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Will Sunderland Be Promoted from LEAGUE ONE? 0 = No chance 10 = Definitely  

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  1. 1. Will Sunderland Be Promoted from LEAGUE ONE? 0 = No chance 10 = Definitely

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Only 7% of their income from ticket sales last season, shows just how important the TV money is for Premier League teams.


Short has put in 260 million in total, has taken them down 2 divisions and looks like walking away with nothing - fuck me that's been a poor investment :lol:


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I'm all for cheap tickets and it's great to a degree, but as soon as you're off the Premier League TV gravy train, you're going to struggle to sustain a Championship squad let alone a Premier League squad on that. When you think 2-3k a week must go for £30 a match to away fans, then you've got season ticket holders who probably do pay top whack, it's just not possible to keep doing.


Yeah and no incentive for season ticket holders to have them anymore when they can literally pick a seat, any seat nowadays.

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They’ve sold 16,000 season tickets according to rumours on Twitter with little evidence to suggest that is the case. Obviously that has been taken as fact on RTG and the praising of ‘our fans’ is ongoing. They’re now all expecting crowds of 30,000 next season, if they’re doing well.


Someone with a bit of normality about them has actually looked at the stadium plan and says:


The stadium plan still looks to be rather empty when looking at season card availability.


There's only 5 blocks where availability is less than 25%.


16,000 STs would be just under half of the lower bowl :lol:


That’ll be ignored no doubt :lol:

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They’ve sold 16,000 season tickets according to rumours on Twitter with little evidence to suggest that is the case. Obviously that has been taken as fact on RTG and the praising of ‘our fans’ is ongoing. They’re now all expecting crowds of 30,000 next season, if they’re doing well.


Someone with a bit of normality about them has actually looked at the stadium plan and says:


The stadium plan still looks to be rather empty when looking at season card availability.


There's only 5 blocks where availability is less than 25%.


16,000 STs would be just under half of the lower bowl :lol:


That’ll be ignored no doubt :lol:


Or the poster will be called a mag


'this post reeks of gravy'

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£8,955,000 in gate receipts for their relegation season from the PL :lol: That’s ridiculously low isn’t it and further evidences their free ticket giveaway?


That can't be right? If you disregard cup games, divide that by 19 and then again by 40k (assuming the average crowd would be about that?) then the average ticket price was under £12 a head. :lol:


No wonder they were up s*** creek.


They get a free season ticket with a Happy Meal.

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Why do they clickbait each other with thread titles like, "Any truth in the rumour..."?


Bizarre bunch.


:lol: Clickbait sums up the look of the majority of threads started on that forum like.


Surprised they don't have a "I'm not a mag" captcha to click after hitting the 'post' button.


"Select all the pictures of horses getting punched" :lol:

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They're the ones who won't pay Premier League prices and yet it's Short's fault for pulling the plug. :lol:

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Boro made just £200k less in ticket sales for the same period, with 10-15k a week less fans.


Well we were speculating how many free tickets were dished out, I suggest we're pretty close to an answer now.

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Boro made just £200k less in ticket sales for the same period, with 10-15k a week less fans.


Well we were speculating how many free tickets were dished out, I suggest we're pretty close to an answer now.


Nah - it’s all be cleared up on RTG.


It’s because of concession tickets, brings the average price down to a measly £10.60 apparently. Conveniently ignoring the hospitality and boxes (££££) bringing the average ticket price up.


Must be a stadium full of concessions too. For those mackematics to work, they’d need more children/pensioners in the stadium than adults :lol:


Also ignores the story in the media about 9,000 free tickets every week, that must be wrong too, just like the accounts must be.

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