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How much enjoyment do you get from watching NUFC?


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Guest ItalianMagpie

I always look forward to matchday and I do enjoy seeing us line up in those Black and White stripes and play a game of football. Pride and passion certainly have something to do with it.

I'm not good at watching football on telly, it's too nerve wrecking. Sometimes I just have to turn it off and just check the results later.

Nice to see I'm not alone :lol:

Only I don't manage to switch off and skip the game, but I always have the feeling that I'd rather do that than bearing the pain of another woeful performance. But then, I couldn't do anything else if I knew we're playing and the game in on the telly, so... :lol:

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I still think we're a very fun club to support, because unusual things seem to happen to us to keep us on our toes as supporters.  Since we've been promoted, you have the 6-0, 5-1, 4-4 games - all pretty incredible in their own right, you have some absolute moments of magic from Ben Arfa, 2 of the best purple patches in Premier League history from Ba and Cisse, turning the tables on Liverpool after they signed 2 of our best players, the 3-0 vs Man Utd (it's very rare they get turned over so emphatically), the comeback vs Everton after we got murdered first half, etc.


I don't enjoy watching most matches at the moment though, it has to be said.  Bit annoying because it's what I look forward to all week as well.




'we'll probably never win anything but it's never dull' is usual line I trot out to non-believers and naysayers.

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Significantly more than I did four short years ago.




Don't really frame my enjoyment now by reference to the relegation season personally. I'd be zen going on Jedi to enjoy the dross being served up now because I know there is worse/have seen worse previously. I'm neither of the above :lol:


The enjoyment scale for me is independent of context or history really. You either enjoy watching your team play now, or you don't. I don't.

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It's so true about the "there's never a dull moment" the amount of times each game goes by with ridiculous high moments to ridiculous low moments in the space of a seconds is what this club is all about there never has been and there never will be a middle ground.


I fully expect to have a heart attack one day while supporting this team, but it will be worth it  :aww:

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So weird this season for me.


Last year i literally couldn't wait for each game to come.


This year though it seems that i just don't seem up to it as much.


I don't know why. Perhaps it's a hangover from the Olympics which dominated the news i'd watch and read instead of Newcastle's (lack of a ) transfer window. This seems to have crept into our season for me, and the poor performances have made me even less bothered about Newcastle this year :(


Saying that though i'd be absolutely fucked without it.


For me 2001-2003

January- September 2008

Championship season,

and 2011-2012 have been my favourite years of really enjoying the match.

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I am the eternal optimist, every game I tune in to the internet and think "we are going to muller this lot" playing some excellent one touch fluid football with a few tricks thrown in by HBA.


If I loved frustration, angst, impotence and anger I reckon I couldn't possibly squeeze any more enjoyment out of the games

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theres rightly a lot of talk about investment, formations pardew, europe. but for me the overiding factor is that the players just dont want it as much as thay did last season.so its less enjoyable but its not going to upset me, it just is what it is. people on 40k a week picking and choosing.

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Haven't enjoyed very much of this season at all....poor football and lack of entertainment, even in games we have won.


This also applied to many games last season too,but fans put up with it because we were winning a Cisse was getting some great goals...both factors are missing this season.

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This season, pretty much fuck all.  Depsite the fact we looked a bit rusty, I loved the Spurs game.  It was fairly promising, we beat a decent/top 4 team without Colo, the weather was glorious and I was pissed  :lol: all in all, a good start to the season.


Since then, it's gradually got worse.  We play some nice stuff in Europe and that's been fun at times.  But we don't look clinical and we'll get murdered when we play a decent side in the knockout rounds.


The football in the league has been nothing short of dire.  Whilst we did paper over the cracks last season with some great results and wonder goals, I don't think we were this bad TBH. 


I said before the WBA match, it was the first time I wasn't looking forward to an NUFC game for a long while.  Felt like a chore to be sat there watching it.


Same shit every week, 90% of the fans saying the same things, yet every week we stay the same or get worse.


Probably all change if we beat Swansea, I'm fickle like a lot of fans :lol:

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Attendance was 51k yesterday I think I heard them announce. Don't think quite as many will turn up to watch Swansea pass rings round us on our own turf tbh. Maybe it'll send a big enough message to Pardew/Ashley that they'll have to address why the crowd was so low.

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Guest Dontooner

Love supporting us, but the football being dross since Robson left(albeit Keegan's short tenure). Still hoping we would get a international coach that would play more deck football.

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