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The thing that worries me slightly with Girard in particular is that he has only ever worked in his own country, which is of course very different to England. I'm not saying the man doesn't have what it takes to settle in and do a good job but if other foreign based candidates have proved they can do that then I would say its advantageous.

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I'm 99% certain I don't want a French manager. The club need to take the blinkers off IMV.


I don't like him because he's French, i like him because he plays attractive football, ability to work under a small budget, experience of bringing through young players and tactically astute.


The passport isn't important to me, but the ability of the person in question to do the best job possible and he ticks almost every job imaginable including the low wages part.


I just want the best man available, he could be from Madagascar for all i care.


Normally I would agree, I'm just worried that we will create a club where only French people are comfortable.


If we bring in a French manager and sign a couple of players from Spain/Germany or whatever, then that's fine. Diversity is what I want more than anything else.


:thup: although I totally see with your point Mole & it's a fair one.


Aye, me too, and the football philosophy is more important than anything else. I just think a club that is focussed on one nationality isn't a good idea.

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Guest VanBarduck

Just seen that news , I don't know what to think, exept that maybe we would actually play football under this coach.

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Laudrup, Benitez or Jol at a push.


First two are the stuff of dreams at the moment. Jol would get us organized but lacks that certain je ne sais quoi. Laudrup has it in abundance imo. Benitez is just on another stratosphere in terms of experience though, and would be a brilliant coup.


Take either one of the above two if they fancy a "project" up here. It's dreamland I know, but I'd like whichever manager comes next to lay down some proper foundations at the club that would echo on for years.


Appointing managers is a game of luck. If we get lucky and find the fabled "marriage" between club and manager we could do some serious damage to this league.

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1. Benitez - Proven winner, would get us within the top 6-7 every single season and we'd be pushing for Cup runs as well. No fear mentality and he'd impose his style of play where we wouldn't be going to Man City, Chelsea, etc Away from home and be worried about losing.


2. Girard - Real football man, supremely intelligent man who imposes good football, works with youth, and would really do wonders on all of our French players and some of the younger players we have. Would probably fit the Ashley system, but most importantly he never backed down to PSG, Lille, OM, Lyon and he always went for matches.


3. Ketsbaia - Think this man would be brilliant for our club. He's a proven winner and plays good football too from everything I've read. Plus, again - fearless attitude.


Be happy with Laudrup or Jol as well mind you.

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1. Benitez - Proven winner, would get us within the top 6-7 every single season and we'd be pushing for Cup runs as well. No fear mentality and he'd impose his style of play where we wouldn't be going to Man City, Chelsea, etc Away from home and be worried about losing.


2. Girard - Real football man, supremely intelligent man who imposes good football, works with youth, and would really do wonders on all of our French players and some of the younger players we have. Would probably fit the Ashley system, but most importantly he never backed down to PSG, Lille, OM, Lyon and he always went for matches.


3. Ketsbaia - Think this man would be brilliant for our club. He's a proven winner and plays good football too from everything I've read. Plus, again - fearless attitude.


Be happy with Laudrup or Jol as well mind you.


I agree entirely with this apart from Jol.  He'd be an upgrade on Pards but if we're going through the hassle of changing manager we might as well aim high.


Girard would be a great appointment I think although i'd love to see Ketsbaia get a chance.  He's a decent young manager whose sides play nice attacking football by all accounts and he loves the toon.  He'd have the fans onside 100% from day one aswell which is a big plus for a new manager.  As long as he doesn't break our swanky new advertising boards I think he'd do well.


Benitez would also be a good appointment for me but i'm not sure he'd come to us anyway and he'd cost a fortune.  Given a choice out of the three I can't see Ashley picking Benitez.  If he has an option to pay a decent manager £1m a year or £3m a year he's going to go for the cheaper option.

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Does anyone else get the feeling this would be Ashley's idea of a passionate, ex-Newcastle player as manager?





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Have questioned Martinez's 'brilliance' but fair play on today's result and performance. Was an abysmal performance by City but it is nice to see a manager who goes out trying to win games rather than one trying not to lose one.


Still think he has done the bare minimum up to now but an FA cup win definitely cannot be sniffed at.

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Have questioned Martinez's 'brilliance' but fair play on today's result and performance. Was an abysmal performance by City but it is nice to see a manager who goes out trying to win games rather than one trying not to lose one.


Still think he has done the bare minimum up to now but an FA cup win definitely cannot be sniffed at.


His gameplan worked to near perfection today. Certainly stopped City from playing their stuff.

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