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I am of the opinion that MA would sell us immediately if he was offered the right price.

He's a businessman as we all know and he'd drop us straight away if an offer was made that he thought benefitted him.


The problem is, nobody has made that offer - and there is no talk of anyone even looking at doing it.


Even if we burn down the stadium with Ashley inside it, he cant sell us without a buyer.


I boycotted against Tottenham, have held up relevant signs and chants as others have - but ultimately we are just telling Ashley he's a cunt (which is still good).

Hopefully, the current intense media coverage of AshleyOut will just increase the possibility of someone making an offer.

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Then we should do what he does when he wants to sell stuff: make it as cheap as possible. Let's hope we get fucking relegated so it becomes much less valuable to him and prospective owners. Then he might sell up because no idiot will pay him £350m for a Championship team.

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Then we should do what he does when he wants to sell stuff: make it as cheap as possible. Let's hope we get f***ing relegated so it becomes much less valuable to him and prospective owners. Then he might sell up because no idiot will pay him £350m for a Championship team.


That's the issue I'm highlighting - nobody will pay £350m for a Championship team, which means he will not sell us.

The only realistic way of NUFC being sold is if we are in the Premier League.


There is no hope on Earth that Ashley would sell us at a loss to himself, so going down will mean we do not get sold.

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Then we should do what he does when he wants to sell stuff: make it as cheap as possible. Let's hope we get f***ing relegated so it becomes much less valuable to him and prospective owners. Then he might sell up because no idiot will pay him £350m for a Championship team.


That's the issue I'm highlighting - nobody will pay £350m for a Championship team, which means he will not sell us.

The only realistic way of NUFC being sold is if we are in the Premier League.


There is no hope on Earth that Ashley would sell us at a loss to himself, so going down will mean we do not get sold.


Why not?

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Then we should do what he does when he wants to sell stuff: make it as cheap as possible. Let's hope we get f***ing relegated so it becomes much less valuable to him and prospective owners. Then he might sell up because no idiot will pay him £350m for a Championship team.


That's the issue I'm highlighting - nobody will pay £350m for a Championship team, which means he will not sell us.

The only realistic way of NUFC being sold is if we are in the Premier League.


There is no hope on Earth that Ashley would sell us at a loss to himself, so going down will mean we do not get sold.


Why not?


Unsure if you are referring to the first part of that or the second.

If we go down, as said above, nobody will buy us for Ashley's valuation - a team in the Championship in absolute tatters would not be worth the risk to anyone.


As for the first part, as everyone has previously said - Ashley is a good businessman (along with a complete wanker and awful football bloke) and only cares about his bank balance. He would not sell us at a loss, not a chance at all. Even making his life hell would not make him sell at a loss, he'll just not attend (as he is doing now).

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If we go down he'll just settle in and wait until we come back up and try to sell then.  Anyone thinking he'll cut his losses, do you really think this stubborn cunt is that sort of man?  He'll be thinking about how much the club was worth in the Premier League and won't be able to bring himself to sell for just a small fraction of that worth.  You don't sell when your stocks low, simple as that, not unless you're desperate and he's a fucking billionaire, he can afford to wait.

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Then we should do what he does when he wants to sell stuff: make it as cheap as possible. Let's hope we get f***ing relegated so it becomes much less valuable to him and prospective owners. Then he might sell up because no idiot will pay him £350m for a Championship team.


That's the issue I'm highlighting - nobody will pay £350m for a Championship team, which means he will not sell us.

The only realistic way of NUFC being sold is if we are in the Premier League.


There is no hope on Earth that Ashley would sell us at a loss to himself, so going down will mean we do not get sold.


Why not?


Unsure if you are referring to the first part of that or the second.

If we go down, as said above, nobody will buy us for Ashley's valuation - a team in the Championship in absolute tatters would not be worth the risk to anyone.


As for the first part, as everyone has previously said - Ashley is a good businessman (along with a complete w***** and awful football bloke) and only cares about his bank balance. He would not sell us at a loss, not a chance at all. Even making his life hell would not make him sell at a loss, he'll just not attend (as he is doing now).


Was the first part. I don't agree with the bit I've bolded. History has shown that if the pressure increases and the criticism is personal, he'd get shot of us as soon as he could. How cheap and how quickly would depend on the pressure. 45k turning up and moaning is nothing to him. An entirely empty stadium with smoke bombs, flares and banners being strung up over his SD outlets would have him gone sharpish.

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Then we should do what he does when he wants to sell stuff: make it as cheap as possible. Let's hope we get f***ing relegated so it becomes much less valuable to him and prospective owners. Then he might sell up because no idiot will pay him £350m for a Championship team.


That's the issue I'm highlighting - nobody will pay £350m for a Championship team, which means he will not sell us.

The only realistic way of NUFC being sold is if we are in the Premier League.


There is no hope on Earth that Ashley would sell us at a loss to himself, so going down will mean we do not get sold.


Part of that £350m valuation has to be down to the fact you are purchasing a Premier League team. Ashley's valuation has to reflect our position in the football league. The longer we are out of the Premier League the Cheaper the club becomes.

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If we go down he'll just settle in and wait until we come back up and try to sell then.  Anyone thinking he'll cut his losses, do you really think this stubborn cunt is that sort of man?  He'll be thinking about how much the club was worth in the Premier League and won't be able to bring himself to sell for just a small fraction of that worth.  You don't sell when your stocks low, simple as that, not unless you're desperate and he's a fucking billionaire, he can afford to wait.


That assumes he gets lucky and we come back up immediately. I doubt it. The entire structure of the club is built to pay imported players. The players we are negotiating for won't play in the Championship.

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It could also put them off and think we as fans are fickle. When you think about it we protested for pardew gone, that happened, then we protest for Ashley out and due to the bollocks the media portray any buyer may think unless we win the league we protest about something else. Its a load of bollocks but buyers may think that.

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It could also put them off and think we as fans are fickle. When you think about it we protested for pardew gone, that happened, then we protest for Ashley out and due to the bollocks the media portray any buyer may think unless we win the league we protest about something else. Its a load of bollocks but buyers may think that.


Or they realise they'll instantly be a hero/heroes if they buy Ashley out due to such unrest.


Any one who has genuine football interests would be fine.

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Relegation might be exactly what the campaign needs to take a step forwards. Even the casual fans won't be happy and we might see some very low gates in the Championship next season.

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I still think besieging the ground would look f***ing cool. Flares, banners and flags. Lots of noise outside the ground during the match.

Our lot haven't made lots of noise inside the fucking ground during a match for ages...


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I still think besieging the ground would look f***ing cool. Flares, banners and flags. Lots of noise outside the ground during the match.


My line in my sig hasn't changed in years :)

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I still think besieging the ground would look f***ing cool. Flares, banners and flags. Lots of noise outside the ground during the match.


My line in my sig hasn't changed in years :)


You keep saying that and you're probably not wrong but it's clearly impossible to organise, so people are doing stuff that's realistic instead.

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Well, the chances of the fans uniting themselves are slim to none unless some proper figureheads come out and support one direction or another, such as some ex-players. This needs to happen for anything to work imo.

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Call me an idiot or call me stupid but I've just done a little digging and in theory I think I know of away to get to Ashley.


SD as we all know is owned by Ashley. Except it's not, a lot of it is owned by private investors, Ashley's share is owned by MASH holdings limited which also owns NUFC. Recently in July a lot of MASH holdings was given to MASH beta, a new company formed by Ashley in order to release money to fund his funding to Rangers which went tits up and also to prevent being hit from the tax man.


Anyway a little bit of MASH holdings is owned by private investors.


My theoretical plan is for us supporters to start buying shares in the various holding companies Ashley has when they come up for sale. If we do it on a large scale and over time then we should be able to gain some sort of control of what goes on in these companies. So in affect we are making a consortium, maybe this is where we probably need large scale backers, maybe NUST can cough up some of the money they have.

If, and yes this is a big if, but if we were able to pull this of then we can ultimately control NUFC, we could demand and control the sale of NUFC to anyone we wanted for any price we wanted as it would be our own assets that we are controlling. We could be vindictive and vote to remove all of Ashley's friends of his board, we could in theory run his business into the fucking ground.


Maybe this is middle of the night fantasy last with attempt of hope stuff, in fact it probably is but surely it's an idea exploring to see if it even is a theoretical avenue to pursue.

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If you can find enough money to buy a controlling stake in a company with revenues of £2.7bn a year in which the sole director has no interest in relinquishing his majority share then you'd easily have enough money to just buy the club.

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I am of the opinion that MA would sell us immediately if he was offered the right price.

He's a businessman as we all know and he'd drop us straight away if an offer was made that he thought benefitted him.


The problem is, nobody has made that offer - and there is no talk of anyone even looking at doing it.


Even if we burn down the stadium with Ashley inside it, he cant sell us without a buyer.


I boycotted against Tottenham, have held up relevant signs and chants as others have - but ultimately we are just telling Ashley he's a cunt (which is still good).

Hopefully, the current intense media coverage of AshleyOut will just increase the possibility of someone making an offer.


He's the one that would set the price though. So, in theory, if he really wanted rid of the club he could flog it for £150m which he would get all day long but he won't.


We need to make his tenure as uncomfortable as possible giving him no option but to actively market the club for as little as he's prepared to accept for it. We're nowhere near that point yet imho.

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Guest Roger Kint

Call me an idiot or call me stupid but I've just done a little digging and in theory I think I know of away to get to Ashley.


SD as we all know is owned by Ashley. Except it's not, a lot of it is owned by private investors, Ashley's share is owned by MASH holdings limited which also owns NUFC. Recently in July a lot of MASH holdings was given to MASH beta, a new company formed by Ashley in order to release money to fund his funding to Rangers which went tits up and also to prevent being hit from the tax man.


Anyway a little bit of MASH holdings is owned by private investors.


My theoretical plan is for us supporters to start buying shares in the various holding companies Ashley has when they come up for sale. If we do it on a large scale and over time then we should be able to gain some sort of control of what goes on in these companies. So in affect we are making a consortium, maybe this is where we probably need large scale backers, maybe NUST can cough up some of the money they have.

If, and yes this is a big if, but if we were able to pull this of then we can ultimately control NUFC, we could demand and control the sale of NUFC to anyone we wanted for any price we wanted as it would be our own assets that we are controlling. We could be vindictive and vote to remove all of Ashley's friends of his board, we could in theory run his business into the fucking ground.


Maybe this is middle of the night fantasy last with attempt of hope stuff, in fact it probably is but surely it's an idea exploring to see if it even is a theoretical avenue to pursue.



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