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The other games today - 2011/12


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Messi the best player in the world ever (ahead of the likes of Pele, Maradona and Zidane), Xavi and Iniesta the best passers of the ball and Barcelona the best team since football was created could not get past 10 man Chelsea without their top 2 centrebacks. Laughable really, bwahaha. To those who worship Barcelona, remember today just in case you want to bring up any of the crap arguments ever again.


As for Chelsea, no way they will beat either Bayern or Madrid with so many key players missing. If we get 4th, we'll qualify for CL


Dear me.


I know. It's f***ing laughable. :lol:


Yeah, let's just forget about the two goals that he actually scored in the two CL finals that he's played in and won, and use one penalty miss to judge him forever.

He's the best player in the world against anyone other than Chelsea it seems. I cannot actually believe he's failed to score against them all of these years. He must have played them nearly ten times.


Piss poor penalty from him like, Cech had sold himself to that side already. Bit of composure and he could've rolled it in the other side.

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I don't have a dislike of Barcelona, but I'm not that Partizan that I don't enjoy other British teams doing well in Europe, was genuinely hard to not be caught in two minds about the result!


Are you for real? ???


This is as gutted as I've been all season.


From one extreme to the other that. It's barely changed our scenario iyam.


How not? If we finish 4th now, we can't celebrate. That's changed a f***ing lot :lol:


Chelsea have still got to win it, man. We could still finish 3rd. It's certainly increased our chances of picking up more points in our game at Stamford Bridge, for one thing.


It's also taken Chelsea halfway towards nicking that last CL spot. They're a one-off game away from it man. I don't care if they're playing an XI made up of the best players of all time, it's 90 minutes and anything can happen.


They're slightly closer to winning it, but it's still very unlikely imo - for reasons that have been already been discussed (opposition, potentially playing Bayern on their own turf, dilapidated defence). And i know, i know - one-off game etc - i don't disagree with that, i know the argument. But i'm in the camp that still thinks Chelsea are huge outsiders, even as finalists.


Fair enough, but I'm of the argument that knocking out the title holders and making the final makes you strong candidates.


:thup: Official agree to disagree, then. ;)


Will be astonished if Chelsea win the Champions League, even after the last two results.


Purely a game of wait and see. Oh, and, purely a game of Newcastle actually reaching 4th in the first place - or mebs 3rd.

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I know as a Newcastle Fan i shouldn't be saying this but i really fucking enjoyed this, was a great game to watch and not at all bothered with the result, we'll just have to keep doing what were doing and not rely on other results to go in our favor, as for Chelsea they deserve it tbh, playing 60 minutes with 10 men after their captain bottled it (Again) and No CBs and still managing to win is an outstanding achievment.


Most bizarre post I've ever read on here.


If we keep on "doing what we're doing", we'll finish 4th and potentially not qualify. It's got fuck all to do with relying on other results.

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Can people please stop saying "Chelsea won't win the final". Most people said they wouldn't beat Barcelona.


We've still got to finish 4th and Chelsea have to win the Champions League before we can be pissed off about this result.


Abramovich wants to win the Champions League above all else. This result may work in our favour if Chelsea rest players during Premiership games. Their players won't want to pick up an injury.

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If Mourinho gets the CL and Spanish title, Man Utd bottle the title, Villa are relegated, West Ham miss out out on promotion and we qualify for the Champs league... ...I think I'll spontaneously combust with pleasure.

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I am honestly aghast that there are Newcastle fans who enjoyed watching that and were even close to being in two minds about it. Really completely and utterly puzzled.


What's so difficult to understand that the best scenario for us is for Chelsea to have one extra match in the run, get distracted with the CL final and then lose in the finals (which is likely given how many of their key players will be out)? Support Barcelona all you want but don't insult others as not supporting our team just because they have a different view on the best scenario for NUFC

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Absolutely sickening. Chelsea may have half their first team missing for the final, but the remaining half is easily good enough to do exactly what they did today, i.e. camp in their own half and take the few chances that come their way.


And Barcelona ffs. I think Guardiola took the Total Football concept too far with there being no strikers in the team.

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Absolutely sickening. Chelsea may have half their first team missing for the final, but the remaining half is easily good enough to do exactly what they did today, i.e. camp in their own half and take the few chances that come their way.


And Barcelona ffs. I think Guardiola took the Total Football concept too far with there being no strikers in the team.

not sure thats the way to play against either real or bayern.
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If Mourinho gets the CL and Spanish title, Utd bottle the title, Villa are relegated, West Ham miss out out on promotion and we qualify for the Champs league... ...I think I'll spontaneously combust with pleasure.


Aye, forgot about those two in my dream season scenario in the 'Will we qualify...' thread.


Hughton beating Allardyce would be nice too.

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I am honestly aghast that there are Newcastle fans who enjoyed watching that and were even close to being in two minds about it. Really completely and utterly puzzled.


What's so difficult to understand that the best scenario for us is for Chelsea to have one extra match in the run, get distracted with the CL final and then lose in the finals (which is likely given how many of their key players will be out)? Support Barcelona all you want but don't insult others as not supporting our team just because they have a different view on the best scenario for NUFC


There is absolutely no way this is the best possible scenario for NUFC.


Jesus Christ.

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Absolutely sickening. Chelsea may have half their first team missing for the final, but the remaining half is easily good enough to do exactly what they did today, i.e. camp in their own half and take the few chances that come their way.


And Barcelona ffs. I think Guardiola took the Total Football concept too far with there being no strikers in the team.


Look, man: teams lose yearly in the CL and no one complains. The only reason people are complaining about Barca is because they have achieved so much - they have done what no team has done before. So whenever they lose, it's a big deal. But the only reason they win so much is because they play with this style, which is unmatched. They're not going to abandon the whole reason they've achieved so much in their greatest hour of need. They're going to do what they've done for four years because for four years, they were the best club team on Earth and did what no club team has ever done before. For you to suggest that they abandon that is just unbelievable. They missed Villa a lot today but they still had a ton of chances to kill the game off earlier on. The penalty miss just seemed to have such a big psychological effect on them.

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