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Newcastle United 2 - 2 Liverpool - 19/10/13 - Post-match reaction from page 27


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Tons of grounds have Spion Kops (or Kops)


And most call it the Kop, it's no biggy, it just looks weird when given it's full name.


:thup: I only know the story behind it because the Kop at Windsor Park (or the West Stand as its now called) used to be an actual Kop (basically a terraced open air mound behind the goal) and I remember as a nipper asking my Dad why it was call the "The Spion Kop"

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This will sound very foolish written, but I'll put it down any way. At one point, directly after Gerrard had scored, the commentator on my viewing said something along the lines of "Gerrard has scored a century of league goals for Liverpool and twenty of them....". He went on to say "penalties, but for that tenth of a second between words, I genuinely and irrationally thought he was going to say that twenty of his goals have come against Newcastle. This is how much the guy has terrorised us over the last fifteen years.He has been a demon. I'm glad he got your team to the World Cup, because they are always entertaining and controversial, but he shouldn't be clapped at the scene of his crimes.

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A deserved point against the odds and the team deserve 100% credit for digging in and getting a result after MYM's stupid foul on Suarez - no guarantee he would have scored and it caused us to lose the attacking momentum we had built up which may or may not have resulted in a surprise 3 points.


Much better approach to the game altogether and some great performances - Remy's pace up front made Liverpool wary of committing too many players forward in the second half and had they not had to deal with that, they may well have won. Cabaye showed what a great asset he can be when he is up for it and the team provide movement for his passes - despite what many say about him, he would not have been out of place in Arsenal's team...and Man U may well regret not trying to sign him.....fantastic strike and despite people like Mark Bosnich saying the keeper shouldn't really be beaten from that distance, there was no doubt that Cabaye put it in just the right place and with power/bounce off a wet pitch - Mignolet had no chance at all but not many PL players can score goals like that...all Cabaye's strikes tend to be howitzers.

Tiote continued to improve and was vital in breaking up Liverpool attacks although all the players worked their socks off.

Surprisingly, the major disappointment was HBA - he is developing an even worse tendency to take too many players on and to try to keep the ball in situations where a simple pass and run for the return would have been far more effective. He was probably our worst offender for losing possession.

Krul made a couple of great stops but so did Mignolet, esp from Sissoko when a goal then would have put us 2 up and given them a mountain to climb.

Debuchy seems to be getting to grips with the PL and made some great clearances as well as trying to support the attack when possible.

Couldn't understand why Pardew took Cabaye off unless he was injured but Dummett's introduction proved to be vital - apart from having to play CB(which he did pretty well considering the opposition)he did what very few NUFC players have done under Pardew and scored from a dead ball situation...his reading of the FK was as good as most forwards and Liverpool lost him completely when he sneaked in behind them - delighted for the lad.


Altogether, great entertainment if a bit heart-stopping at times and the side will go to the SoS in good heart - we hope....!

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Yea gifting the MOTM to Gerrard what a surprise.


Lads put in a great shift today, it's the sort of performance I always felt builds Morale and teamwork.


There is NO way that Gerrard was MoM...either Tiote or Cabaye should have got it.

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I can't get over that first goal and the sending off incident. Pissing me off no end.


We had pressed the ball in midfield so well up to that point, and had been defending well from deep. The one time when Cabaye doesn't put Sturridge under any pressure, and the first time we hold a high line, we end up conceding a penalty and a red card. Circumstances seemed to conspire against us in that phase of play with Tiote running back into play, and ratty boy's obvious dive. MYM had been excellent up until then, but the hand on the shoulder was stupid and asking for trouble. With it being towards the close of the half, it really woke Liverpool up and sent them in to the dressing rooms with a different mindset.


Had we closed out the half in front, and with 11 players on the pitch, I'm confident we would have taken all 3 points.

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It has to be said that MOTD 'highlights' should be called biased clips. Our game's highlights were more like 'Liverpool with a cameo appearance by Newcastle United'. That commentator was a dick too. After Dummet's goal he said "was he on side?".


They have a pre set agenda which the programme is edited around and yesterday's agenda was the odious Gerrard.

Completey ignored and failed to show his blatant body body check which would and should have been his second yellow card despite it being one of the games main talking points amongst those who witnessed it.


Mind talking of pre set agendas and the BBC reporting the news to fit their story, they opened yesterday's  NE sports news with "it was a bad day for all our clubs".  What ???  It was another awful day for that lot down the road but we were excellent with 10 men for an hour against one of the the league's top sides.

However that headline probably fit better with the story that followed, as they devoted half the bulletin to a couple of hundred disgruntled fans who traipsed around the city centre with their banners, while 50 odd thousand just went to the match as usual.

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MOTD is so shit its unbelievable. They showed Chelsea and Man U winning corners which led to nothing without showing some of our shots on goal ffs. Hell, they even showed one highlight yes ONE highlight of the first half of the Mackem game. They waste so much time waffling on and showing trailers for MOTD2 etc etc. The programme is total shit tbh.

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It has to be said that MOTD 'highlights' should be called biased clips. Our game's highlights were more like 'Liverpool with a cameo appearance by Newcastle United'. That commentator was a dick too. After Dummet's goal he said "was he on side?".



Yep, same thing happened with the Man U game, they well deserved a point and untill the goal they were by far the better team, you would of thought Man U dominated based on MOTD though.

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It has to be said that MOTD 'highlights' should be called biased clips. Our game's highlights were more like 'Liverpool with a cameo appearance by Newcastle United'. That commentator was a dick too. After Dummet's goal he said "was he on side?".


Don't EVER expect an unbiased commentary/highlights from any BBC sports programme where Liverpool are involved ; the media - especially the BBC - is riddled with scousers(what a surprise) and they think its a disaster that Liverpool aren't the team they were in the 80s.

Its a wonder we got mentioned at all.....

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It has to be said that MOTD 'highlights' should be called biased clips. Our game's highlights were more like 'Liverpool with a cameo appearance by Newcastle United'. That commentator was a dick too. After Dummet's goal he said "was he on side?".


Don't EVER expect an unbiased commentary/highlights from any BBC sports programme where Liverpool are involved ; the media - especially the BBC - is riddled with scousers(what a surprise) and they think its a disaster that Liverpool aren't the team they were in the 80s.

Its a wonder we got mentioned at all.....


Spotted this pithy response on twitter


@BBCMOTD #nufc-#lfc stats:

Goals: NUFC N/A - LFC 2

Gerrard goals: NUFC 0 - LFC 1

Great Gerrard bits: NUFC 0 - LFC Loads

Gerrards: NUFC 0 - LFC 1

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"Liverpool denied by 10 man Newcastle". Erm, hello? We were in the lead twice!


BBC had a similar headline. The media were dying for a Liverpool win so that all their old guard, who are going to die soon, can start wanking about how they're going to win the title this year.

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