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Mike Ashley

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Less traction we allow Ashley to get the better. Stick to supporting the lads on Sunday and fuck this cunt. I know it's naive, but this is the first time we've truly had any hope since Robson.

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I don't actually think anything he is saying is particularly unreasonable. But of course it negates the fact that the club, as a business - nevermind a footballing entity, has been shockingly managed under his tenure.


We have just sat back and relied upon centrally negotiated Premier League TV deals. Commercial revenue ought to be a key driver, a differentiator where we can ought to be able to outperform all but the top eight clubs and enhance our spending capabilities. Newcastle just by association with the Premier League is a global brand. Lack of vision is startling.

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Could this be "someone take it off my hands remarks".


It's quite obvious he wants to sell it, trouble is he wants a ridiculous amount for it. I genuinely hope it happens mind, the long term and short term health of the club depends on it.


If he really wanted to sell he wouldn't be asking a ridiculous amount for it.


True mind.

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Not really. Just said what came out of their meeting in May really. They spend what we've got. Sounds like The Chronicle are just bitter again about once more being nowhere near the exclusive

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HATE the way he says ..'it's Newcastle United' like that means we're minnows. I was toying with getting my membership sorted this week but I'll do something more constructive like stick pins in my jap.







It's only Newcastle United guys.


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Those comments aren't far off a Ratner tbh. The team has no money or ambition so just sit in your little seat and don't expect too much.


That's not what following a football team is about.


Huge amounts of money in the game did not stop Leicester winning the title a year ago. As a Championship team, we were a Selz error, or penalties if you prefer, from the league cup semis last season. In Rafa we have hit the jackpot and it is almost criminal to cripple him for the sake of saving a few bob.

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Rafa will walk at the end of the window.


Stiched owa just like KK.  All they want is someone to talk to the fans and lead them along with patter (Pardew) while they run the club as knock down advertising space .

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Ok I want to take it in financial perspective. I am not Ashley apologists.  I just want to ask, does everyone know when the TV rights payment be made to the club?  Not the EPL one, but the Championship one, and the prize for winning the league?


What I get, and a big if he is not lying, is that the club really does not have any more money now and any further transfer would require his personal wealth to pay, or at least an additional loan. That's a really red alert to the commercial revenue we currently generate.  Are we generating even lower than the likes of Huddersfield or Watford?  Or our current wage bill are substantially higher?

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At least he's spoken. We all kick off and demand he speaks more, and then he does and people don't like what he has to say.


The full interview will be interesting.


He's said many times, the Football club is left to Lee Charnley to sort - he's a massive problem. Does deals at snail pace and tries to get the perfect deal everytime purely so he can approach Ashley and say "Look how good I am, give me a pay rise".


I'm no Ashley fan, but again, at least he's spoken.

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At least he's spoken. We all kick off and demand he speaks more, and then he does and people don't like what he has to say.


The full interview will be interesting.


He's said many times, the Football club is left to Lee Charnley to sort - he's a massive problem. Does deals at snail pace and tries to get the perfect deal everytime purely so he can approach Ashley and say "Look how good I am, give me a pay rise".


I'm no Ashley fan, but again, at least he's spoken.


If he says shit like this when he speaks, i'd rather he just shut up tbh.

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This fucking guy  :lol:


Just fuck off man, why even come out and say anything now you stupid oaf


Absolutely right.


If Rafa knew this anyway then there's no point in airing your dirty laundry in public.


Sell up you fat cunt, if you don't think we can compete.

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