder what we're putting in our other players' contracts; and b) I'd hope we'd at least learn from this and cover ourselves going forward.


Why? Because we've been bit in the balls in the past regarding signing players on long term contracts, and then getting long-term injuries (*cough*Owen*cough*).


I'd imagine Ba's the only player at NUFC atm with a release clause purely because of the apparent 'dodgy' knee.

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Hopefully a complaint will be going in to the Premier League.


Rule K, 25.


25. A contract between a Club and a Player shall be treated as being private and confidential and

its contents shall not be disclosed or divulged either directly or indirectly to any Person

whatsoever by either party thereto except:


25.1 with the prior written agreement of both parties; or


25.2 as may be required by any statutory, regulatory, governmental or quasi-governmental

authorities or (where appropriate) any recognised stock exchange or as otherwise

required by law or pursuant to these Rules, or


25.3 in the case of the Player, to his duly appointed Agent and professional advisers including

the Professional Footballers’ Association; or


25.4 in the case of the Club, to its duly appointed Agent and its professional advisers or to

such of its Officials or Auditors to whom such disclosure is strictly necessary for the

purpose of their duties and then only to the extent so necessary.


Rule Q, 1.


2. A Manager shall not, either directly or indirectly (including by making any statement to the



2.1 make an approach to a Contract Player with a view to the Manager’s Club negotiating

a contract with such Player except as permitted by either Rule K.1 or Rule K.2; or


10. A Manager shall at all times observe the principles of honesty, transparency, accountability

and personal impartiality (whether financial or otherwise) in his dealings involving Player



14. A Manager shall conduct himself at all times in an ethical and professional manner and shall

observe the highest standards of integrity and fair dealing



Email the press :thup: You would be wasting your time with the FA.

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Hopefully a complaint will be going in to the Premier League.


Rule K, 25.


25. A contract between a Club and a Player shall be treated as being private and confidential and

its contents shall not be disclosed or divulged either directly or indirectly to any Person

whatsoever by either party thereto except:


25.1 with the prior written agreement of both parties; or


25.2 as may be required by any statutory, regulatory, governmental or quasi-governmental

authorities or (where appropriate) any recognised stock exchange or as otherwise

required by law or pursuant to these Rules, or


25.3 in the case of the Player, to his duly appointed Agent and professional advisers including

the Professional Footballers’ Association; or


25.4 in the case of the Club, to its duly appointed Agent and its professional advisers or to

such of its Officials or Auditors to whom such disclosure is strictly necessary for the

purpose of their duties and then only to the extent so necessary.


Rule Q, 1.


2. A Manager shall not, either directly or indirectly (including by making any statement to the



2.1 make an approach to a Contract Player with a view to the Manager’s Club negotiating

a contract with such Player except as permitted by either Rule K.1 or Rule K.2; or


10. A Manager shall at all times observe the principles of honesty, transparency, accountability

and personal impartiality (whether financial or otherwise) in his dealings involving Player



14. A Manager shall conduct himself at all times in an ethical and professional manner and shall

observe the highest standards of integrity and fair dealing



That doesn't leave much room for interpretation, he's clearly contravening the rules but what's he going to get, a small fine? Barely seems worth it.

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Hopefully a complaint will be going in to the Premier League.


Rule K, 25.


25. A contract between a Club and a Player shall be treated as being private and confidential and

its contents shall not be disclosed or divulged either directly or indirectly to any Person

whatsoever by either party thereto except:


25.1 with the prior written agreement of both parties; or


25.2 as may be required by any statutory, regulatory, governmental or quasi-governmental

authorities or (where appropriate) any recognised stock exchange or as otherwise

required by law or pursuant to these Rules, or


25.3 in the case of the Player, to his duly appointed Agent and professional advisers including

the Professional Footballers’ Association; or


25.4 in the case of the Club, to its duly appointed Agent and its professional advisers or to

such of its Officials or Auditors to whom such disclosure is strictly necessary for the

purpose of their duties and then only to the extent so necessary.


Rule Q, 1.


2. A Manager shall not, either directly or indirectly (including by making any statement to the



2.1 make an approach to a Contract Player with a view to the Manager’s Club negotiating

a contract with such Player except as permitted by either Rule K.1 or Rule K.2; or


10. A Manager shall at all times observe the principles of honesty, transparency, accountability

and personal impartiality (whether financial or otherwise) in his dealings involving Player



14. A Manager shall conduct himself at all times in an ethical and professional manner and shall

observe the highest standards of integrity and fair dealing



That doesn't leave much room for interpretation, he's clearly contravening the rules but what's he going to get, a small fine? Barely seems worth it.


He might not do it again.

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If it does exist then I'd wonder why.  Was it to give us the advantage over other clubs when signing him?  If the clause is as reported then it seems a very shortsighted deal by us and a) I'd wonder what we're putting in our other players' contracts; and b) I'd hope we'd at least learn from this and cover ourselves going forward.


Why? Because we've been bit in the balls in the past regarding signing players on long term contracts, and then getting long-term injuries (*cough*Owen*cough*).


I'd imagine Ba's the only player at NUFC atm with a release clause purely because of the apparent 'dodgy' knee.


Still doesn't make any sense, the only reason this clause would be activated would be because he is playing well. If he was injured or shit we would accept anything to get him off the books, NOT give him a release clause no club would pay when we were desperate to get rid.

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Guest bimpy474

Anyone thought that the reason bollock face hasn't bid is because he cant, the release clause could be for current champions league teams only, that rules him out, hence the bitterness from stroke face.


Hoping so anyhoo.

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This whole thread is a whoosh, right? So many overreactions here (although yes, Redknapp is probably the most despicable man in football).


Take a step back and think......would we REALLY agree to do this? It goes against our beliefs and makes absolutely no financial sense.

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If it does exist then I'd wonder why.  Was it to give us the advantage over other clubs when signing him?  If the clause is as reported then it seems a very shortsighted deal by us and a) I'd wonder what we're putting in our other players' contracts; and b) I'd hope we'd at least learn from this and cover ourselves going forward.


Why? Because we've been bit in the balls in the past regarding signing players on long term contracts, and then getting long-term injuries (*cough*Owen*cough*).


I'd imagine Ba's the only player at NUFC atm with a release clause purely because of the apparent 'dodgy' knee.


How would a minimum fee release clause help us avoid that? ???  It wouldn't, that kind of clause is there purely to benefit the player, not the club.

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Anyone thought that the reason bollock face hasn't bid is because he cant, the release clause could be for current champions league teams only, that rules him out, hence the bitterness from stroke face.


Hoping so anyhoo.


I've read that allegedly the team needs to be in the top six or be playing European football for the clause to be activated.

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Guest bimpy474

If it does exist then I'd wonder why.  Was it to give us the advantage over other clubs when signing him?  If the clause is as reported then it seems a very shortsighted deal by us and a) I'd wonder what we're putting in our other players' contracts; and b) I'd hope we'd at least learn from this and cover ourselves going forward.


Why? Because we've been bit in the balls in the past regarding signing players on long term contracts, and then getting long-term injuries (*cough*Owen*cough*).


I'd imagine Ba's the only player at NUFC atm with a release clause purely because of the apparent 'dodgy' knee.


How would a minimum fee release clause help us avoid that?.. ???


Exactly a dodgy knee would be a pay as you play clause surely, more money for every game over a certain amount, say 20, 30 etc.

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If it does exist then I'd wonder why.  Was it to give us the advantage over other clubs when signing him?  If the clause is as reported then it seems a very shortsighted deal by us and a) I'd wonder what we're putting in our other players' contracts; and b) I'd hope we'd at least learn from this and cover ourselves going forward.


Why? Because we've been bit in the balls in the past regarding signing players on long term contracts, and then getting long-term injuries (*cough*Owen*cough*).


I'd imagine Ba's the only player at NUFC atm with a release clause purely because of the apparent 'dodgy' knee.


Still doesn't make any sense, the only reason this clause would be activated would be because he is playing well. If he was injured or shit we would accept anything to get him off the books, NOT give him a release clause no club would pay when we were desperate to get rid.


It does make sense though Jon, if we've given him a low basic wage and made his contract highly performance-based then it's potentially something negotiated by Ba's people to compensate for that.  Nobody's saying it's something the club's insisted on, more something we may have agreed to.

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Guest bimpy474

Anyone thought that the reason bollock face hasn't bid is because he cant, the release clause could be for current champions league teams only, that rules him out, hence the bitterness from stroke face.


Hoping so anyhoo.


I've read that allegedly the team needs to be in the top six or be playing European football for the clause to be activated.


If it was top 6 i would have thought strokeface would have bid already, he talking about Demba in a way that makes you think he wants him but cant have him, but doesn't want us to have him either, jealousy like, if you get what i mean.

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