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Positive Optimism - Saudi Takeover Edition

Jinky Jim

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I originally said the deal was not off, when the majority said it was. Who was correct there ?



You weren’t. PIF said they’d withdrawn the offer to buy the club. So formally the deal is off. Until it’s on again. Nobody has any solid evidence it’s back on.

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I originally said the deal was not off, when the majority said it was. Who was correct there ?



You weren’t. PIF said they’d withdrawn the offer to buy the club. So formally the deal is off. Until it’s on again. Nobody has any solid evidence it’s back on.


Semantics they’re waiting in the wings to proceed and you fucking know it.

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I originally said the deal was not off, when the majority said it was. Who was correct there ?



You weren’t. PIF said they’d withdrawn the offer to buy the club. So formally the deal is off. Until it’s on again. Nobody has any solid evidence it’s back on.


Semantics they’re waiting in the wings to proceed and you fucking know it.

Semantics?  It’s the current position man. Prove it isn’t. Nearly everyone wants this to happen but nobody knows if it will. All this talk of “not long now” is horse shit. Not one person who has commented so far knows.


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Your supposition is this snowflake generation exists - the difference these days is everyone has the means to express the opinions they’ve had since time began. Plenty p*ssed and moaned about all sorts throughout history but never had the platform. This generation and certainly the next has been royally shat on from football associations to wider politics. Different debate like.


In terms of this situation, I’ve seen plenty of carry on shutting down debate on this, some of it sensible some of it abusive. That happens with everyone who puts there head above the parapet. I suppose its about filtering the constructive from the not.


I like a bit of a carry on in here, but let’s face it when I’m calling the likes of Shaun a ‘cunt’, I’m quite sure he couldn’t give a fuck and vice versa. In the real world he’s probably a great bloke as also your good self.


All I can do is vouch for myself as someone who has followed this club for 35 years plus all over the place, and when I say I’m confident it is my genuine opinion based on how I’m interpreting information at the minute.



Sorry, feel like we’ve skipped a connection here? I don’t really doubt anyone’s honesty or the information really. I have no knowledge of the topic. It’s just the nature of discussion has turned weird, more than likely through the prism of social media.
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I originally said the deal was not off, when the majority said it was. Who was correct there ?



You weren’t. PIF said they’d withdrawn the offer to buy the club. So formally the deal is off. Until it’s on again. Nobody has any solid evidence it’s back on.


Semantics they’re waiting in the wings to proceed and you f***ing know it.

Semantics?  It’s the current position man. Prove it isn’t. Nearly everyone wants this to happen but nobody knows if it will. All this talk of “not long now” is horse s***. Not one person who has commented so far knows.


I tend to agree with this although it's more for the other thread rather than the "positive" thread.


People are confusing the takeover with the arbitration. The takeover is off, arbitration is ongoing.


Only once the arbitration is resolved in the clubs favour (which may not happen) will/can the takeover resume. Until such a point, the takeover remains off.

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I originally said the deal was not off, when the majority said it was. Who was correct there ?



You weren’t. PIF said they’d withdrawn the offer to buy the club. So formally the deal is off. Until it’s on again. Nobody has any solid evidence it’s back on.


Semantics they’re waiting in the wings to proceed and you f***ing know it.

Semantics?  It’s the current position man. Prove it isn’t. Nearly everyone wants this to happen but nobody knows if it will. All this talk of “not long now” is horse s***. Not one person who has commented so far knows.


How is the deal dead when George Caulkin confirmed in the Athletic that the money was in the country ready to be transferred for the rebooted attempt 2.0 ?


How is the deal dead when various journalists confirm they are waiting in the wings. Respected ones including Caulkin, Kennedy, Douglas and others ?


How is the deal dead when they are lobbying politicians and more recently Bein ?


How is the takeover dead when Mike Ashley is paying thousands for legal representation ?


How is the takeover dead when NCSL have received confirmation that they are ready to go once approved, why would a bloke be wasting thousands to get Mike Ashley compensation ?


I could go on but I really don’t think I need to. Get out of here you negative c***.

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Fuck me, is Caulkin at it again.  I like George, but it seems to me everyone including himself think he has a major connection to Amanda, and it should be granted his word is better than others. I hope and pray they're all right, but at the end of the day they're all paid to write stories and get clicks.

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The more accurate way of describing things would be to say that the deal has been paused. Whether it gets restarted or not is what is to be debated. All of the stuff happening in the background at the moment is just machinations to get things in play again.

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Fuck me, is Caulkin at it again.  I like George, but it seems to me everyone including himself think he has a major connection to Amanda, and it should be granted his word is better than others. I hope and pray they're all right, but at the end of the day they're all paid to write stories and get clicks.


No, he hasn’t said anything about the takeover lately

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Fuck me, is Caulkin at it again.  I like George, but it seems to me everyone including himself think he has a major connection to Amanda, and it should be granted his word is better than others. I hope and pray they're all right, but at the end of the day they're all paid to write stories and get clicks.


No, he hasn’t said anything about the takeover lately


What's this cash in the country 2.0 crap then?

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f*** me, is Caulkin at it again.  I like George, but it seems to me everyone including himself think he has a major connection to Amanda, and it should be granted his word is better than others. I hope and pray they're all right, but at the end of the day they're all paid to write stories and get clicks.


No, he hasn’t said anything about the takeover lately


What's this cash in the country 2.0 crap then?


That was from months and months ago. Within a week or so of the deal "collapsing" if memory serves.

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f*** me, is Caulkin at it again.  I like George, but it seems to me everyone including himself think he has a major connection to Amanda, and it should be granted his word is better than others. I hope and pray they're all right, but at the end of the day they're all paid to write stories and get clicks.


No, he hasn’t said anything about the takeover lately


What's this cash in the country 2.0 crap then?


That was from months and months ago. Within a week or so of the deal "collapsing" if memory serves.


Nope the rebooted attempt after political lobbying, they thought the deal was days from being approved.

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I originally said the deal was not off, when the majority said it was. Who was correct there ?



You weren’t. PIF said they’d withdrawn the offer to buy the club. So formally the deal is off. Until it’s on again. Nobody has any solid evidence it’s back on.


Semantics they’re waiting in the wings to proceed and you f***ing know it.

Semantics?  It’s the current position man. Prove it isn’t. Nearly everyone wants this to happen but nobody knows if it will. All this talk of “not long now” is horse s***. Not one person who has commented so far knows.


How is the deal dead when George Caulkin confirmed in the Athletic that the money was in the country ready to be transferred for the rebooted attempt 2.0 ?


How is the deal dead when various journalists confirm they are waiting in the wings. Respected ones including Caulkin, Kennedy, Douglas and others ?


How is the deal dead when they are lobbying politicians and more recently Bein ?


How is the takeover dead when Mike Ashley is paying thousands for legal representation ?


How is the takeover dead when NCSL have received confirmation that they are ready to go once approved, why would a bloke be wasting thousands to get Mike Ashley compensation ?


I could go on but I really don’t think I need to. Get out of here you negative c***.


Cos Bruce is gonna get us relegated and the Saudis will Foxtrot Oscar  :lol:


Seriously though, I'm sure they'll be back in once the way is clear, but I think it's too small fry for them to be sitting waiting anxiously for a result. Most of the work will be from the Staveley/Reuben side

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