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Mike Ashley

Christmas Tree

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Ashley, once again, has allowed his hubris and sense of business superiority to get him into possibly the tightest spot he has faced since buying the club.


He has appointed know-nowt-about-it people like Llambias and Charnley(totally out of his depth)to make crucial decisions about employing mediocre managers and signing players who are either not suited to the PL or have no wish to stay at the club other than to use it as a stepping stone. He has allowed these clowns(and Carr has to be included in the culpability)to spend 50m over the summer, much of it too late for pre-season training, and the result is a team in free-fall having scored twice in its PL games so far, rooted at the bottom of the PL and bundled out of the cup by a lower league side with Chelsea and Man C to face in the next 2 games....

Things could hardly be worse and Ashley is now faced with what for him is a nightmare scenario - either spend another wedge of money in January, with no guarantee of success, or fire the manager they appointed in June with no likelihood of securing a decent replacement..

The chickens are well and truly coming home to roost after 7 years of poor investment and lack of ambition - if this continues, my money is on him bailing out as soon as he can get a half-decent price for the club and turning his full attention to Rangers who are likely to be back in the SPL next season.

Where this leaves NUFC is anyone's guess but I will be very surprised if McClaren is dumped yet - it may be almost Christmas and even then only if the dire results have continued.


Another spell in the Championship is looking more likely by the week.

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Ashley, once again, has allowed his hubris and sense of business superiority to get him into possibly the tightest spot he has faced since buying the club.


He has appointed know-nowt-about-it people like Llambias and Charnley(totally out of his depth)to make crucial decisions about employing mediocre managers and signing players who are either not suited to the PL or have no wish to stay at the club other than to use it as a stepping stone. He has allowed these clowns(and Carr has to be included in the culpability)to spend 50m over the summer, much of it too late for pre-season training, and the result is a team in free-fall having scored twice in its PL games so far, rooted at the bottom of the PL and bundled out of the cup by a lower league side with Chelsea and Man C to face in the next 2 games....

Things could hardly be worse and Ashley is now faced with what for him is a nightmare scenario - either spend another wedge of money in January, with no guarantee of success, or fire the manager they appointed in June with no likelihood of securing a decent replacement..

The chickens are well and truly coming home to roost after 7 years of poor investment and lack of ambition - if this continues, my money is on him bailing out as soon as he can get a half-decent price for the club and turning his full attention to Rangers who are likely to be back in the SPL next season.

Where this leaves NUFC is anyone's guess but I will be very surprised if McClaren is dumped yet - it may be almost Christmas and even then only if the dire results have continued.


Another spell in the Championship is looking more likely by the week.


Spot on. We are totally screwed this time.

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Posted in the match thread too.


Mick Lowes on Radio Newcastle now;


"Club is in meltdown  and crisis. Says all at the club have contempt for everything around them - fans, media, etc. Sticking the knife into Ashley - says that the £50million spent on the back of his interview after West Ham was an attempt merely to keep us up for the coming TV deal next season. Club is rotten to the core. Says that after Saturday, could things get any worse? And they did last night - missing an open goal against a side which had made 10 changes from the weekend. Not sure what is going on in the players heads - other than contempt. Says that SJP is now a graveyard, compared to the cathederal on the hill that it used to be - where people go to 'remember'. Has had a go at Charnley - who doesn't do interviews, also Graham Carr - neither of whom do interviews. It's pathetic and awful."




I'm amazed that he has had a go at Ashley. Fair play it's taken him long enough though.

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Guest Roger Kint

Aye it took long enough but fair play to him.


That'll be hin banned now.



If i was forced to watch us every week i would get myself banned too

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...is a team in free-fall having scored twice in its PL games so far, rooted at the bottom...


We've scored three times. If you're gonna jump down the throat of Ashley and McClaren, at least get your facts straight ffs  :knuppel2:

You must be one of those who view every goal as a triumph - one more goal makes everything OK does it..? And that scored by a full-back.....

You are pathetic son. No wonder Ashley laughs at our fans...

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I'll never understand why he doesn't just appoint a decent manager - on any analysis the recruitment 'blueprint' works far better if you invest in a quality manager.


That's probably what he thinks he's just done.


What we really need is an experienced and empowered director to replace Charnley, and give him the power to run everything properly.

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...is a team in free-fall having scored twice in its PL games so far, rooted at the bottom...


We've scored three times. If you're gonna jump down the throat of Ashley and McClaren, at least get your facts straight ffs  :knuppel2:

You must be one of those who view every goal as a triumph - one more goal makes everything OK does it..? And that scored by a full-back.....

You are pathetic son. No wonder Ashley laughs at our fans...


It was a joke  O0

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...is a team in free-fall having scored twice in its PL games so far, rooted at the bottom...


We've scored three times. If you're gonna jump down the throat of Ashley and McClaren, at least get your facts straight ffs  :knuppel2:

You must be one of those who view every goal as a triumph - one more goal makes everything OK does it..? And that scored by a full-back.....

You are pathetic son. No wonder Ashley laughs at our fans...

I think he was being sarcastic :lol:

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I'll never understand why he doesn't just appoint a decent manager - on any analysis the recruitment 'blueprint' works far better if you invest in a quality manager.


That's probably what he thinks he's just done.


What we really need is an experienced and empowered director to replace Charnley, and give him the power to run everything properly.


David Dein would be the best shout not that it'd ever happen.

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Guest Roger Kint

I'll never understand why he doesn't just appoint a decent manager - on any analysis the recruitment 'blueprint' works far better if you invest in a quality manager.


That's probably what he thinks he's just done.


What we really need is an experienced and empowered director to replace Charnley, and give him the power to run everything properly.


In January maybe when they originally wanted him. After witnessing the abysmal collapse of Derby after that surely any sane person questioned that thought. As ever they made a choice and persued it regardless of the obvious failures it brings. Just like transfers and the refusal to ditch pardew.

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From a cut-your-nose-off-to-spite your face standpoint, relegation would be quite funny :lol:


Ashley finally invests some money in the squad - £50m - to stave off the looming threat of relegation (a miserly amount in the context of the years of squad neglect and the current market place), ships off the utterly ridiculous coaching team of Carver and Stone, then... still ends up relegated and losing his precious Premiership TV money. Double sucker punch. Delicious.


It's not really even my nose tbh - it's the fans who still go/watch/care.

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Its a perfect shit storm.


I may be wrong but I dont think any club would have a board comprised of an administrator promoted way above his pay grade, a chief scout and general lickspittle, whose task it is to kiss the arses of the corporate fans on a saturday at any normal club and the manager/1st team coach whatever it is you want to call him.


Add to this a recruitment policy of finding players who for one reason or another we can get relatively cheaply with a resale value hence avoiding any Michael Owenish scenerios. Doesnt seem to matter if the manager/1st team coach identified the position as one which needs improving or how far down the chief scouts recommendations they are so long as they are cheap and have potential resale value. Get them to the club by giving them a bit more money than can be offered in their domestic leagues and a promise to sell them on when a decent club comes in for them.


A captain who wanted to desert his sinking ship during a relegation fight who is subsequently rewarded with a new contract and remaining as skipper. A "star player" who wants a move to a Champions League club irrespective of the fact that he is not good enough to warm their bench and who is only here still as he want to represent his country next summer amd wouldnt be able to do that competing for a seat on the bench. Add to this the Cisse and TIote scenerios which have been done to death.


I dont believe for one minute what the administrator says about 80 1st class applicants for the job but regardless we have appointed a pal of the head coach whos recent CV has failed written all over it and who turned us down three times and who now seems clueless on how to arrest the slide.


Dont even want to mention the owner himself who has presided over this utter complete shambles.


Doomed whatever we do and this shit storm has been brewing for a good few seasons now.

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Guest Roger Kint

From a cut-your-nose-off-to-spite your face standpoint, relegation would be quite funny :lol:


Ashley finally invests some money in the squad - £50m - to stave off the looming threat of relegation (a miserly amount in the context of the years of squad neglect and the current market place), ships off the utterly ridiculous coaching team of Carver and Stone, then... still ends up relegated and losing his precious Premiership TV money. Double sucker punch. Delicious.


It's not really even my nose tbh - it's the fans who still go/watch/care.


Did he? Or just yet another case of investing in potential profit on sales? If he wanted to spend £50m staving off relegation hes far more sensible ways to invest that sort of money

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From a cut-your-nose-off-to-spite your face standpoint, relegation would be quite funny :lol:


Ashley finally invests some money in the squad - £50m - to stave off the looming threat of relegation (a miserly amount in the context of the years of squad neglect and the current market place), ships off the utterly ridiculous coaching team of Carver and Stone, then... still ends up relegated and losing his precious Premiership TV money. Double sucker punch. Delicious.


It's not really even my nose tbh - it's the fans who still go/watch/care.


Did he? Or just yet another case of investing in potential profit on sales? If he wanted to spend £50m staving off relegation hes far more sensible ways to invest that sort of money


No reason why it couldn't have been both but I would have thought his primary aim was to keep NUFC in the PL (for TV revenue/a more prestigious marketing platform for SD). Carrolls/Cabayes etc are nice bonuses.

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