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Euro 2016 trouble - Russia handed suspended disqualification by UEFA


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There are 4 kids on their own scrambling desperately for coins on the floor. I don't know if they're gypsies or refugees or anything, but without any title or caption, I think it's very likely they're being mocked. Aye, like anything it could be misrepresented, but it looks nasty without any need for Russians to add malicious captions.

:thup: I'm not saying they aren't mocking them FWIW, just a lot of people have been kicking off about it despite the lack of evidence. I usually wouldn't care but the bloke who reported it is a total muppet, his twitter feel last night was really irritating.


It's disgusting, stop defending it. End of. Had it been any other set of fans you would've thought the same. Stop defending the indefensible. It's not the first time Russia and England supporters cause trouble in a big tournament. If UEFA and FIFA for that matter, had anything about them, both teams should play home qualifiers without fans for a year or two.


Why can most nations fans make a party out of it and have fun together, have friends who were in Paris watching Sweden and Ireland and said both sets of fans had a great time together.

:lol: throwing coins at children is disgusting? Wind your fucking neck in man.


I'm defending nothing if it is bullying, just pointing out that there's literally no evidence to suggest it is, just the word of a Russian Ultra.


Edit: actually fuck off, if it was any other fans I'd have said the same? Nah.

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If we are to avoid the cringe worthy and embarrassing behaviour that some English people display at international tournaments and cheap holiday resorts, perhaps education is the way forward? 

We could start with :-

1. The effect that thinking it's obligatory to drink heavily from arriving at the airport onwards will have on your mind and body.

2. Foreign cultures are often quite different to your own. It may be acceptable to drink heavily, hang tatty flags up and sing songs about "foreigners" in Blackpool and Skegness. However most people on the continent will find this offensive.

3. We didn't win the war! We were part of a broad alliance that defeated Nazi Germany. If anything "won the war" it was American money and Russian numbers.

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There are 4 kids on their own scrambling desperately for coins on the floor. I don't know if they're gypsies or refugees or anything, but without any title or caption, I think it's very likely they're being mocked. Aye, like anything it could be misrepresented, but it looks nasty without any need for Russians to add malicious captions.

:thup: I'm not saying they aren't mocking them FWIW, just a lot of people have been kicking off about it despite the lack of evidence. I usually wouldn't care but the bloke who reported it is a total muppet, his twitter feel last night was really irritating.


It's disgusting, stop defending it. End of. Had it been any other set of fans you would've thought the same. Stop defending the indefensible. It's not the first time Russia and England supporters cause trouble in a big tournament. If UEFA and FIFA for that matter, had anything about them, both teams should play home qualifiers without fans for a year or two.


Why can most nations fans make a party out of it and have fun together, have friends who were in Paris watching Sweden and Ireland and said both sets of fans had a great time together.





Love my Hans, but not sure why he's getting defensive on this one. :lol:


We're as bad as the Russians.  They're just better prepared for organised fighting.  We're just better prepared for organised drunk and disorderly. 

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There are 4 kids on their own scrambling desperately for coins on the floor. I don't know if they're gypsies or refugees or anything, but without any title or caption, I think it's very likely they're being mocked. Aye, like anything it could be misrepresented, but it looks nasty without any need for Russians to add malicious captions.

:thup: I'm not saying they aren't mocking them FWIW, just a lot of people have been kicking off about it despite the lack of evidence. I usually wouldn't care but the bloke who reported it is a total muppet, his twitter feel last night was really irritating.


It's disgusting, stop defending it. End of. Had it been any other set of fans you would've thought the same. Stop defending the indefensible. It's not the first time Russia and England supporters cause trouble in a big tournament. If UEFA and FIFA for that matter, had anything about them, both teams should play home qualifiers without fans for a year or two.


Why can most nations fans make a party out of it and have fun together, have friends who were in Paris watching Sweden and Ireland and said both sets of fans had a great time together.





Love my Hans, but not sure why he's getting defensive on this one. :lol:


We're as bad as the Russians.  They're just better prepared for organised fighting.  We're just better prepared for organised drunk and disorderly. 

Just trying to explain my point, I don't think there's much there to suggest it is bullying over just having fun with a group of local children. Probably going on a bit now like :lol:


Just canny irritating when I've blatantly been critical of the way we've went on in other instances, and said if it is bullying it's vile, to have someone wade in telling me I'm just defending them because they're English.

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I don't much care for this thread. People should be banned for walking down the streets singing? Or for throwing coins on the ground for some kids? There are plenty of innocent people there just having a good time. I know for damn sure that if I was over there I would be marching with them if I was in Lille. Fuck sitting on my own after all the shit that's gone down over the last week.


I don't particularly love the antagonistic loutish nature of our fans, but it hardly warrants severe punishment. Identify the people that do stupid shit like throw bottles and chairs, and ban em for life. It can't be all that difficult to do.

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The punishment I would make is to ban our fans from travelling to a certain number of away qualifiers for Euro 2020.  Don't punish those already out there.


Or if things gets worse, exclude England and Russia from the next Euros.


And just leave it happening as it is for this Euros? Because you know fine well that the French police are not dealing with it.

What exactly do you think would happen if they did disqualify England? That all these louts would pack up and go home? It'd just make the situation a whole lot worse. Like you say, the French police aren't dealing with it and it would be a nightmare.


That's a fair point, and I'll be honest, never really thought of it that way. But unless the French authorities start to deal with it, do we just leave it to happen in the hope that they all just get bored?


Sometimes it's not about the immediate action or remedy.  Punishments deserve to be dished out now.  If we did get disqualified, what would happen?  Who cares, quite frankly.  It'd be an issue for the French authorities in conjunction with ours to deal with.  You don't pussy foot around just incase you make it worse. 


I'll hold my hands up and accept I never really took on how organised and bad the Russian cunts were, but history has taught us, we're no better in general.  We have a vulgar drinking culture and we export it with every tournament.  Time we were made to deal with that internally rather than on the world's stage with excuses after excuses being made.


I'd only argue Russia get away with less because this isn't there 20-30th year running of being a fucking state at international tournaments.  They'll get away with it on technicalities, and to be honest, probably should do.  We'd be screaming murder if we got a WC taken off us for what they've done.

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If long term it stops it like it largely did in the club game then people have to think about the longer term impact. That said, in the same token the Russians need fucking crucifying. It's pretty evident there have been weak decisions in terms of policing and actions by respective FA's/UEFA. Why they are entertaining the idea of a tournament in Russia (corruption noted) after their carry on with gay athletes in the winter games and the responses by their officials is beyond me. Well it isn't but in an ideal world.

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I don't much care for this thread. People should be banned for walking down the streets singing? Or for throwing coins on the ground for some kids? There are plenty of innocent people there just having a good time. I know for damn sure that if I was over there I would be marching with them if I was in Lille. Fuck sitting on my own after all the shit that's gone down over the last week.


I don't particularly love the antagonistic loutish nature of our fans, but it hardly warrants severe punishment. Identify the people that do stupid shit like throw bottles and chairs, and ban em for life. It can't be all that difficult to do.



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I don't much care for this thread. People should be banned for walking down the streets singing? Or for throwing coins on the ground for some kids? There are plenty of innocent people there just having a good time. I know for damn sure that if I was over there I would be marching with them if I was in Lille. Fuck sitting on my own after all the shit that's gone down over the last week.


I don't particularly love the antagonistic loutish nature of our fans, but it hardly warrants severe punishment. Identify the people that do stupid shit like throw bottles and chairs, and ban em for life. It can't be all that difficult to do.




I agree with Dan's post to a degree, but surely it's pretty damn hard to ban people throwing bottles and chairs in the street? 90% of those people are probably cunts who don't even go to the games anyway, and simply go over to cause havoc/get pissed up. In a reality this is something that will probably never stop unless the teams are punished.

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I don't particularly love the antagonistic loutish nature of our fans, but it hardly warrants severe punishment. Identify the people that do stupid shit like throw bottles and chairs, and ban em for life. It can't be all that difficult to do.


Isn't anyone with a conviction for football-related shenanigans banned from leaving the country during internationals anyway?


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We have a shocking reputation in Germany, thanks to all the fucking squaddies that were stationed here.


Anywhere there were British barracks, the local bouncers all looked like the Mountain. When I was much younger, I got turned away from places simply for being English. They always let me in when I argued with them because, of course, none of the squaddies ever speak the local lingo, so they know I'm not one of them.


Most of them are gone now, but it was carnage when the squaddies were in town. They used to beat up the local police regularly. The cops couldn't shoot them, and they didn't have much chance against professional soldiers otherwise.


It used to be the locals would call the police and the police would call the military police.



Actually, when I stopped with my mate's bro in Paderborn back in the day, he was pretty assimilated and fluent, had married a local lass and they had a kid about 7, so not all are the same. Not too keen on sweeping generalisations.

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I wonder why the law seems different during football tournaments? If in England someone threw a bottle or chair at someone and marauded around chinning people they'd be arrested, locked up and charged. The same would happen in most countries. During football tournaments the punishment seems to be deportation at worst. It's not as if the authorities haven't got plenty of evidence. Some perpetrators upload the evidence to their own websites.

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Not enough resources?


To arrest one, you'd probably need two police minimum, at least initially.  Scale that up to the amount of people causing disruption and they probably don't have enough officers

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Police arrest people kicking off in bars in the UK all the time and it's not 2/1 like.


People in bars arent in groups of hundreds who are all looking out for each other and in a few cases walking around looking for trouble

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Most of them are posturing man, they don't really want to kick the fuck out of the police or Russians. That video Stan Collymore recorded shows an England fan in a blue jacket bouncing about in front of the police shouting stuff at the Russians, lock the cunt up.


It's not an actual riot, it's a bunch if divvies trying to look hard.

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Actually, when I stopped with my mate's bro in Paderborn back in the day, he was pretty assimilated and fluent, had married a local lass and they had a kid about 7, so not all are the same. Not too keen on sweeping generalisations.


Oh, absolutely. The lads that settled here, and there are a lot, speak the language and that. Just they're not the ones hitting the bars in town on Friday nights.


And when they do, the same rule applies. If you speak German, you're not one of "them". Handy shibboleth.

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