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Leicester City v Newcastle United - Monday 14th March 2016

Figures 1-0 Football

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This will sound a bit Liverpool but I'm not particularly arsed about what team Rafa picks at this point, I trust his judgement. It'll take a few games for him to figure out who's worth playing and who isn't.

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I'm happy Anita is in, he's a tidy player. Wijnaldum will benefit from him being there.


Think it'll be 4-2-3-1 with Anita and Shelvey, problem is that Shelvey can't track back or tackle to save his life, far more effective going forward.

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Think we'll see more of a 4-4-1-1. I think our wide players need to stay with the midfield initially to aid our build up play and the 4-4-1-1 would allow for that.


Gini really doesn't do a great job of dropping off and getting involved in play from that number 10 role, and plays more like a second striker, and so I think this approach would help with that. Also I'm hoping Perez drops into gaps from the left to help with the build up through the centre too.


I could see Perez being utilized the way Benayoun was under Rafa. Coming in from the left and getting involved in play.

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