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Still Not Worthy Of A Thread


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Guest John Carvery

I've done something horrible.  :(


I bought something from the club shop. It was only £10, but I still feel dirty and no amount of showers can rid me of the stink.  :whatdidido:


I'm sorry  :embarrassed:

Haha I bought a Minnie the magpie (female version) for the Mrs from there because it was half price about 2 years ago. It was a bit of a bargain!

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I've done something horrible.  :(


I bought something from the club shop. It was only £10, but I still feel dirty and no amount of showers can rid me of the stink.  :whatdidido:


I'm sorry  :embarrassed:


Horse hair shirt infested with lice ala Thomas A'Beckett and some self flagellation and you are on the road to forgiveness....

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We've won a trophy! Somebody dug up a communiqué from the Spanish FA dated from 1953 granting us the Eva Duarte Cup (Supercopa precedent), as winners of the 1952-53 league and cup. Supercopa rules weren't clearly laid out back then, so it wasn't clear if we'd actually won it or not.

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We've won a trophy! Somebody dug up a communiqué from the Spanish FA dated from 1953 granting us the Eva Duarte Cup (Supercopa precedent), as winners of the 1952-53 league and cup. Supercopa rules weren't clearly laid out back then, so it wasn't clear if we'd actually won it or not.


You'll get relegated for sure now.

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What's wrong with Falcao? He's basically making a ton of money and not doing much. His knee is f***ed and he can't run as fast anymore. The agent did what was in the client's best interests. If he's not going to recover fully then he may as well earn as much as possible. And if he is going to recover, he'd do it at a club with the facilities like Man Utd. Basically the option was to earn a lot of money while recovering or to not earn a lot of money.


The scummy agents are the ones that don't look after their client's best interests, the one that doesn't develop the kids, offer them guidance and make sure they know that they have to work hard. The agents who move their players around to earn more money are the best agents around.


His career has been downhill since he made that ridiculous move to Monaco when he was at the peak of his career, which was his agent's doing. He's going to be remembered for nothing in the game.


Just the two MOTM performances in European cup finals. League titles on a couple leagues in different continents. Absolutely nobody will remember him.

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What's wrong with Falcao? He's basically making a ton of money and not doing much. His knee is f***ed and he can't run as fast anymore. The agent did what was in the client's best interests. If he's not going to recover fully then he may as well earn as much as possible. And if he is going to recover, he'd do it at a club with the facilities like Man Utd. Basically the option was to earn a lot of money while recovering or to not earn a lot of money.


The scummy agents are the ones that don't look after their client's best interests, the one that doesn't develop the kids, offer them guidance and make sure they know that they have to work hard. The agents who move their players around to earn more money are the best agents around.


His career has been downhill since he made that ridiculous move to Monaco when he was at the peak of his career, which was his agent's doing. He's going to be remembered for nothing in the game.

You don't think his decline is more to do with tearing his knee about a year ago (generally considered a injury that takes a year to fully recover) rather than a club he played less than 20 matches for with a 1 in 2 record?

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Guest Incandenza

West Ham fans in being utter c*** shocker. Are there actually a more unpleasant set of fans?


??? Thought they were back to thinking Allardyce was the best thing since sliced bread?


More bipolar than Liverpool fans, that lot.


We've spent months defending the Toon support from similar accusations, lets not start dishing them out ourselves.

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Arrigo Sacchi on Italian youth teams: "We have lost our dignity and pride, because there are too many foreign players in our youth teams. In our youth teams, there are too many black players. We can't have teams with 15 foreign players each."

"I'm definitely not a racist, which my managerial record proves as I had Frank Rijkaard starting for me, but looking at this tournament (Viareggio Tournament), I see that there are too many black players."

When trying to save face later, he added: "I've been misinterpreted. All I said was I saw a team with four black lads starting. I've always coached teams with diverse players, and signed plenty of coloured players, both in my time in Real Madrid and Milan. My point was that we are losing our pride and national identity."



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