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Jack Colback (now a free agent)

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"The new manager has improved fitness" is the most tedious of softball footballing cliches. Just something for kiss arse players to say about the new guy that can't be obviously disproved.


Unfortunately for Colback he's a bit thick and probably doesn't realise that claiming Steve Bruce has a better fitness regime for his players than Rafael Benitez does is laugh out loud funny. Like saying Dave Bassett has improved things tactically having taken over from Pep Guardiola.

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Rafa knew how to manage the condition of the squad across an entire season.  I would wager that Bruce has got them "fitter" relative to this point in time last season, but I would certainly expect considerably more fatigue and injury early in the new year as a result of excessive conditioning in preseason. 


Also Colback is a shit footballer.  I hope he reads the forum x

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Next he'll be saying "He wants the team to get stuck in more. Getting stuck in has been increased more since he came in". It'll go down well with those that go red in the face and froth at the mouth telling players to "Get into them. Fuck them up"

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Out of all nick names I still hold Cack Jogback as one of the best I've seen on here.


For the direction I hope this club takes under Ashley, and for the entertainment value of the zombies that will still attend matches I hope he sees a lot of time on the pitch this season.

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Guest reefatoon

Desperately trying to suck up after being left out of two friendlies


Totally agree. The little shitcunt that he is

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We were 2nd in the whole PL for distance covered back in March (can't find end of season stats).


And I can't remember us ever having less injuries than when Rafa was our manager.


So shut the f*** up, you ginger little bellend.


The point about injuries is very significant. We had a very weak squad the last 2 seasons which Rafa was able to squeeze every last ounce out of and our injury record was great, probably the best I can ever remember. Pushing the players early in the season with no doubt much inferior fitness methods is probably going to end in disaster and stretch our wafer thin squad.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Hope this talentless cunt suffers a career ending injury I really do. I’m sure he’ll get a job coaching at the club still all the same. Ginger poisonous dwarf shit tattoos mackem cunt.

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