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Various: N-O has lost the plot over potential end of Mike Ashley's tenure

Jinky Jim

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This just highlights the state of football in general for me. People should be asking, why does Newcastle need to make a deal with the devil in order to compete? Who's fault is that?




That’s a very good point :thup:

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BBC running the Khashoggi fiancé story for the third time, slightly different quote this time.


It’s almost as if some agency was releasing press releases on her behalf....

I don't care if it's Qatar releasing the story. It's one we should be discussing seriously. It's not enough to simply acknowledge wrong-doing. A man was murdered for criticising a regime. That does not deserve death.


Why should we ? It’s got nothing to do with football, if your going to attach the murder to the purchase of the club then also discuss it in relation to live nation, Warner brothers and other Saudi purchases.


No one is disputing the murder is horrendous, it’s the hypocrisy that the sale of nufc should be stopped whilst all these other deals go throughout without a murmur.


The one thing this deal won’t be stopped on is human rights, it would put the premier league at odds with the policy of the U.K. government.


What is blatantly happening here is human rights lawyers are using the high profile nature of this sale to gain publicity, as they know the Saudis buying stakes in other companies just doesn’t draw the same attention.


You can’t blame them for this as this is their job, however what I strongly object to is the notion that we should sacrifice the chance of a lifetime for our city and club, If this was blocked these same people would move on to their next cause and wouldn’t  give a s%#t about us.


So whilst I acknowledge and understand the human rights aspect, ths hypocrisy expecting us to be line drawn in the sand with Saudis doesn’t wash with me and many others.



Spot on Whitley Mag. 100% agree with you here, everything you said is spot on.


Nail on head


Because we argued Ashley was a human rights abuser and used that angle in some of our protesting.


Makes us look a tad hypocritical if we say nowt.



I’ve done this very overtly and I still don’t like the associations of SD with NUFC. Bothers me greatly that people are even okay with stadium renaming to Saudi PIF interests provided money is involved and it might just be the way it is but it’s not right. Feels like I have to accept any value is sacrificial for a price. Even though they’ll likely invest, I feel I can hold these lot even less accountable if they do stuff I disagree with. Think I’m out of love with modern football if I’m honest.

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BBC running the Khashoggi fiancé story for the third time, slightly different quote this time.


It’s almost as if some agency was releasing press releases on her behalf....

I don't care if it's Qatar releasing the story. It's one we should be discussing seriously. It's not enough to simply acknowledge wrong-doing. A man was murdered for criticising a regime. That does not deserve death.


Are you a Manu fan?

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Guest reefatoon

BBC running the Khashoggi fiancé story for the third time, slightly different quote this time.


It’s almost as if some agency was releasing press releases on her behalf....

I don't care if it's Qatar releasing the story. It's one we should be discussing seriously. It's not enough to simply acknowledge wrong-doing. A man was murdered for criticising a regime. That does not deserve death.


Why should we ? It’s got nothing to do with football, if your going to attach the murder to the purchase of the club then also discuss it in relation to live nation, Warner brothers and other Saudi purchases.


No one is disputing the murder is horrendous, it’s the hypocrisy that the sale of nufc should be stopped whilst all these other deals go throughout without a murmur.


The one thing this deal won’t be stopped on is human rights, it would put the premier league at odds with the policy of the U.K. government.


What is blatantly happening here is human rights lawyers are using the high profile nature of this sale to gain publicity, as they know the Saudis buying stakes in other companies just doesn’t draw the same attention.


You can’t blame them for this as this is their job, however what I strongly object to is the notion that we should sacrifice the chance of a lifetime for our city and club, If this was blocked these same people would move on to their next cause and wouldn’t  give a s%#t about us.


So whilst I acknowledge and understand the human rights aspect, ths hypocrisy expecting us to be line drawn in the sand with Saudis doesn’t wash with me and many others.




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BBC running the Khashoggi fiancé story for the third time, slightly different quote this time.


It’s almost as if some agency was releasing press releases on her behalf....

I don't care if it's Qatar releasing the story. It's one we should be discussing seriously. It's not enough to simply acknowledge wrong-doing. A man was murdered for criticising a regime. That does not deserve death.


Why should we ? It’s got nothing to do with football, if your going to attach the murder to the purchase of the club then also discuss it in relation to live nation, Warner brothers and other Saudi purchases.


No one is disputing the murder is horrendous, it’s the hypocrisy that the sale of nufc should be stopped whilst all these other deals go throughout without a murmur.


The one thing this deal won’t be stopped on is human rights, it would put the premier league at odds with the policy of the U.K. government.


What is blatantly happening here is human rights lawyers are using the high profile nature of this sale to gain publicity, as they know the Saudis buying stakes in other companies just doesn’t draw the same attention.


You can’t blame them for this as this is their job, however what I strongly object to is the notion that we should sacrifice the chance of a lifetime for our city and club, If this was blocked these same people would move on to their next cause and wouldn’t  give a s%#t about us.


So whilst I acknowledge and understand the human rights aspect, ths hypocrisy expecting us to be line drawn in the sand with Saudis doesn’t wash with me and many others.



Spot on Whitley Mag. 100% agree with you here, everything you said is spot on.


Nail on head


Because we argued Ashley was a human rights abuser and used that angle in some of our protesting.


Makes us look a tad hypocritical if we say nowt.


Yeah that is going to make us look very hypocritical, I don’t think anyone would have done it if he had ran the club well, but the fact is we did.


That’s the reason I was never on board with the Sports Direct angle and targeting shops etc. There was plenty of material in his running of us as a football club owner that could have been used.

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BBC running the Khashoggi fiancé story for the third time, slightly different quote this time.


It’s almost as if some agency was releasing press releases on her behalf....

I don't care if it's Qatar releasing the story. It's one we should be discussing seriously. It's not enough to simply acknowledge wrong-doing. A man was murdered for criticising a regime. That does not deserve death.


Why should we ? It’s got nothing to do with football, if your going to attach the murder to the purchase of the club then also discuss it in relation to live nation, Warner brothers and other Saudi purchases.


No one is disputing the murder is horrendous, it’s the hypocrisy that the sale of nufc should be stopped whilst all these other deals go throughout without a murmur.


The one thing this deal won’t be stopped on is human rights, it would put the premier league at odds with the policy of the U.K. government.


What is blatantly happening here is human rights lawyers are using the high profile nature of this sale to gain publicity, as they know the Saudis buying stakes in other companies just doesn’t draw the same attention.


You can’t blame them for this as this is their job, however what I strongly object to is the notion that we should sacrifice the chance of a lifetime for our city and club, If this was blocked these same people would move on to their next cause and wouldn’t  give a s%#t about us.


So whilst I acknowledge and understand the human rights aspect, ths hypocrisy expecting us to be line drawn in the sand with Saudis doesn’t wash with me and many others.



Spot on Whitley Mag. 100% agree with you here, everything you said is spot on.


Nail on head


Because we argued Ashley was a human rights abuser and used that angle in some of our protesting.


Makes us look a tad hypocritical if we say nowt.


Yeah that is going to make us look very hypocritical, I don’t think anyone would have done it if he had ran the club well, but the fact is we did.


That’s a fair point some did try to use Ashley’s poor treatment of sd staff to highlight our cause, however still think your missing my point.


At no point did we ever call on sports direct to shut down, thereby denying thousands of people vital jobs.


These people are actively calling for the sale to be stopped denying millions being poured into our local economy.


I’m fine with Human activists raising concerns as we have done with sports direct, however to actively want this sale to be stopped is hypocrisy when other deals with Saudis go through unopposed.

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Its a pity that as a club we can’t be seen to register distaste at sports neglect/direct in case someone with a worse record buys/invests instead. You may not really care and that’s fine but we weren’t wrong to do it.

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Guest Butcher

BBC running the Khashoggi fiancé story for the third time, slightly different quote this time.


It’s almost as if some agency was releasing press releases on her behalf....

I don't care if it's Qatar releasing the story. It's one we should be discussing seriously. It's not enough to simply acknowledge wrong-doing. A man was murdered for criticising a regime. That does not deserve death.


Why should we ? It’s got nothing to do with football, if your going to attach the murder to the purchase of the club then also discuss it in relation to live nation, Warner brothers and other Saudi purchases.


No one is disputing the murder is horrendous, it’s the hypocrisy that the sale of nufc should be stopped whilst all these other deals go throughout without a murmur.


The one thing this deal won’t be stopped on is human rights, it would put the premier league at odds with the policy of the U.K. government.


What is blatantly happening here is human rights lawyers are using the high profile nature of this sale to gain publicity, as they know the Saudis buying stakes in other companies just doesn’t draw the same attention.


You can’t blame them for this as this is their job, however what I strongly object to is the notion that we should sacrifice the chance of a lifetime for our city and club, If this was blocked these same people would move on to their next cause and wouldn’t  give a s%#t about us.


So whilst I acknowledge and understand the human rights aspect, ths hypocrisy expecting us to be line drawn in the sand with Saudis doesn’t wash with me and many others.





What a post that is.  :thup:

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BBC running the Khashoggi fiancé story for the third time, slightly different quote this time.


It’s almost as if some agency was releasing press releases on her behalf....

I don't care if it's Qatar releasing the story. It's one we should be discussing seriously. It's not enough to simply acknowledge wrong-doing. A man was murdered for criticising a regime. That does not deserve death.


Why should we ? It’s got nothing to do with football, if your going to attach the murder to the purchase of the club then also discuss it in relation to live nation, Warner brothers and other Saudi purchases.


No one is disputing the murder is horrendous, it’s the hypocrisy that the sale of nufc should be stopped whilst all these other deals go throughout without a murmur.


The one thing this deal won’t be stopped on is human rights, it would put the premier league at odds with the policy of the U.K. government.


What is blatantly happening here is human rights lawyers are using the high profile nature of this sale to gain publicity, as they know the Saudis buying stakes in other companies just doesn’t draw the same attention.


You can’t blame them for this as this is their job, however what I strongly object to is the notion that we should sacrifice the chance of a lifetime for our city and club, If this was blocked these same people would move on to their next cause and wouldn’t  give a s%#t about us.


So whilst I acknowledge and understand the human rights aspect, ths hypocrisy expecting us to be line drawn in the sand with Saudis doesn’t wash with me and many others.



Spot on Whitley Mag. 100% agree with you here, everything you said is spot on.


Nail on head


Because we argued Ashley was a human rights abuser and used that angle in some of our protesting.


Makes us look a tad hypocritical if we say nowt.


I never argued Ashley was a human rights abuser tbf, all I ever complained about was that he destroyed our football club. So personally I don't see any hypocrisy in my stance.


As for the Khashoggi thing, that was terrible, but it was discussed to death across the world at the time. Life has moved on since then, and as far as I know, Saudi Arabia are back onside with Britain politically, so why would I p*ss against the wind to my own detriment?


Regardless you and every other Newcastle fan are going to be tarred with the same brush, even though it was at most a few thousand of us who really stuck the boot in on Ashley by walking away and protesting. Simply ignoring the Saudis human rights record will not wash with the "I was offended first and I'm offended more than you" demographic.

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BBC running the Khashoggi fiancé story for the third time, slightly different quote this time.


It’s almost as if some agency was releasing press releases on her behalf....

I don't care if it's Qatar releasing the story. It's one we should be discussing seriously. It's not enough to simply acknowledge wrong-doing. A man was murdered for criticising a regime. That does not deserve death.


Why should we ? It’s got nothing to do with football, if your going to attach the murder to the purchase of the club then also discuss it in relation to live nation, Warner brothers and other Saudi purchases.


No one is disputing the murder is horrendous, it’s the hypocrisy that the sale of nufc should be stopped whilst all these other deals go throughout without a murmur.


The one thing this deal won’t be stopped on is human rights, it would put the premier league at odds with the policy of the U.K. government.


What is blatantly happening here is human rights lawyers are using the high profile nature of this sale to gain publicity, as they know the Saudis buying stakes in other companies just doesn’t draw the same attention.


You can’t blame them for this as this is their job, however what I strongly object to is the notion that we should sacrifice the chance of a lifetime for our city and club, If this was blocked these same people would move on to their next cause and wouldn’t  give a s%#t about us.


So whilst I acknowledge and understand the human rights aspect, ths hypocrisy expecting us to be line drawn in the sand with Saudis doesn’t wash with me and many others.



Spot on Whitley Mag. 100% agree with you here, everything you said is spot on.


Nail on head


Because we argued Ashley was a human rights abuser and used that angle in some of our protesting.


Makes us look a tad hypocritical if we say nowt.

It really doesn't; targeting SD was just a means to an end. None of us would have given a toss about SD if he ran the club properly,nit was all about putting pressure on him any way we could.


That's not to say we shouldn't be excusing the atrocities made by our new owners mind.

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Guest awaymag

Like I give a shit.  We are are tarred with deluded Geordies by the media for no reason.  Once football gets back to normal, the media will hardly mention it.  Rival fans, probably but that par for the course.

BBC running the Khashoggi fiancé story for the third time, slightly different quote this time.


It’s almost as if some agency was releasing press releases on her behalf....

I don't care if it's Qatar releasing the story. It's one we should be discussing seriously. It's not enough to simply acknowledge wrong-doing. A man was murdered for criticising a regime. That does not deserve death.


Why should we ? It’s got nothing to do with football, if your going to attach the murder to the purchase of the club then also discuss it in relation to live nation, Warner brothers and other Saudi purchases.


No one is disputing the murder is horrendous, it’s the hypocrisy that the sale of nufc should be stopped whilst all these other deals go throughout without a murmur.


The one thing this deal won’t be stopped on is human rights, it would put the premier league at odds with the policy of the U.K. government.


What is blatantly happening here is human rights lawyers are using the high profile nature of this sale to gain publicity, as they know the Saudis buying stakes in other companies just doesn’t draw the same attention.


You can’t blame them for this as this is their job, however what I strongly object to is the notion that we should sacrifice the chance of a lifetime for our city and club, If this was blocked these same people would move on to their next cause and wouldn’t  give a s%#t about us.


So whilst I acknowledge and understand the human rights aspect, ths hypocrisy expecting us to be line drawn in the sand with Saudis doesn’t wash with me and many others.



Spot on Whitley Mag. 100% agree with you here, everything you said is spot on.


Nail on head


Because we argued Ashley was a human rights abuser and used that angle in some of our protesting.


Makes us look a tad hypocritical if we say nowt.


I never argued Ashley was a human rights abuser tbf, all I ever complained about was that he destroyed our football club. So personally I don't see any hypocrisy in my stance.


As for the Khashoggi thing, that was terrible, but it was discussed to death across the world at the time. Life has moved on since then, and as far as I know, Saudi Arabia are back onside with Britain politically, so why would I p*ss against the wind to my own detriment?


Regardless you and every other Newcastle fan are going to be tarred with the same brush, even though it was at most a few thousand of us who really stuck the boot in on Ashley by walking away and protesting. Simply ignoring the Saudis human rights record will not wash with the "I was offended first and I'm offended more than you" demographic.

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With all of the trade we do with China it's a good thing they haven't been involved in any human rights problems.  Perhaps people should stop buying mobile phones in protest


What a tremendous argument. Well done.

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Guest neesy111

With all of the trade we do with China it's a good thing they haven't been involved in any human rights problems.  Perhaps people should stop buying mobile phones in protest





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BBC running the Khashoggi fiancé story for the third time, slightly different quote this time.


It’s almost as if some agency was releasing press releases on her behalf....

I don't care if it's Qatar releasing the story. It's one we should be discussing seriously. It's not enough to simply acknowledge wrong-doing. A man was murdered for criticising a regime. That does not deserve death.


Why should we ? It’s got nothing to do with football, if your going to attach the murder to the purchase of the club then also discuss it in relation to live nation, Warner brothers and other Saudi purchases.


No one is disputing the murder is horrendous, it’s the hypocrisy that the sale of nufc should be stopped whilst all these other deals go throughout without a murmur.


The one thing this deal won’t be stopped on is human rights, it would put the premier league at odds with the policy of the U.K. government.


What is blatantly happening here is human rights lawyers are using the high profile nature of this sale to gain publicity, as they know the Saudis buying stakes in other companies just doesn’t draw the same attention.


You can’t blame them for this as this is their job, however what I strongly object to is the notion that we should sacrifice the chance of a lifetime for our city and club, If this was blocked these same people would move on to their next cause and wouldn’t  give a s%#t about us.


So whilst I acknowledge and understand the human rights aspect, ths hypocrisy expecting us to be line drawn in the sand with Saudis doesn’t wash with me and many others.



Spot on Whitley Mag. 100% agree with you here, everything you said is spot on.


Nail on head


Because we argued Ashley was a human rights abuser and used that angle in some of our protesting.


Makes us look a tad hypocritical if we say nowt.

It really doesn't; targeting SD was just a means to an end. None of us would have given a toss about SD if he ran the club properly,nit was all about putting pressure on him any way we could.


That's not to say we shouldn't be excusing the atrocities made by our new owners mind.




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Does anyone else think this is all done and agreed but they are waiting on confirmation of when and actually if football will be back anytime soon? Seems crazy to hand over 300m when football coming back even behind doors seems a long way off. Not to mention a transfer window and people moving countries etc

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Does anyone else think this is all done and agreed but they are waiting on confirmation of when and actually if football will be back anytime soon? Seems crazy to hand over 300m when football coming back even behind doors seems a long way off. Not to mention a transfer window and people moving countries etc


No. What are they going to do. "Nar actually we wont bother as footy is coming back a few months later than we thought. Just keep the 17m deposit."

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BBC running the Khashoggi fiancé story for the third time, slightly different quote this time.


It’s almost as if some agency was releasing press releases on her behalf....

I don't care if it's Qatar releasing the story. It's one we should be discussing seriously. It's not enough to simply acknowledge wrong-doing. A man was murdered for criticising a regime. That does not deserve death.


Why should we ? It’s got nothing to do with football, if your going to attach the murder to the purchase of the club then also discuss it in relation to live nation, Warner brothers and other Saudi purchases.


No one is disputing the murder is horrendous, it’s the hypocrisy that the sale of nufc should be stopped whilst all these other deals go throughout without a murmur.


The one thing this deal won’t be stopped on is human rights, it would put the premier league at odds with the policy of the U.K. government.


What is blatantly happening here is human rights lawyers are using the high profile nature of this sale to gain publicity, as they know the Saudis buying stakes in other companies just doesn’t draw the same attention.


You can’t blame them for this as this is their job, however what I strongly object to is the notion that we should sacrifice the chance of a lifetime for our city and club, If this was blocked these same people would move on to their next cause and wouldn’t  give a s%#t about us.


So whilst I acknowledge and understand the human rights aspect, ths hypocrisy expecting us to be line drawn in the sand with Saudis doesn’t wash with me and many others.



Spot on Whitley Mag. 100% agree with you here, everything you said is spot on.


Nail on head


Because we argued Ashley was a human rights abuser and used that angle in some of our protesting.


Makes us look a tad hypocritical if we say nowt.


I never argued Ashley was a human rights abuser tbf, all I ever complained about was that he destroyed our football club. So personally I don't see any hypocrisy in my stance.


As for the Khashoggi thing, that was terrible, but it was discussed to death across the world at the time. Life has moved on since then, and as far as I know, Saudi Arabia are back onside with Britain politically, so why would I p*ss against the wind to my own detriment?


Regardless you and every other Newcastle fan are going to be tarred with the same brush, even though it was at most a few thousand of us who really stuck the boot in on Ashley by walking away and protesting. Simply ignoring the Saudis human rights record will not wash with the "I was offended first and I'm offended more than you" demographic.


Agreed, we will be tarred, but I'll make my peace with that as long as I've got NUFC back as a vibrant football club. I think I'll prefer it to being tarred a sad Geordie bastard with a shit football team.

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BBC running the Khashoggi fiancé story for the third time, slightly different quote this time.


It’s almost as if some agency was releasing press releases on her behalf....

I don't care if it's Qatar releasing the story. It's one we should be discussing seriously. It's not enough to simply acknowledge wrong-doing. A man was murdered for criticising a regime. That does not deserve death.


Why should we ? It’s got nothing to do with football, if your going to attach the murder to the purchase of the club then also discuss it in relation to live nation, Warner brothers and other Saudi purchases.


No one is disputing the murder is horrendous, it’s the hypocrisy that the sale of nufc should be stopped whilst all these other deals go throughout without a murmur.


The one thing this deal won’t be stopped on is human rights, it would put the premier league at odds with the policy of the U.K. government.


What is blatantly happening here is human rights lawyers are using the high profile nature of this sale to gain publicity, as they know the Saudis buying stakes in other companies just doesn’t draw the same attention.


You can’t blame them for this as this is their job, however what I strongly object to is the notion that we should sacrifice the chance of a lifetime for our city and club, If this was blocked these same people would move on to their next cause and wouldn’t  give a s%#t about us.


So whilst I acknowledge and understand the human rights aspect, ths hypocrisy expecting us to be line drawn in the sand with Saudis doesn’t wash with me and many others.




Exactly, totally accurate.


Some people are using a deliberately 'distorted' assessment of the situation, in a way that they NEVER have about any other Saudi-related situation.


I wonder . . er . . why?? Hmm, oh yes!

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Does anyone else think this is all done and agreed but they are waiting on confirmation of when and actually if football will be back anytime soon? Seems crazy to hand over 300m when football coming back even behind doors seems a long way off. Not to mention a transfer window and people moving countries etc


No. What are they going to do. "Nar actually we wont bother as footy is coming back a few months later than we thought. Just keep the 17m deposit."


This must be playing a massive factor in it though it has to be. And it could well be more than a few months until it comes back. It's already been 2 months with no realistic sign of it returning anytime soon.

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Does anyone else think this is all done and agreed but they are waiting on confirmation of when and actually if football will be back anytime soon? Seems crazy to hand over 300m when football coming back even behind doors seems a long way off. Not to mention a transfer window and people moving countries etc


No. What are they going to do. "Nar actually we wont bother as footy is coming back a few months later than we thought. Just keep the 17m deposit."


This must be playing a massive factor in it though it has to be. And it could well be more than a few months until it comes back. It's already been 2 months with no realistic sign of it returning anytime soon.


Footballing returning after Coronavirus will have nothing to do with the purchase of the club. If that was the case it would have fallen through 2 months ago.


The takeover will happen this week.

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The world is a shitty fucked up place and we need things to take our mind off it. Following this club is one of them, that’s been somewhat taken from us for the best part of 13 years. We’re now in a position where we might be able to enjoy it again. I care more about that then I do about the fucked up things that happen around the world.


I’m not going to be sorry or feel guilty about that. As much as the BBC or whoever want to push that narrative.

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I hope you are right and I am wrong and that's it's announced this week but it's a perfectly reasonable concern.

Also its not certain it will be back in August/September for all we know at the moment.


Why would they wait to confirm it if they have bought it anyway? I dont understand what you're on about.

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