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Can definitely see him breaking the news about the party to players using a Brent style  'bad news and irrelevant news' speech




Yup gathering the players around him in the dressing room, saying no party, but that he's getting a Christmas bonus and then breaking out the old



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Can definitely see him breaking the news about the party to players using a Brent style  'bad news and irrelevant news' speech




Yup gathering the players around him in the dressing room, saying no party, but that he's getting a Christmas bonus and then breaking out the old



You can do whatever you want when you're the king ?

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Just seen him on SSN talking about their lack of goals being the source of their problems.  It seemed like he was pointing the blame towards Pulis as they'd only scored 13 goals despite the season "nearly being at the halfway point".


Under Pulis - 12 goals in 14 games = 0.85 goals per game.


Under Pardew - 1 goal in 4 games = 0.25 goals per game.



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:lol: I love having him at other clubs man. It's an absolute hoot.


Yeah the things I despised him for here are amusing when he's managing someone else


Got to echo this, its weirdly entertaining listening to the stupid fuck now he's elsewhere.

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