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A regular NO poster holding the sign in that last pic.



Darth Crooks?


I only really ever did London stuff




At least I know the origins of the username now.  Strong Vader at the end of ROTJ vibes in that image.

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All to happen under the stewardship of Ashley:


Andy Carroll living with Kevin Nolan whilst on bail and then having his car set alight on Nolan's driveway.


Joey Barton in prison.


Andy Carroll breaking Steven Taylor's jaw.


Nile Ranger.


Rolando Aarons arrested for someone grinding his auntie.


Danny Guthrie's wedding.

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Relegation the first time round.


Attending three FA Cup 3rd round matches in a row and seeing us crash out each time. Brighton 2-0 was a real highlight.

Relegation again.

An overall feeling of apathy that grew and grew from about 2015 to now, to the point where I barely even enjoy football anymore. Cheers Mike.


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