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Steve Brute


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Completely lost faith in him and by the looks of the last few games so have the players. He’ll take us down this season if he isn’t removed.


You had faith in him?


Poorly worded. I thought we’d be in danger of getting dragged into a relegation battle but he’d scrape enough points together to keep us up. I have zero faith in his ability to do that now.

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So does anyone think he’ll walk (not necessarily in the aftermath of this)?



Saw this tweet and it got me wondering given the Geordie card he likes to play. Or is it like Pardew who expected the sack on a couple of occasions and defiantly plodded on regardless of the mess he created in front of him? He’s going to wait for that payoff isn’t he?

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So does anyone think he’ll walk (not necessarily in the aftermath of this)?



Saw this tweet and it got me wondering given the Geordie card he likes to play. Or is it like Pardew who expected the sack on a couple of occasions and defiantly plodded on regardless of the mess he created in front of him? He’s going to wait for that payoff isn’t he?



What?  :lol:

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It must be refreshing to ever get a manager that just pulls out a valid reason. I.e I got it all wrong - its all on me.


I've stopped watching and won't watch anymore. It's far too frustrating, whats the point of it all?

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Problem is, nobody of quality will come near us whist Ashley is the owner.


While I agree we'll not get a Rafa or Ancellotti type, there's plenty of managers with a lot more quality than Bruce that would come here

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So does anyone think he’ll walk (not necessarily in the aftermath of this)?



Saw this tweet and it got me wondering given the Geordie card he likes to play. Or is it like Pardew who expected the sack on a couple of occasions and defiantly plodded on regardless of the mess he created in front of him? He’s going to wait for that payoff isn’t he?

Bruce has time and time again proved himself to be a Man Utd Fan. The card that he’s one of us because he was born in He ham and grew up in Wallsend is outplayed, it’s like saying Bobby Charlton is a Newcastle fan when we all know he’s Man Utd through and through.
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So does anyone think he’ll walk (not necessarily in the aftermath of this)?



Saw this tweet and it got me wondering given the Geordie card he likes to play. Or is it like Pardew who expected the sack on a couple of occasions and defiantly plodded on regardless of the mess he created in front of him? He’s going to wait for that payoff isn’t he?

I've never been more certain of a manager hanging on through below par results and performances until he gets his pay off than this pathetic little loser. It's what his entire career is built on.


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Problem is, nobody of quality will come near us whist Ashley is the owner.


That’s not the problem. A young current league one manager would be better than Bruce.



But then we'd need to pay a DoF who actually knew about football whereas Charners does all that and takes the letters to the post box on his way home for £300 a week.

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He’s the epitome of a loser who has instilled that in our players. The new signings are ok, they’ve managed to avoid it so far, but give it time. If he survives he’ll bring some new ones in to get him through another year before they turn into losers too.

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did pardew or sourness make a set of substitutions as idiotic as this guy did tonight.

really beats pardew's efforts to get as many LB's on the pitch hands down.


fucking thick cunt.


if the local press dont go to town in him in the post match interview, they need to hang their heads in shame.

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