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Rafael Benitez

Jesse Pinkman

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Where's this new manager bounce everyone was talking about


He stopped the derby run of defeats. Mitrovic is a goal a game striker under this manager...That's ours.

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Only seen the goals from Saturday.  Can't bring myself to watch extended highlights.  From what I have read and heard, plus what I have seen from his first two games.  I think we're far too cautious and slow to start.  It's as if we're just trying to keep it tight and nick a goal, without really bothering with attacking.  Yet we always concede first and then have to change our game plan and start making subs, quite early on.


He's tinkered with the team a fair bit, already.  Which is understandable, as he's been chucked in near the end of the season and nobody really knows what our 'best' team is.  But from what some of my mate's have said about him, about him infuriating some fans and making head scratching decisions, seems to be ringing true.  Starting Taylor over Lascelles and Cisse over Mitrovic, seemed a bit odd, to me.


In Rafa's defence, he's come in far too late and he's got fuck all to work.  Even less than McClaren, when you consider injuries.  I also like how his in game changes and subs, actually seem to have an impact on the game.  It's just too little too late.  The writing was on the wall a long time ago.

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TBF those were the only really questionable decision he's made since he arrived.


Playing Gini in a midfield 2 - I actually wanted to see this, but can see why some didn't.  He hasn't played there for us for a long time. 

Some of his subs (that in hindsight, worked well)

Moving Sissoko to left back. 


I'm not saying they have all been shit and I haven't agreed with them all.  I was merely commenting on, some head scratching decisions.  Which is what my Liverpool supporting mates, told me to expect. 

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He's the absolute least of our problems. Before the game having Taylor and MBemba together wasnt to much of a head scratching decision, ive liked what ive saw of Lascelles so far and would of preferred to see him start but i can see why he went for Taylor. In hindsight they were awful together but Anita and Janmaat (to a lesser extent)left them extremely exposed, would Lascelles of faired any better? Maybe.

I can understand the Cisse situation too, the guy kept us in the league last year with sh*te service more a less on his own.

Benitez wont stray from 4231, it works for him, its going to take time to for it to work with us, obviously time we havent got, but its our only chance. Id sooner have Benitez do that than some other chancer like the last few we've had play 2 up top long ball that never worked anyway. I dont believe any other manager would be doing any better than what he's doing with this bunch.

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There isn't a single system or set of personnel in any area of the team that is proven to be able to function competently for even two consecutive games.


There isn't any bizarre team selection going on. Just a bloke trying to reshuffle the deckchairs on the Titanic and only just realising that every single chair has something fundamentally wrong with it.


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I do think there's merit in the notion that his lack of experience i a relegation battle might be to our downfall in the short term. We've tried to play football and it just hasn't worked. We've looked much better whenever we've gone 4-4-2 and got crosses in the box.


Benitez is a smart man. Had we got him in a month, definitely 2 earlier we would be safe. He would've learnt these lessons with 11 games to go, not 7. Of course he would be at Madrid around that time but we waited too long to get rid of SMC.

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There isn't a single system or set of personnel in any area of the team that is proven to be able to function competently for even two consecutive games.


There isn't any bizarre team selection going on. Just a bloke trying to reshuffle the deckchairs on the Titanic and only just realising that every single chair has something fundamentally wrong with it.



This. We've been screaming at the squad imbalance and wrong signings for several seasons and it's been ignored. The last time we had a balanced team was under Pardew, who of course said it was because he didn't have the players. McClaren as shite as he was was hung out to dry in the same way Rafa has. Rafa will take it in his stride though because he's not desperate and will just leave if he's not supported.

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There isn't a single system or set of personnel in any area of the team that is proven to be able to function competently for even two consecutive games.


There isn't any bizarre team selection going on. Just a bloke trying to reshuffle the deckchairs on the Titanic and only just realising that every single chair has something fundamentally wrong with it.



Spot on this.


The guy has no chance with these players.

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Like any manager should, he thinks he can fix the problems and make players out of the likes of Sissoko and Wijnaldum, who have shown fleeting moments of quality.


Ultimately he is wrong and at any normal club he would be given the chance to rectify that mistake in the summer by shipping them out. Sadly, it's too little, too late. He's been given a load of duds.


Slim chance he might stay next year. Only if noone comes in for him, then he might fancy it.


What a horrible mess

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Not bringing him early enough smacks of the 'trying to get by/not invest any money' mentality that Ashley has brainwashed through the club.


The difference a month would have made would have been immense and, in financial terms, it would only have a been a few hundred grand, max.




His inevitable departure is the biggest missed opportunity of the Ashley era. Incredibly, we've snatched a defeat from the jaws of victory in a way only NUFC and our feckless players can.


I think the fact that so many managers/coaches have failed to get a response from these cunts says so much about the fundamental cultural problems at the club. In particular that these knackers have been sold the dream of 'come to NUFC and be like Yohan Cabaye, he went to a proper club' is so fucking screwed up, it's untrue.


That strikes at the heart of Ashley's ownership, that these chancers, bluffers and mercenaries are 'convinced' to come here on the basis of leaving. They're all coming with the wrong mentality. At least under FFS/SJH the signings were all signing up to men who had a pride in the club/region and wanted to compete.


If you can only talk to these new players about how much money they'll all make when they leave it's no wonder they're so fucking half hearted on the pitch.


They win, either way.


They achieve their ends.


They go, we stay. They benefit, we suffer.


It's the most one sided relationship in sport this NUFC.

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Not a chance he stays imo - he'll have seen enough behind the scenes already to know that the club is absolutely rotten to the core.


Of course he will and the fat cunts little outburst a couple of weeks ago would have been recieved by Rafa's people as a warning shot of life under the fucking dictatorship.


Like fucking North Korea with marginally better haircuts.

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Made some mistakes on Saturday, but he made the substitutes to rectify them and nearly salvaged something.


Entirely the fault of the players that the 3rd goal went in.


I love him and hope that he stays, still think we've got a great chance. This time last season, Hull were 9 points ahead of Leicester - Leicester survived and Hull went down.

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Made some mistakes on Saturday, but he made the substitutes to rectify them and nearly salvaged something.


Entirely the fault of the players that the 3rd goal went in.


I love him and hope that he stays, still think we've got a great chance. This time last season, Hull were 9 points ahead of Leicester - Leicester survived and Hull went down.


Nope. After 31 games, Leicester were 3 points behind Hull with a game in hand.

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Made some mistakes on Saturday, but he made the substitutes to rectify them and nearly salvaged something.


Entirely the fault of the players that the 3rd goal went in.


I love him and hope that he stays, still think we've got a great chance. This time last season, Hull were 9 points ahead of Leicester - Leicester survived and Hull went down.


Nope. After 31 games, Leicester were 3 points behind Hull with a game in hand.


yeah. this view is often skewed by the dates.


After 31 games Leicester had started their revival.


If we get out of it, it'll be a monumental escape, bigger than last years.


We won't, obviously.

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Made some mistakes on Saturday, but he made the substitutes to rectify them and nearly salvaged something.


Entirely the fault of the players that the 3rd goal went in.


I love him and hope that he stays, still think we've got a great chance. This time last season, Hull were 9 points ahead of Leicester - Leicester survived and Hull went down.


Nope. After 31 games, Leicester were 3 points behind Hull with a game in hand.


No idea what table I saw then, maybe it was a few weeks before.

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He's a legend for even giving me about 10 days of hope, he dared me to dream again, he made me feel something about this club again - and the inevitable when we go down, and the players let him and us the fans down will be that much more painful. Man has some set of stones - he came in here knowing the club (the fans) and how if he had the opportunity to get it right - my god, would be an epic legendary journey - but no, of course not - fully believe all the SHIT and Disgusting decisions made by Mike Ashley and his 2 chairmen, scouts, board, and managers have once again have set us with relegation in the crosshairs.


'preciate that Mike Ashley, you fucking cretin, hope you don't wake up tomorrow.

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The problem for Rafa is that he's having to do stuff now that he would have normally done pre-season and not everything will work for him. It's a massive plus that he can see when it's going wrong and does something about it earlier rather than later.

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