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Still Not Worthy Of A Thread


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The friend must have shocking self-esteem to sleep with that gorilla.


Aye, putting aside the whole wife with cancer issue, I'm not sure how he's managed to pull that.

Aye as much as I can call him an abhorrent human being, which he seems to be, I have no idea what it's like to be a 59 year old man who can pull fit 27 year old lawyers. In fact I have no idea what it's like to be a 26 year old man who can pull 27 year old fit lawyers.


Going to strap mountains of pubes to my fingers when out on the hoy tonight.

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IN the PL our gate receipts aren't as impressive as they could be.. I believe anyway..


They were around £27m in the last set of accounts which is fairly impressive. Obviously not at the levels of the big London clubs or Man Utd and Liverpool though. As a comparison Sunderlands were £10.7m so we made almost 3 times as much as they did on gate receipts despite our crowds only being around 8,000 higher. It's one of the reasons they'll be screwed if they ever get relegated. They have a mountain of debt and TV money is their only decent income stream.


We let ourselves down with corporate, commercial and advertising revenue which is nowhere near as high as it should be.


How does it compare with Spurs, Everton, Southampton?

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The friend must have shocking self-esteem to sleep with that gorilla.


Aye, putting aside the whole wife with cancer issue, I'm not sure how he's managed to pull that.

Aye as much as I can call him an abhorrent human being, which he seems to be, I have no idea what it's like to be a 59 year old man who can pull fit 27 year old lawyers. In fact I have no idea what it's like to be a 26 year old man who can pull 27 year old fit lawyers.


Going to strap mountains of pubes to my fingers when out on the hoy tonight.

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Vandals have caused "extensive criminal damage" to Preston North End's Deepdale stadium which has been exacerbated by deliberate fires, the club has said.


The Championship club posted on its website that it had been the "victim of a number of incidents" and its staff had been threatened in recent weeks.


It said Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service were concerned that if a fire takes hold it would do serious damage.


Police said they were aware of the incidents and investigating them.


'Stop anti-social behaviour'


The club's safety officer Mark Farnworth urged anyone with information to contact him or the police.


He said: "We are working closely with the police to identify those involved to ensure that they are prosecuted to the full extent.


"If required, the club will seek to sue individuals for civil trespass and obtain court injunctions to keep them off Preston North End property."


Mr Farnworth added: "It's your club and we need your help to stop this anti-social behaviour."

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Former Premier League footballer Dean Windass is involved in bankruptcy proceedings.

Tax officials have said the ex-Hull City player owes them more than £150,000.

A specialist judge has overseen a preliminary Bankruptcy Court hearing in London. Mr Windass did not attend court but was represented by a barrister.

His lawyers said Mr Windass, 47, was trying to find a solution and another hearing is scheduled for December.

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The amount of footballers that go bust after they have retired from playing is crackers.


Of all the shit they spunk their money on, rarely is "financial advisor" included.


Not to mention all the hangers-on who spring out the woodwork with their hands out as soon as footballer X makes it big.


Which is to say nothing of the fact that pro footballers are, generally speaking, utter morons.


And yet it still boggles the mind that anyone could lose so much money so quickly.

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