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Guest firetotheworks
  On 30/05/2015 at 21:49, Hanskissedhispantz said:

I honestly think this is just their way of trying to look like they're on the ball.


Aye. It's so leftfield that they must know what they're doing/have the inside track/have some insight etc. With these cunts it's the conspiracies that you take as a given and the truth that's some crackpot theory being screamed by some tin foil hatted lunatic.

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  On 30/05/2015 at 21:46, Dave said:

It's a very interesting proposal, but it's utterly impossible to know if he's 'better than Carver'. We all know Carver is garbage, Vieira could quite easily be too given there's no evidence either way. :lol:


As others have said, it's difficult to believe he'll be impressed by our Mickey Mouse approach to running a football club after being at Arsenal and Man City.


He certainly won't be worse. Vieira comes across as a bright man who oozes class. A legend, and a man most will respect. He's already a better option than Carver. It's a great opportunity I'd say. A potentially exciting manager, for once.

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While I can relate to those unhappy with the idea of Vieira, I'm sure we'd all have been happy with Garde?


Garde has only managed one club, Lyon. They took a punt on him and it worked out, he was unproven at the time. So why not us and why not Vieira?


I think I'd be cautiously optimistic to be honest.

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  On 30/05/2015 at 21:50, Hanskissedhispantz said:

3 1000 page threads of 'Patrick Vieira is a CUNT'


:lol: Page 1: "Pure fucking love Viera, me."


Page 500: "I have no idea what he's fucking thinking."


Page 999: "Won't make another 1000, the cunt."

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Guest axel

Tor Kristian Karlsen rates him as a manager, and he is correct most of the time. Can't see him be any worse than Carver atleast. Just hope if he comes he won't have to work with Carver, Woodman etc.

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  On 30/05/2015 at 21:51, Dave said:


Why would we take a punt on him but not Gourvannec, Garde or Galtier?



When Pardew departed for Palace the first name on the Newcastle board’s wish list was Garde but according to an insider his interview unravelled when he kept asking whether there were any art galleries in the North East.





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  On 30/05/2015 at 21:58, Mole_Toonfan said:

There's not a chance in hell anyone is worse than Carver, 1 win 13 ffs. I'd hazard a guess that a crack squad of Flip, Mike and Hans would do a better job.


Now you're just being silly.

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Can't help that the club have put this put whilst they get on with the business of appointing McLaren.


At least Vieira would show imaginative thinking from the club for a change which McLaren definitely wouldn't.

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I just don't know how I feel about this, I mean I never actually liked him as a player, always found him to be dirty, and his ties to Arsenal and Man City just make that worse. He's got no links to Newcastle (though that doesn't matter too much), and no experience in management - even if he is touted as a relatively good potential manager. Part of me is thinking at least it's not someone like Kinnear again but does that just mean my expectations and ambition for the club have dropped considerably due to all the shit that's happened in recent times?  :crazy2:

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  On 30/05/2015 at 21:51, Dave said:


Why would we take a punt on him but not Gourvannec, Garde or Galtier?



When Pardew departed for Palace the first name on the Newcastle board’s wish list was Garde but according to an insider his interview unravelled when he kept asking whether there were any art galleries in the North East.




:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Fucking love Vieira, can definitely get behind this. Might be awful but I'd much rather we took a gamble rather than go for a MacClaren or Bruce.

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With Vieira he's going to want to do well to progress in his career, maybe even resulting in the Arsenal job one day. To do that he's going to have to show ambition, he's going to have an attacking mentality, and if he wants a top job he's got to get close to winning cups and against bigger teams otherwise he won't be considered.


With McClaren we'll get boring football and not to too much to excite the league or even our own fans.


With Carver, we'd do well to take a point out of any match we play.


I know which I'd prefer.

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