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Loïc Remy

Guest bimpy474
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Guest malandro


The strange thing in all this is that part of Carr's scouting is over the player's character, I've even heard him say this himself. Players we're signed so far have all seemed to be pretty good lads. This completely bucks the trend if true.

Having his head turned by a possible extra £40k a week isn't really a character flaw.

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If he goes there its confirmation that Ashleys approach to running the club can not work as other clubs will always be willing to pay higher wages.


That's partially true, but if so, what approach works other than "have more money than everyone else?"



the only thing that will work is lower your expectations and accept a championship club.


Ah, thought you might offer a decent solution, but no, you're worse than Ashley. :scared:

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In the most recently published accounts, which relate to QPR’s Championship-winning season in 2010-11, the wages to turnover ratio was a whopping 183 per cent. It led to an operating loss of £25.7million. The next accounts, expected to be published in April, could be more eye-watering still.




Whats their wage vs turnover ratio now? Shouldn't even be able to sign players with those numbers.


That's disgusting.

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Fucking hate football like, money is just ruining it. We have find another way to build up our squad on a budget, we need to get to that position where losing out on a player is not like a bullet in the head, wouldnt be such a problem if we had half competent attackers to bring in when players leave. Other teams never seem to either be so calm or in utter turmoil as we do. I would almost settle for middle of the road, dont lose much consistently at this point

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Is there any thing concrete to say he prefers QPR? Seems like he simply has two offers and will decide.


basically this




So its gone from Remy favours a move to Redknapp is still hoping?  Sky :lol:


It says he favours a move to London.

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If so he's got to take that.  :lol:


:lol: Aye, especially as it'll also probably be tax free thanks to Harry's "unorthodox" offshore banking arrangements...


I always knew the failure to lock this cunt up would come back to haunt us :lol:

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If he goes there its confirmation that Ashleys approach to running the club can not work as other clubs will always be willing to pay higher wages.


they have endless amounts of cash,  hence the financial fair play ruling...

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The only thing I think the club could be criticised for (note: not slated) if he goes to QPR is that we'll have spent half the month chasing a player who is only interested in money. And considering what we can offer in comparison to others that would have been a pretty poor misjudgement.


I don't think it's been that apparent he was so motivated by money, any more than any footballer really. He's point blank ignored QPR once, so you have to believe that they've significantly increased the deal on offer. Perhaps offering some kind of significant bonus for securing their safety. We're absolutely right to stick to our guns and leave the terms he accepted on the table.


Our current wage structure is ample enough to secure players like Cabaye, Debuchy, Cisse and Colo. However good this lad is, I don't think he's worth more than any of those - at this point in time.




Agree with that; the club are pretty much faultless in this whole thing imo.


However they deserve every bit of flack they'll receive if a different striker doesn't arrive in the next fortnight.

:thup: All of this. Makes me wonder what QPR fans make of it though, player laughs them off then u-turns the next day after apparently being shown the moneyz, might not be the type of player you want when you are fighting relegation.

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As long as we still buy a striker, not bothered.




I had a feeling he wouldn't end up here but I thought it was because Ashley wouldn't pay a little more than what was needed, didn't think it was going to be because QPR simply thrown stupid money at him.


Surely the club have more targets than Remy. If QPR have thrown around the £100k mark at Remy then I couldn't give a shit that we missed out on him.



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