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Steve Brute


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Literally a whole season and he cant change the team? with new platers? and a whole season? He's gonna be blaming rafa ten years from now.


We’re talking about a guy who had Grealish & Abraham at his disposal in The Championship two years ago and left them mid-table. Dean Smith didn’t seem to have any trouble sorting them out and getting them up and out of that league sorting out Bruce’s mess, he’s hardly Klopp either. (would be interesting to see Brummie’s views actually, I’m just looking at league table when he left and where they now, maybe Bruce was just unlucky but I doubt it)

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We're rapidly approaching SackBruce.com territory here like.

No way. While Ashley still owns the club, I want him in.

I agree with your thinking though. At some point in the near future, its going to become a headache for Ashley.

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Peak Pardew. COVID's fault.


Bruce’s men have lost only one of the six games they have played so far this season ahead of Saturday’s home clash with Burnley, although his attempt to introduce a more attacking style has been met with only limited success.


He said: “We all need time. It took a great manager like Jurgen a few years to get what you need. Every manager needs time, of course, because nowadays, you can’t just change it overnight.


“With transfer windows and especially now with what’s gone on in the world, it’s very, very difficult.


“Look, it’s still a work in progress – I know that sounds easy for me to say, but that’s what it is – and we are in the middle of change because I’m trying to change us from a team that plays with a back five and sitting deep into a more forward-thinking back four and playing from there.”


Newcastle have managed only three shots on target in the league in as many games and, although all three have resulted in goals, that is a statistic upon which Bruce, who hopes to have Allan Saint-Maximin back from an ankle injury to face the Clarets, knows they must improve.


He said: “I understand when you don’t play well or you don’t win, then of course there’s going to be criticism.


“But sometimes you ask for it to be a bit more balanced than it is. You accept that you’re going to be criticised, of course, that’s the nature of the job, especially these days. Whether you’re the Newcastle manager or the Rochdale manager, that’s the way it is.”

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again, it's just a positive that he knows he's getting stick.

it would be more worrying if ignored social media and was completely oblivious.


Ando was on Radio Newcastle last night spouting shit about the abuse Bruce gets. saying fans would rather have Bruce sacked than win a trophy.




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Hated him when he joined. Over the course of time since he's been here, have hated him.even more than I can imagine. Don't know what he does for the club on the pitch, off the pitch and with the community. Fat f***ing bacon loving gobshite.

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He's an absolute Moron. Cracking under such mild criticism just encourages people to keep it up.


Imagine what he’d have been like had he had the fanbase from around 2004-6 in the stands. Actually imagine what he’d be like just with people in the stands at the minute? He’s had the easiest ride of any manager we’ve had.

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We're literally less than a month into the new season and he's already bricking it. What kind of message does this send to our players man.


This guy is a complete charlatan. People really compared this guy to Rafa, and were being serious last season too. :lol: :lol:

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The only thing that saved him last season was falling back on the still stable defensive structure of the 3-4-3 we had played under Rafa. As he played this system against all sides in the division.


He completely ruined its effectiveness going forward, but the players that setup that way were still in place and pretty much still had the discipline to defend in that system.


He's now changed a bunch of players and is apparently introducing his front foot 4-4-2, while only then playing the 3-4-3 against the 'big boys' as he put it :lol:


It's all going to fall to pieces, because his 4-4-2 is still just as bad going forward, and is catastrophically open at the back.


Let the chaos ensue.

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We're rapidly approaching SackBruce.com territory here like.



The difference with SackPardew was that it was based on the idea that if we got rid of Pardew: who knew, maybe there'd be a Rafa around the corner? I.e., it would actually be worth our collective time and effort getting such a movement going in the hope that things might improve. The playing field has changed a lot since then and we already know that, even if a Rafa did come along, it's a waste of time anyway.


So I definitely can't be arsed revolting against Bruce. What would be the point? Whilst there's still some hope in a takeover - which I still think will happen sooner rather than later, even if we're talking 12-18 months - Bruce is perfect. I don't want to pretend that the club is worth supporting until it actually is. Just keep the club on life support until the massive multi-organ transplant arrives.


If we're just comparing the two here, then yeah, he's been reminiscent of Pards in all sorts of ways since he first arrived. Not least because he's A, a shit manager and B, a wanker.

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He’s very similar to Pardew in terms of ability. Both rely heavily on having a match winner to paper over their deficiencies. That bit of magic that fools the lazy media, who then conveniently forget the previous 89 minutes.


He claims it takes time, it only took Potter last pre season to get Brighton playing a certain way. He’s now refined it further as a good manager would do.


This only ends one way, I suspect after the initial enjoyment of not having Rafa’s disciplined approach, players are now realising he hasn’t got a clue and have lost all respect. I suspect we’ll start to really see that with St Max and Almiron, the body language with these 2 is already starting to show tell tale signs.


It’ll be a long process under Ashley though for his demise, only a seriously bad run will see his job under threat.







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He’s very similar to Pardew in terms of ability. Both rely heavily on having a match winner to paper over their deficiencies. That bit of magic that fools the lazy media, who then conveniently forget the previous 89 minutes.


He claims it takes time, it only took Potter last pre season to get Brighton playing a certain way. He’s now refined it further as a good manager would do.


This only ends one way, I suspect after the initial enjoyment of not having Rafa’s disciplined approach, players are now realising he hasn’t got a clue and have lost all respect. I suspect we’ll start to really see that with St Max and Almiron, the body language with these 2 is already starting to show tell tale signs.


It’ll be a long process under Ashley though for his demise, only a seriously bad run will see his job under threat.


I think he's greatly inferior to Pardew.  Pardew had some nice set pieces and had the team playing some nice stuff until he, for some reason, started playing scared.

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