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Gary Speed (1969–2011)


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definitely think the club should seek dispensation from the PL to give Lovenkrands a new shirt number and retire the number 11 shirt.


Never agreed with retiring numbers and in this situation I'm still against it. Rather have someone come in and know the 11 shirt was worn by a great man and it needs to be filled, give someone the chance to make it their own, add to the shirts legacy.




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Let's face it an unexplained tragedy like this is bound to attract rumours. Gary Speed had no known history of depression (unlike Collymore) and he always behaved in a totally professional and ethical manner. He was a genuine role model. Because you could totally rely on him he would be in my top 5 players to have played for us. Surely though, however much you admired the man, you have the right to wonder why this has happened? If he did suffer from depression how did he apparently manage to keep it from everyone that played football with him?

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As wonderful a sentiment it is. We shouldn't retire the shirt.


Totally different I know. But Hughie Gallacher committed suicide and his shirt wasn't retired. I suppose time's change mind.


Still shell shocked by this :(

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Rumours that the Sun were going to run with accusation of him being gay.




That's The Sun finished if true.

New corp, it's time it all ended. Rupert Murdoch, how much blood on your hands do you want?

it's more than just that, it's the populace that craves the shitey celeb scandal and tittle tattle, if the population didn't want it they wouldn't have a market to sell it to.

I don't read the front pages of papers for that very reason.


I can't stand this culture where everyone needs to know the ins and outs of celebrities private lives and how celebrities and such are what everyone looks up to.


From the media who expose scandals and tap phones for stories too the magazines who buy the rights to wedding photos of celebrities who have hooked up for the money too the forced fed celebrity "reality" factor TV crap. It's all fucking wrong.


And yet, you come running straight into this thread to repeat the gossip? ??? WTF?


Chris Kamara said on Talksport that what he's heard about Gary Speed's suicide is something shocking that he can't reveal


hope it's bollocks


Irresponsible from Kamara that, how does that help the situation in anyway.


He's in grief as well, like...everyone is all over the place about this. You have to make some allowances...I guess?

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Look, I'm not the only on here who has came on saying that theirs rumours going round about him.


I don't care about any rumours about him in anyway, I think he was a great guy, a true gentleman.


Maybe coming here saying what the rumours were going to be about was wrong, I hold my hand up to that but I done so in trying to give a reason why he might have been driven to his actions.



You're a good lad and you're heart is in the right place but spreading these rumours (I assume you went somewhere to find it) is exactly what you were berating the media and those who read it do.


It's certainly not just you, I think we should all just wait to see what has happened rather than perpetuate rumours that were inevitable.

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Let's face it an unexplained tragedy like this is bound to attract rumours. Gary Speed had no known history of depression (unlike Collymore) and he always behaved in a totally professional and ethical manner. He was a genuine role model. Because you could totally rely on him he would be in my top 5 players to have played for us. Surely though, however much you admired the man, you have the right to wonder why this has happened? If he did suffer from depression how did he apparently manage to keep it from everyone that played football with him?

many people do, collymores only came to light after his dogging scandal didn't it ?
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Guest bimpy474

I always think if a player is a legend enough for fans/clubs to think of retiring a shirt, why not keep the number but have the late players name on the shirt somewhere, like when cup final shirts are printed with the date of the final on them, or put the players name inside of the numbers at the bottom of them.

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I always think if a player is a legend enough for fans/clubs to think of retiring a shirt, why not keep the number but have the late players name on the shirt somewhere, like when cup final shirts are printed with the date of the final on them, or put the players name inside of the numbers at the bottom of them.


Don't know if I actually want it, but it's quite a good idea that. Still think it's a bit shitty to be getting into debates over whether someone deserves to be in and all that kind of thing though.

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Let's face it an unexplained tragedy like this is bound to attract rumours. Gary Speed had no known history of depression (unlike Collymore) and he always behaved in a totally professional and ethical manner. He was a genuine role model. Because you could totally rely on him he would be in my top 5 players to have played for us. Surely though, however much you admired the man, you have the right to wonder why this has happened? If he did suffer from depression how did he apparently manage to keep it from everyone that played football with him?

It's very possible that he kept playing as long as he did was a way for him to deal with it. Played in the championship when he was 41, that's remarkable.

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definitely think the club should seek dispensation from the PL to give Lovenkrands a new shirt number and retire the number 11 shirt.

Given the circumstances I agree. I'm not one for retiring shirts left right and centre but due to the fact that it's not an ordinary death the number 11 shirt should be retired.


Very undecided on this. Can understand the sentiment but also don't think I'd feel 100% about doing so.

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Let's face it an unexplained tragedy like this is bound to attract rumours. Gary Speed had no known history of depression (unlike Collymore) and he always behaved in a totally professional and ethical manner. He was a genuine role model. Because you could totally rely on him he would be in my top 5 players to have played for us. Surely though, however much you admired the man, you have the right to wonder why this has happened? If he did suffer from depression how did he apparently manage to keep it from everyone that played football with him?


Quite easily, people suffering from depression don't walk around all day crying and telling people they will kill themselves. Unfortunately the biggest downfall in depression is those who don't seek help and keep everything to themselves while constantly hiding under a brave face.


People will ask questions but personally I think it's a lot more respectful just to wait for the facts rather than speculate, if nothing ever does come out just appreciate the man he was and the loss he is.

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definitely think the club should seek dispensation from the PL to give Lovenkrands a new shirt number and retire the number 11 shirt.


Never agreed with retiring numbers and in this situation I'm still against it. Rather have someone come in and know the 11 shirt was worn by a great man and it needs to be filled, give someone the chance to make it their own, add to the shirts legacy.


:clap: Very well put.

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definitely think the club should seek dispensation from the PL to give Lovenkrands a new shirt number and retire the number 11 shirt.

Given the circumstances I agree. I'm not one for retiring shirts left right and centre but due to the fact that it's not an ordinary death the number 11 shirt should be retired.


Very undecided on this. Can understand the sentiment but also don't think I'd feel 100% about doing so.

Fair enough. Just my opinion and I'll be the first to admit that my heart is probably ruling my head at the moment. Think there should at least be a plaque on a wall in St James' anyway.

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Guest bimpy474

I always think if a player is a legend enough for fans/clubs to think of retiring a shirt, why not keep the number but have the late players name on the shirt somewhere, like when cup final shirts are printed with the date of the final on them, or put the players name inside of the numbers at the bottom of them.


Don't know if I actually want it, but it's quite a good idea that. Still think it's a bit shitty to be getting into debates over whether someone deserves to be in and all that kind of thing though.


Aye thats a problem, every player who plays for us for any real length of time, and well, is regarded as a legend in some peoples eyes but not others, tricky one to chose who is and who isn't.

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Let's face it an unexplained tragedy like this is bound to attract rumours. Gary Speed had no known history of depression (unlike Collymore) and he always behaved in a totally professional and ethical manner. He was a genuine role model. Because you could totally rely on him he would be in my top 5 players to have played for us. Surely though, however much you admired the man, you have the right to wonder why this has happened? If he did suffer from depression how did he apparently manage to keep it from everyone that played football with him?

many people do, collymores only came to light after his dogging scandal didn't it ?


Not sure about that - I thought Collymore went missing at Villa with depression in about 2000 prompting his manager (John Gregory) to come out with the crass observation that he could not understand how a man earning £20k a week could be depressed. But didn't the dogging stuff come out later? Tbh I really don't want to overstep any boundaries here, this is a a truly horrible human tragedy, I was just trying to make the point that it is going to attract rumours because of the high regard with which Gary Speed was held in the game (and as a person generally) and the lack of any apparent reason for this to happen.

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Guest bimpy474

Always loved him for being just 5.8 (same as me) but being so good in the air, he is one of the reasons i chose in my 20's to play at centre back, always loved heading the ball and to see him as i did playing for us doing it with such brilliance, it made me want to be as good as him.

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