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Newcastle 2 - 1 Spurs - 18/08/12 - post-match jubilation from page 35


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Because as long as he is playing every week for Spurs then they have absolutely zero chance of getting into the Champions League. His overall game and ability level will see to that.


This happened a few years ago btw. Played 34 games and scored 18 (24 in all comps) the year they qualified.

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Kevin Nolan scores goals. Case closed.


:lol: Isn't the point of football to score goals?


No. It's to score them and work as a team to prevent them. Defoe is a player that is carried for his goal scoring ability. Aside from that he offers zero.


That's not true, like. I'm not a massive fan of him but he's more than a scorer of goals.

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Because as long as he is playing every week for Spurs then they have absolutely zero chance of getting into the Champions League. His overall game and ability level will see to that.


This happened a few years ago btw. Played 34 games and scored 18 (24 in all comps) the year they qualified.


Weaker league that year. They did it with Huddlestone and Palacios in midfield that year too.


Point still stands. They won't be getting close this season unless they can resign Adebayor or get somebody who can be as useful as him.

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Guest firetotheworks

Kevin Nolan scores goals. Case closed.


:lol: Isn't the point of football to score goals?


No. It's to score them and work as a team to prevent them. Defoe is a player that is carried for his goal scoring ability. Aside from that he offers zero.



When you compare Defoe to Suarez, who is essentially the polar opposite of Defoe, i know who i would rather have in my team. What is the point of having a striker that can break teams down if every time he gets in the box he f***s it up?


You've made that comparison, not me. I was talking about players that can stick it away AND offer more. Not either/or.

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Because as long as he is playing every week for Spurs then they have absolutely zero chance of getting into the Champions League. His overall game and ability level will see to that.


This happened a few years ago btw. Played 34 games and scored 18 (24 in all comps) the year they qualified.


Weaker league that year. They did it with Huddlestone and Palacios in midfielder that year too.


Point still stands.


No it doesn't. You said it wouldn't happen and it already had.


Surely having a weak midfield just makes his 24 goals that year even more impressive? What did I say about time and effort?

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Because as long as he is playing every week for Spurs then they have absolutely zero chance of getting into the Champions League. His overall game and ability level will see to that.


This happened a few years ago btw. Played 34 games and scored 18 (24 in all comps) the year they qualified.


Weaker league that year. They did it with Huddlestone and Palacios in midfielder that year too.


Point still stands.


No it doesn't. You said it wouldn't happen and it already had.


Surely having a weak midfield just makes his 24 goals that year even more impressive? What did I say about time and effort?


I'm saying it won't happen :lol: That it has happened in a previous season with completely different squads and different teams matters not one jot to the point. Everton got top 4 playing Marcus Bent upfront one year. With the current top 6 or 7, they won't be finishing in the top four unless they can get a better striker. That is my opinion.


It was an impressive tally, easily the best of his career and helped by scoring 6 goals in 2 games against Wigan Athletic.

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Because as long as he is playing every week for Spurs then they have absolutely zero chance of getting into the Champions League. His overall game and ability level will see to that.


This happened a few years ago btw. Played 34 games and scored 18 (24 in all comps) the year they qualified.


Weaker league that year. They did it with Huddlestone and Palacios in midfielder that year too.


Point still stands.


No it doesn't. You said it wouldn't happen and it already had.


Surely having a weak midfield just makes his 24 goals that year even more impressive? What did I say about time and effort?


I'm saying it won't happen :lol: That it has happened in a previous season with completely different squads and different teams matters not one jot to the point. Everton got top 4 playing Marcus Bent upfront one year. With the current top 6 or 7, they won't be finishing in the top four unless they can get a better striker. That is my opinion.


It was an impressive tally, easily the best of his career and helped by scoring 6 goals in 2 games against Wigan Athletic.


Twisting your own words now.


It wasn't "easily" the best of his career either. He score more than Ba in all comps last year.

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I haven't twisted my own words at all. I said that as long as they are playing him upfront they have zero chance of qualifying for the CL. It goes without saying that I'm talking about this season ffs.  What relevance has a previous season got to do with anything? It is a ridiculous retort in numerous ways.

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I haven't twisted my own words at all. I said that as long as they are playing him upfront they have zero chance of qualifying for the CL. It goes without saying that I'm talking about this season ffs.  What relevance has a previous season got to do with anything? It is a ridiculous retort in numerous ways.


You can just admit you're wrong. Saves time and effort.

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This is extremely tedious and tiresome. How can I be wrong about something that is quite clearly an opinion?


I could say exactly the same thing to you, telling you to 'save time and admit you're wrong' but it's pointless and a totally arsey thing to do.

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Nolan Nolan Nolan Nolan


      Defoe Defoe


What a front 6 that would be. Guarenteed goal threat and thus 10 goals a game.


Jesus. Thought you were a batter poster than that pile of s****.


Oh get over yourself. You've been responding with sarcastic one liners the whole time too.


'Would hate to have a goal threat in my side like'


'He's actually scored nearly 200 career goals. Means he's good.'


Point a: both sarcastic and completely ignorant of the point trying to be made

Point b: A simplistic argument that again ignores the entire point of the argument.

If my daft and not-completely-serious post offended you, then you should reassess the above comments.


Defoe is an extremely limited player who will score goals. It doesn't make him a great player or one anybody has to rate because of it. I think he's 's***' because he is extremely selfish, breaks down numerous attacks through his selfishness and poor decision making/intelligence, is extremely difficult to competently fit into a functioning side both as a lone striker and when paired with somebody who doesn't suit his game.


I generally just think he's crap and that no side who ever wants to achieve anything would ever bother to play him. His 'smack the ball with the same technique every time he gets it' routine would be a useful attribute for a s*** or at least mid-table side, admittedly. Maybe at a stretch a wildcard option from the bench for a bigger side.


This is my opinion and I won't change it. No matter how many goals Defoe scores this season and hilarious comments occur when he does. Because as long as he is playing every week for Spurs then they have absolutely zero chance of getting into the Champions League. His overall game and ability level will see to that.


Great post, 100% agree.

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This is extremely tedious and tiresome.


How can I be wrong about something that is quite clearly an opinion?




You stated it as a fact then tried to justify yourself with that "weaker league" nonsense THEN decided you meant something else :lol:


Always check the facts, soo-soo.

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This is extremely tedious and tiresome.


How can I be wrong about something that is quite clearly an opinion?




You stated it as a fact then tried to justify yourself with that "weaker league" nonsense THEN decided you meant something else :lol:


Always check the facts, soo-soo.


This is completely perplexing. I still don't understand why something that happened in a previous season has anything to do with the point/prediction I was making. Yes I stated it 'as a fact' because usually in forums or any form of debate you don't have to clarify everything with 'in my opinion'; it simply goes without saying.


Sheer pedantry.

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You would have to be utterly mental to have Defoe in your side over Suarez like.


Yep Suarez can look world class when used correctly. Liverpool seem to want him as their number 9 but he'd look far better playing the Ba role in our 4-3-3. He's a 2nd striker or wide forward.

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Think we did enough to stay in the game, and when you do that you've always got a chance of winning with the quality we possess. Spurs are a good and balanced side tbf so this is a valuable win. They probably deserved a point though.


We keep the ball so much better playing 433 as well, and are less predictable. First half they pressured high and we had no ideas, looked very rigid and incapable of breaking them down, good change from Pards but I see no reason to play 442 at all tbh...


Agree with all of this.


I know it is becoming the standard point of reference for the forum but we consistently look much better when we switch to the 4-3-3. We instantly match or outnumber the opposition in midfield for a start.

I hope we are more likely to see 4-3-3 now with Ba having scored while we are playing it.

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At 29, Defoe is 16 league goals away from being in the top 10 highest scorers in Premier League history. He's 12 goals away from being in England's top 10 highest scorers list, despite never playing a full 90 mins and 19 goals away from being in Tottenham's all time top 5 highest scorers list.


He simply isn't a bad player.

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