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Mike Ashley

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Just had the displeasure of spending the day with a Newcastle fan who says he likes Mike Ashley. Basically his argument was that he has stabilised the club and written off our debt and that we have the worst and most demanding fans in the league who ARE THE REASON we never get anywhere as a club. Also said that the Keegan and Robson eras were 'blips' and we are currently at our real level. Said Pardew was a good manager and aarl. Apparently because he was going in the McKeag era and that I was a mere child then makes him right and me wrong.  :kasper:


Didn't know whether to laugh or cry tbh. :lol:


Hard to believe these f***ers actually exist, but they do.


I was going in the McKeag era, tell this guy he's a twat.

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Just had the displeasure of spending the day with a Newcastle fan who says he likes Mike Ashley. Basically his argument was that he has stabilised the club and written off our debt and that we have the worst and most demanding fans in the league who ARE THE REASON we never get anywhere as a club. Also said that the Keegan and Robson eras were 'blips' and we are currently at our real level. Said Pardew was a good manager and aarl. Apparently because he was going in the McKeag era and that I was a mere child then makes him right and me wrong.  :kasper:


Didn't know whether to laugh or cry tbh. :lol:


Hard to believe these f***ers actually exist, but they do.


There's quite a few older fans with genuinely terrible opinions like this. Sounds like this old **** is winding you up!


Less of the old ya young upstart!

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Just had the displeasure of spending the day with a Newcastle fan who says he likes Mike Ashley. Basically his argument was that he has stabilised the club and written off our debt and that we have the worst and most demanding fans in the league who ARE THE REASON we never get anywhere as a club. Also said that the Keegan and Robson eras were 'blips' and we are currently at our real level. Said Pardew was a good manager and aarl. Apparently because he was going in the McKeag era and that I was a mere child then makes him right and me wrong.  :kasper:


Didn't know whether to laugh or cry tbh. :lol:


Hard to believe these f***ers actually exist, but they do.


There's quite a few older fans with genuinely terrible opinions like this. Sounds like this old **** is winding you up!


Less of the old ya young upstart!

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our real level


Your 'real level' is where you are at the moment. It's determined by how much competence, dedication and investment is put into the club by the people running it. Every fan of every club has the right to ask for these basic factors from the club's administrators.

Chelsea, Man City, Southampton, Bournemouth, Man Utd and Liverpool are currently at their real level. There are no God-given rights to success or failure. You'd think that this simple fact of life would be understood by someone old enough to have been "going in the McKeag era."

That last quoted gem comes from believing that how things were at some random point in the past is how they are meant to be or that greater age equates to a higher moral ground and greater possession of truth. In reality all most people do as they get older is search for ways to reinforce whatever distorted truths they learned in their youth. Thus, that time when "...I was fifteen and we were battling against relegation to the third division..." is how things should be. That later time when there were people with talent, passion and resources who brought success to the club was simply an accident.

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Maybe we'd be in a better position to comment if we were actually around in the 70's and 80's to watch NUFC.

I was - the 70s had some good times(reaching FA Cup Final in 74, LCF in 76 and some great moments from the likes of Supermac, Tommy Craig, Alan Kennedy, Irving Nattrass who were excellent players), some bad times(the FA Cup Final Freezing resulting in a public humiliation by the Scousers, and relegation in 79 after a period of club in-fighting). The 80s were mainly up and down - poor team until Cox and Keegan arrived in late 82 then a few years of excitement with KK etc. The emergence of Waddle, Beardsley and Gazza, then all 3 being sold and the club relegated - again - in 89.


We never really started to fulfil our potential until SJH and KK were running the club and we started to go backwards once they went - only SBR's tenure between 2001 & 2003 saw us get anywhere near to what we had been 6 years earlier, so people who think we are a mediocre club have been brought up on mediocrity ; those who followed the club in the late 40s and 1950s certainly did NOT believe we were a mediocre club and many stopped going after the club started going backwards under an unambitious board.....now why does that sound familiar somehow..!???

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My old man went from the 60s all the way through to the end of the 80s, he cant get over what AShley has done.  Its not a gernation thing.  Plenty of young lads think AShley has the club in a good way.

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My old man went from the 60s all the way through to the end of the 80s, he cant get over what AShley has done.  Its not a gernation thing.  Plenty of young lads think AShley has the club in a good way.

Half of them probably don't even KNOW what Ashley has done to the club....they only say that because they are desperate to justify their need to keep going and thereby putting their money in his pocket - to admit he is to blame for the club being permanent non-entities makes them look stupid.

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Even if you think this is where the club should be at, the mere thought of accepting a place in some sort of set order contradicts every inch of enjoyment in being a fan.


This is it in a nutshell. I don't have an opinion on where this club 'should' be, there is no 'god given' right for a football club to be in any league or position. I just want to see an effort to improve.


I want to see us try and win the league ffs, every fucking season we should try and win as many games as possible and we shouldn't be happy with anything less. That shouldn't sound as ridiculous as it does. Obviously it's going to be difficult to nigh on impossible, but I don't support the club to see it be average. I support the club and want it to be as good as it can.

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Guest alijmitchell


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Neglecting the cups is what really pisses me off. Aye, we won't win the league in the foreseeable future but anyone can win a cup. Fucking Wigan did.


Even under Dalglish and Gullit, when we were pretty dire, we played two FA cup finals. I'd be ok with the mid-table mediocrity if we gave the cups a proper go.

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Guest Howaythetoon

It shouldn't matter how good or poor we were in the past, it should all be about aspiring to be the best we can be, whatever level we are operating at currently. And at current we are the 19th most valuable club in the world and pull in the 3rd highest attendance in the league - a league that is regarded as the best. Merely wanting to stay in the league isn't good enough. Nothing about how we are ran at the moment is good enough and it should never be acceptable.


The fact it is to a good majority is wrong and this is why we have the club we have and why football is rotten to the core.


To me there is a disconnect between the club and its fans and city. The players - there is no connection. The board - none. The manager - nothing. Media relations are awful too. The club's twitter feed is appalling for example.


When we were shit and playing in the old second division there was a connection, if not with the board then with the club, players and even the manager depending on who he was. Jim Smith, even Ardiles. There was at least a connection. Fans could believe in the club and could enjoy aspects of it.


Today what is there to enjoy, really? Can we enjoy a Cabaye knowing he will soon be sold after his stock rises? Can we enjoy a youngster coming through the ranks like an Andy Carroll again knowing he too will soon be sold the minute he starts to shine. Can we enjoy the club strip, our proud colors knowing its plastered with Wonga as the sponsor? How about our home, our staduim? Can we enjoy that?


I don't know about others, but look around SJP and it could be a block of flats for all I care - its a football stadium in name only and even then its a name the owner's choice of sponsor handed us back.


And what about the man in the dugout eh? A bloke who once offered fans on.


And speaking of the fans...


I personally have nothing in common with thousands who go, thousands who go not for the football, not for the desire to see attacking football and wins but who go because they have nowt better to do on a saturday. Because its either that or out shopping with the missus.


Football for fans used to be about belonging, dreaming, hoping and having pride in your club, the team and everything about it.


NUFC under Mike Ashley isn't Newcastle United and never will be and that is why a loss doesn't hurt me or why relegation wouldn't bother me. In fact nothing about NUFC bothers me today. I get more joy watching Gateshead.


NUFC can rot for all I care and I hope all those wankers that support Ashley endure nothing but misery. Then again, winning the finances and getting a wave from the manager is like winning the league to them. Misery would probably be a foreigner in charge and spending millions on a player.


Modern football - urgh!

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The greater society has also been dumbed down to the extent that almost anything is classed as entertainment now.


It's not just on the pitch either.


I flicked through SSN on at 5pm on Monday and they had the transfer totaliser at £106m. 


Went back after 11pm and it was still at £106m.


There's a million men around the UK who sat through all that, not to mention the hundreds that worked through the night beaming the information vaccum back and forth live from grounds around the country.


People think they were entertained by THAT, but they're mistaken, they were lulled into a street hustlers trick, a sleight of hand that transformed absolutely nothing into absolutely nothing stretched over 6 hours with 2 hours dedicated to adverts.

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The greater society has also been dumbed down to the extent that almost anything is classed as entertainment now.


It's not just on the pitch either.


I flicked through SSN on at 5pm on Monday and they had the transfer totaliser at £106m. 


Went back after 11pm and it was still at £106m.


There's a million men around the UK who sat through all that, not to mention the hundreds that worked through the night beaming the information vaccum back and forth live from grounds around the country.


People think they were entertained by THAT, but they're mistaken, they were lulled into a street hustlers trick, a sleight of hand that transformed absolutely nothing into absolutely nothing stretched over 6 hours with 2 hours dedicated to adverts.


The whole January transfer window makes me sick for the above reasoning. That, combined with the fact we only seem to lose our best players at present just makes for a horrendous experience.


The best thing to come out of the window is Natalie Sawyer or whatever she is called for most people, and without wanting to sound chauvinistic, I don't watch football for pretty women. Football is becoming so Americanised / modernised... :(

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The greater society has also been dumbed down to the extent that almost anything is classed as entertainment now.


It's not just on the pitch either.


I flicked through SSN on at 5pm on Monday and they had the transfer totaliser at £106m. 


Went back after 11pm and it was still at £106m.


There's a million men around the UK who sat through all that, not to mention the hundreds that worked through the night beaming the information vaccum back and forth live from grounds around the country.


People think they were entertained by THAT, but they're mistaken, they were lulled into a street hustlers trick, a sleight of hand that transformed absolutely nothing into absolutely nothing stretched over 6 hours with 2 hours dedicated to adverts.


The whole January transfer window makes me sick for the above reasoning. That, combined with the fact we only seem to lose our best players at present just makes for a horrendous experience.


The best thing to come out of the window is Natalie Sawyer or whatever she is called for most people, and without wanting to sound chauvinistic, I don't watch football for pretty women. Football is becoming so Americanised / modernised... :(


Blame it on the people that purchase Sky Sports imo. If no-one bought it, Football would still be the people's game.

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The greater society has also been dumbed down to the extent that almost anything is classed as entertainment now.


It's not just on the pitch either.


I flicked through SSN on at 5pm on Monday and they had the transfer totaliser at £106m. 


Went back after 11pm and it was still at £106m.


There's a million men around the UK who sat through all that, not to mention the hundreds that worked through the night beaming the information vaccum back and forth live from grounds around the country.


People think they were entertained by THAT, but they're mistaken, they were lulled into a street hustlers trick, a sleight of hand that transformed absolutely nothing into absolutely nothing stretched over 6 hours with 2 hours dedicated to adverts.


The whole January transfer window makes me sick for the above reasoning. That, combined with the fact we only seem to lose our best players at present just makes for a horrendous experience.


The best thing to come out of the window is Natalie Sawyer or whatever she is called for most people, and without wanting to sound chauvinistic, I don't watch football for pretty women. Football is becoming so Americanised / modernised... :(


Blame it on the people that purchase Sky Sports imo. If no-one bought it, Football would still be the people's game.


Well, as it happens I have Sky TV so I am thinking of getting rid of it and just opting for the internet. For all of the above reasoning.

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The greater society has also been dumbed down to the extent that almost anything is classed as entertainment now.


It's not just on the pitch either.


I flicked through SSN on at 5pm on Monday and they had the transfer totaliser at £106m. 


Went back after 11pm and it was still at £106m.


There's a million men around the UK who sat through all that, not to mention the hundreds that worked through the night beaming the information vaccum back and forth live from grounds around the country.


People think they were entertained by THAT, but they're mistaken, they were lulled into a street hustlers trick, a sleight of hand that transformed absolutely nothing into absolutely nothing stretched over 6 hours with 2 hours dedicated to adverts.


The whole January transfer window makes me sick for the above reasoning. That, combined with the fact we only seem to lose our best players at present just makes for a horrendous experience.


The best thing to come out of the window is Natalie Sawyer or whatever she is called for most people, and without wanting to sound chauvinistic, I don't watch football for pretty women. Football is becoming so Americanised / modernised... :(


Blame it on the people that purchase Sky Sports imo. If no-one bought it, Football would still be the people's game.




But people, you know, like watching football.

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In the 90s you wouldn't have heard any one saying 'Nah man this is just a blip. Our real position is mid-table.' Maybe because dreaming was allowed and encouraged back then like.


Even if you think this is where the club should be at, the mere thought of accepting a place in some sort of set order contradicts every inch of enjoyment in being a fan.


Both. :thup:

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The greater society has also been dumbed down to the extent that almost anything is classed as entertainment now.


It's not just on the pitch either.


I flicked through SSN on at 5pm on Monday and they had the transfer totaliser at £106m. 


Went back after 11pm and it was still at £106m.


There's a million men around the UK who sat through all that, not to mention the hundreds that worked through the night beaming the information vaccum back and forth live from grounds around the country.


People think they were entertained by THAT, but they're mistaken, they were lulled into a street hustlers trick, a sleight of hand that transformed absolutely nothing into absolutely nothing stretched over 6 hours with 2 hours dedicated to adverts.


The whole January transfer window makes me sick for the above reasoning. That, combined with the fact we only seem to lose our best players at present just makes for a horrendous experience.


The best thing to come out of the window is Natalie Sawyer or whatever she is called for most people, and without wanting to sound chauvinistic, I don't watch football for pretty women. Football is becoming so Americanised / modernised... :(


Blame it on the people that purchase Sky Sports imo. If no-one bought it, Football would still be the people's game.




But people, you know, like watching football.


So do I, but not also supporting players 'earning' ridiculous wages. So I watch online or from foreign providers. You can't have it both ways.

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