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So - when Rafa quits... What then?

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We're Bare Minimum FC these days so if you can't live with that then no, there's no point in supporting us. There's a saying that the opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy, and I've felt myself become more and more apathetic towards the club as time has gone on.


What the fuck's the point when we're operating under a self imposed ceiling while all of our rivals are striving to strengthen and improve themselves? There's nothing there in a sporting sense now, the very best you'll get out of it is some isolated joy in certain results and moments, but even that is of course tainted by the big picture.


Wish the toxic cunt would fuck off. He has no business owning a football club, never mind NUFC, and we've seen a decade wasted already with no end in sight.


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We're Bare Minimum FC these days so if you can't live with that then no, there's no point in supporting us. There's a saying that the opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy, and I've felt myself become more and more apathetic towards the club as time has gone on.


What the f***'s the point when we're operating under a self imposed ceiling when all of our rivals are trying to strengthen and improve themselves? There's nothing there in a sporting sense now, the very best you'll get out of it is some isolated joy in certain results and moments, but even that is of course tainted by the big picture.


Wish the toxic c*** would f*** off. He has no business owning a football club, never mind NUFC, and we've seen a decade wasted already with no end in sight.


Couldn't agree more. Our ceiling is outside of the top 10 and it's imposed by the person who should be demanding more. I can't wait until he leaves and we can finally function as something resembling ambition again.

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Guest Open_C

Don't get me wrong, fellas - I'm time served. Used to go to Simod/ZDS Cup games, through the McKeag years, etc. I live and breathe Newcastle United still - I just don't go to games any more. Too many people I think simply go to the match out of habit - it's a way to escape the wife and bairns for a few hours. Habits can be broken though and they will have to be, if this man is to be forced out.

:thup: gave up the season ticket with Allardyce, stopped going altogether when they punted Hughton out. Can't just give up on them because of where I was born and because I love the feel of the city on matchdays, and specifically the feeling of being part of something bigger which is not work related or hierarchical.  Only ever listen to them on Radio Newcastle these days, but still love to be in Newcastle before a game.
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To protest and get rid of him. Ashley will be here for a period of time, Newcastle will leave on. There will be a day when he fucks off. I genuinely believe in the power of protest with him as we've seen it hurts him. Lets all get on his back again and stay on it until he fucks off. No interviews on Sky to keep fans quiet this time.


This. It hurt him so bad that the fans turned on him after Keegan that he's still determined to fuck us over as much as possible years later. He's been waging war war on the fan base for a long time now with very little coming in return. What form of protest would be most likely to have the desired effect? It would have to be quite something I'd imagine.


Protesting to the point where it gets media attention works. Ashley Out cranked it up a gear and he was forced to do an interview with Sky Sports. At one point a few years ago he also released a statement asking fans to stop protesting. He doesn't like it when he gets exposed.

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I'm not asking why you love the Toon - but surely there is a requirement that the club competes and tries?


If we quit the league structure and just did kick-about every week surely nobody would go?


There IS a line - and a requirement - *somewhere*.

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There's no point other than enjoying the wins when they come along. I think the premier league is generally embarrassing shite these days, it's no use being too invested in the sport at this point.

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I'm not asking why you love the Toon - but surely there is a requirement that the club competes and tries?


If we quit the league structure and just did kick-about every week surely nobody would go?


There IS a line - and a requirement - *somewhere*.


Guess the line is different for everyone. From those who've never been anywhere near SJP and 'sack it off' after every defeat, to those who'll happy clap until the end of time.

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I'm not asking why you love the Toon - but surely there is a requirement that the club competes and tries?


If we quit the league structure and just did kick-about every week surely nobody would go?


There IS a line - and a requirement - *somewhere*.


Guess the line is different for everyone. From those who've never been anywhere near SJP and 'sack it off' after every defeat, to those who'll happy clap until the end of time.

Didn't you sack it off for the McClaren season, Foluwashola?
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Guest firetotheworks

It completely depends on what your definition of support is.


For some being a supporter begins and ends with attending matches no matter what and supporting the team on the field, for others (me included) it's simply doing whatever you can do in your power as a fan to support the club.


In normal circumstances they would be one and the same and it would simply equate to attending matches and supporting the players as much as possible, but under Ashley as far as I'm concerned my definition of supporting the club is doing whatever you can through protests, boycotts, walk outs, brand damage etc to make an attempt, no matter how futile, to get him to sell up. Unfortunately attending matches flies in the face of the aim of removing Ashley imo, and Ashley probably knows that. I think attending matches and supporting the 'team not the regime' no matter what is an oxymoron, because you can come out with that line as much as you want, but you're still giving Ashley money and vindicating his mismanagement with the only currency he listens to; money. It's still supporting the regime and continuing to feed the very thing that we all desperately want to remove from the club, and the one thing that unites us regardless of your stance on what being a supporter is.


This whole idea of 'not understanding' people's stance isn't always true imo, each person just has their own definition. Ashley thrives on there being a division between fans because as long as we're not united in our method of ousting him and debating this amongst ourselves, he continues to get away with it. It's been 10 years, I really wish we could all unite behind the short term pain for long term gain idea and at least ATTEMPT to support the club in the way that a lot of us define it, because simply turning up and supporting the club no matter what will never ever change anything.


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I'm not asking why you love the Toon - but surely there is a requirement that the club competes and tries?


If we quit the league structure and just did kick-about every week surely nobody would go?


There IS a line - and a requirement - *somewhere*.


Guess the line is different for everyone. From those who've never been anywhere near SJP and 'sack it off' after every defeat, to those who'll happy clap until the end of time.

Didn't you sack it off for the McClaren season, Foluwashola?


Yup. Went to the odd one.

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It completely depends on what your definition of support is.


For some being a supporter begins and ends with attending matches no matter and supporting the team on the field, for others (me included) it's simply doing whatever you can do in your power as a fan to support the club.


In normal circumstances they would be one and the same and it would simply equate to attending matches and supporting the players as much as possible, but under Ashley as far as I'm concerned my definition of supporting the club is doing whatever you can through protests, boycotts, walk outs, brand damage etc to make an attempt, no matter how futile, to get him to sell up. Unfortunately attending matches flies in the face of the aim of removing Ashley. I think attending matches and supporting the 'team not the regime' no matter what is an oxymoron, because you can come out with that line as much as you want, but you're still giving Ashley money and vindicating his mismanagement with the only currency he listens to; money. It's still supporting the regime and continuing to feed the very thing that we all desperately want to remove from the club, and the one thing that unites us regardless of your stance on what being a supporter is.


This whole idea of 'not understanding' people's stance isn't always true as far imo, each person just has their own definition. Ashley thrives on there being a division between fans because as long as we're not united in our method of ousting him and debating this amongst ourselves, he continues to get away with it. It's been 10 years, I really wish we could all unite behind the short term pain for long term gain idea and at least ATTEMPT to support the club in the way that a lot of us define it, because simply turning up and supporting the club no matter what will never ever change anything.


:thup: :thup: :thup:

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I was born into this club never chose to support it, it's where I'm from. I just want them to at least try. I just want to be alive when we win something, under Rafa I believed we actually would if he was given what he wanted.


Atm I feel like an old bloke thats fell for a prostitute, taking her out for meals buying her shit. But knowing deep down in my heart that I'm getting shafted as well as all her other customers.


The clubs great, we just have a pisstaking owner. It'll change for the better the day he leaves us alone.

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I will follow on tv and the web. I don't think I could ever forget or ignore. Not putting a penny into the club otherwise. Ashley has completely ruined this club. It was on the fast line to financial destruction before but at least it cared.


Was going to buy the 3rd kit and home strip this year. Fuck that now.


All this club is up for sale talk is bullshit. Obviously has an absolutely unrealistic asking price if he is at all open to selling at all.


Time for him to sell up was last May. Rafa, promotion, stock high. But now the stock is going right back to the shitter. Pointless all roun

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I looked in here and actually wondered if this club is contributing to me feeling ill. Genuine. I probably check in on anything nufc daily talk about nufc daily etc. Its a big part of my life and for the past 30 or so years.


Im now thinking it actually stresses me out, and I get sick of the same things just repeated continually. It will never chsnge, the same old arguments debates have gone on for decades.


I wish this was a more chilled easy going club to support.

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I really wish I hadn't renewed my ticket. Said last night that the apathy is getting to the stage is was at when things started to go properly sour with Pardew.


This season is going to be horrible and I properly fear for next season, whether we stay up or not.

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I really wish I hadn't renewed my ticket. Said last night that the apathy is getting to the stage is was at when things started to go properly sour with Pardew.


This season is going to be horrible and I properly fear for next season, whether we stay up or not.


I don't think it will be, barring an injury crisis. Admittedly, it won't be anywhere near as good as it could have been. But, Saturday showed that there's some shite in this league that we won't have too much trouble turning over.

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