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Mike Ashley

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when the chinese takeover rumours surfaced earlier this summer, a lot were a little perturbed and had suggested the "better the devil you know" and "ashley's gets it this time" scenarios.


think the sky bullshit puts that firmly to rest. we need him out of our club.


Also, when the Chinese takeover rumours started, it was clear as day that it was a smokescreen. Ashley's got no interest in selling us unfortunately. We're stuck with the cunt.

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when the chinese takeover rumours surfaced earlier this summer, a lot were a little perturbed and had suggested the "better the devil you know" and "ashley's gets it this time" scenarios.


think the sky bullshit puts that firmly to rest. we need him out of our club.

Aye, for some reason I was apprehensive of a takeover like. No idea why.
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If Ashley thinks that under his ownership, NUFC cant compete even middle table teams in money wise, why he dont sell the club?


Advertising space for his tat sportswear, childrens wear, work wear and whatever it sells these days company. Run the club with the only business model he knows, low cost, a very small circle of advisors, buy cheap and hope to sell high.





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If Ashley thinks that under his ownership, NUFC cant compete even middle table teams in money wise, why he dont sell the club?


Advertising space for his tat sportswear, childrens wear, work wear and whatever it sells these days company. Run the club with the only business model he knows, low cost, a very small circle of advisors, buy cheap and hope to sell high.





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Guest firetotheworks

when the chinese takeover rumours surfaced earlier this summer, a lot were a little perturbed and had suggested the "better the devil you know" and "ashley's gets it this time" scenarios.


think the sky bullshit puts that firmly to rest. we need him out of our club.

Aye, for some reason I was apprehensive of a takeover like. No idea why.

It was just bad timing. Right at the start of the transfer window after we were all buzzing about promotion. My worry was that it would disrupt our transfer business or be used as an excuse to not spend anything. It turns out Ashley doesn't even bother with excuses anymore because 'we're Newcastle' and should accept our place as paupers below the financial juggernauts of Huddersfield, Brighton, and Bournemouth.
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F365 nails it as normal:




Mike Ashley

A club owner second on the losers list; how very modern. But if we’re speaking of embarrassingly inactive owners, there is only one place to end.


“It is the same situation we had before. We know what we need,” said a clearly frustrated Rafael Benitez after full-time on Sunday. “We need some new players that bring some new energy to the team. It is important to challenge your players.


“For me, we need to sign some players until the end of the transfer window. It is important to refresh the squad to create more competition between us. We have ten months and we are involved in four competitions. We need more competition, more quality, more players who can play in the team to keep the level we want.”


You might be able to read between the lines and see Benitez’s subtle message that he would quite like Newcastle to sign some new players, and you can see his point. The manager was told that he would be backed if he achieved promotion, and that has not occurred. Newcastle have either been slow to tie up deals, slow to move for players at all or not prepared to match wage demands that are hardly unrealistic. As so often over the last five years, their owner is the one to blame.


“As I said the other day, it is like wallpaper. I don’t have that cash in the bank so I don’t have the ability to write a cheque for £200m. I don’t have it, it’s simple,” said Ashley in an interview with Sky Sports last week. “And I have to make it clear that I am nowhere near wealthy enough in football now to compete with the likes of Man City and others.”


How good of Ashley to answer the questions that no Newcastle supporter was asking. They are not hoping to compete with Manchester City, but to allow their manager to have the best shot at consolidating this club in the Premier League. Given the revenues Newcastle will make through broadcasting rights this season, it is ludicrous that Benitez can only spend what he makes in player sales.


Does Ashley think we are stupid enough to believe his lines about his own lack of available wealth or funds for players? Seventeen of the 20 Premier League clubs have paid more than £12m for a player since the start of last season; Newcastle are operating on a different level to Brighton and Huddersfield, the other exceptions. Nineteen of the 20 Premier League clubs have broken their transfer record since the beginning of 2016; Newcastle are the only exception.


Every time Newcastle take steps forward under Ashley’s ownership, he seems intent of kiboshing all progress. His meanness is placing a ceiling even on Newcastle’s most reasonable ambitions, and threatens to again plunge this club into crisis.

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Just listening to his interview, odd response when asked about his biggest challenge in football:


"On a Monday morning you're in a totally different business world where it has cheques and balance and football literally doesn't have any. It is nearly, right if this player came up and we wanted to spend 50 mill on a player it'll be ok because they'll come and embrace the club and leave everything out on the pitch. And that actually isn't the case, you can actually get a lot more out of a trainee or a young Andy Carroll because they've got so much passion to want to get that place in the team on the pitch & they do leave everything out there".


Pretty clear his pov on spending money from that imo, hasn't seen much value in doing so. He's saying clearly his bias is towards younger players who may offer more than those who are proven.

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He loves to bang on about "5 year plan" he set up when he first come in - which failed. Why wasn't he pushed as to why it failed, why the club has went backwards under his tenure and why he isn't addressing it when all other clubs are spending their incoming money? Maybe something to do with him and "Craigy" ( :anguish: ) being mates...

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Just listening to his interview, odd response when asked about his biggest challenge in football:


"On a Monday morning you're in a totally different business world where it has cheques and balance and football literally doesn't have any. It is nearly, right if this player came up and we wanted to spend 50 mill on a player it'll be ok because they'll come and embrace the club and leave everything out on the pitch. And that actually isn't the case, you can actually get a lot more out of a trainee or a young Andy Carroll because they've got so much passion to want to get that place in the team on the pitch & they do leave everything out there".


Pretty clear his pov on spending money from that imo, hasn't seen much value in doing so. He's saying clearly his bias is towards younger players who may offer more than those who are proven.


We've bought loads of young players from abroad and very few make it.  I also don't recall these streams of young players from the academy coming through.  He's been here 10 years now and very little progress has been made on this.


I think every fan and every club in the world would love this model to work but we all know it doesn't.  :lol: :lol:

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The arrogance of the rich. What makes a person come into a business they know nothing about, buy up a club, and think they know how and where to invest money in footballing matters? Who the fuck is Mike Ashley thinking he can implement a 'philosophy,' based on fuck all, about how supposed younger players are better than more mature ones?

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I think he just doesn't understand what football is.



Btw, a Chinese consortium bought 80% shares of Southampton.  Mayyyyyy be that's the one that originally interested in us last month?

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Leaving the door open to Shearer becoming manager. Apologising to KK. Go f*** yourself, Mike.


Seriously, what the hell is he still doing here. Everything he is saying just points towards pure negligence and a total lack of commitment. This is horrific man....genuinely wondering at this stage if I'm more of a Rafa Benitez fan than Newcastle United.


Apparently he's going to be here 'a good while longer'? This is hell on f***ing earth. Sick.


this is exactly where i am at the moment.

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Ashley has talked s*** from day one! He has never kept a promise and doesn't care at all.?

He's had his 10 years (can't belive he's been here so long?) and it's time for someone else now.


Doesn't have to be the richest man on the planet. Just someone who actually cares a bit and understands the fans. And it would be great if he could back Rafa with the TV money at least and let Rafa control the footballmatters.

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He, very noticeably, stopped short of completing the sentence around his proposed model. Refraining from finishing with 'and then sell them for a huuuuuggge profit' which was clearly the next and final step in the model being complete when taking about buying up young talent from around Europe.


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