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Sylvain Marveaux - arrested

Guest neesy111

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Just posted it for the sake of it.


Nah, not getting at you or anything. But I mean, he knows he's not playing, why not do whatever.


That's no reason to eye up another mans arse with :notbad: lips.

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Good on him man, he's frozen out and Pardew doesn't rate him, hope he got a Spicy Italian and enjoyed the f***er.


Lost it at the spicy italian bit, still the best subway sub - classic.

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He's been here a few years and this is the first time he's been spotted in a fast food place. Some fans just can't cope with the idea that footballers aren't at the training ground 24/7.

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What's wrong with a Subway anyway? Good healthy food usually.


Depends what you have really, it is certainly no McDonalds/Burger King but I can't imagine much in there is that healthy.


That said he clearly isn't overweight and having some crap food every now and then is probably better for you than constantly eating clean.


I don't have a problem with him being out at 3am either, it is 2 days before a game, he could well be sober and it's not like he works a 9-5 job, more 4.45-4.55.

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The issue is if he was out drinking all night  Far worse than a bloody sandwich.


Why? shola and Elliot were out not long ago were they not? They can have a social life man


Well depends, if he was out drinking till 3AM when he has a game less than 48hours later than it's very unprofessional even if he's not in the squad. Goes for all players tbh, not only the cloggers.

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