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The Takeover Prediction Thread

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No, and by the end of next week. Regardless, if there is no announcement by July 1st I have already vowed to mentally check out of this farce and assume for certain that it will eventually be rejected. Then I can get on with forgetting about football for good. Until then, the small sliver of hope I have will keep me engaged and checking all of the news and forums. But I feel almost certain we have yet another devastating blow coming our way.

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Even if I live to Vera Lynn's age, which I won't because beer, I've already spent 0.25% of my entire expected lifespan doing nothing more than F5-ing this sodding forum every day.


I'm beyond sick now.

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I voted no but I'm not even sure why, could see either easily, my gut feeling is they'll say yes but my brain says no. Just need this over


my mind is telling me nooooo. but my body, my body is telling me yesssssssssss!

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The point of this thread?




A few reasons;


1) To get clarity on whether forum members think it will or won't happen.

2) To get clarity on when they think that might be.

3) To see if anyone thinks anything radically different may happen.


The other thread is a mix of everything from people constantly chirping away with theories (myself included), dickheads boring people with 'tomorrow at 3:01pm' and people giving views on the geo-politics of it all.


Therefore, it's not that clear on where people's heads are at with the probability of it happening and which way it'll go. I thought it'd be interested to find that out.


The results have surprised me so its been of value to me, if not you.



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All common sense is telling me that they don’t have sufficient grounds to reject it, yet there’s this niggling feeling that they will reject it anyway.


It’s an absolute clusterfuck. I’m feeling total despair at the thought of more seasons of Mike Ashley, yet this time without a pot to piss in. Grim.

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Guest godzilla

I said yes by next week. Surprised at all the no votes.


Then again, this forum....


Think there will be quite a few no votes on the border of a yes vote and vice versa with the yes votes. Tbf nobody has a real clue

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I said yes by the end of next week. That is going on an assumption that they were waiting for the public release of the WTO which doesn’t tie PIF to anything, and the reports that they could make a decision by the end of this week. If it is a yes and that’s given today or tomorrow, it could still take as long as 5 days for the transfer of funds.


Ultimately though, we don’t know and the Premier League as we have seen, won’t be in a rush to make a decision or give a fuck about one of their clubs that’s not in the top 6. So this could still go on for a bit longer.

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I said yes by the end of next week. That is going on an assumption that they were waiting for the public release of the WTO which doesn’t tie PIF to anything, and the reports that they could make a decision by the end of this week. If it is a yes and that’s given today or tomorrow, it could still take as long as 5 days for the transfer of funds.


Ultimately though, we don’t know and the Premier League as we have seen, won’t be in a rush to make a decision or give a fuck about one of their clubs that’s not in the top 6. So this could still go on for a bit longer.

My thoughts entirely. Up until that report came out yesterday I would have said it's not happening, but I don't think there's anything in there that's that damning and as you say, PIF aren't going to announce anything until everything is complete
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It's hard to stay optimistic given the circus of Twitter (pretend) journalism, but ultimately I just have difficulty imagining the Premier League deciding to waste the one moment of real leverage they are likely to have on this BeOutQ issue by refusing the takeover. It's entirely wrong, but no other field of Western business has refused PIF investment on the basis of MBS as Chairman and the human rights record of the Saudi regime. I don't think the PL will be any different. I think this delay is purely about extracting meaningful concessions and guarantees about how the PIF will work to influence their government on media rights, and it should ultimately happen.



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I still think yes on balance, but voted for "fuck knaas when". The Premier League have already demonstrated that they're happy to let the club drift about virtually rudderless whilst they faff about and I would not be surprised if we see that for a few more months yet.

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Announced on Saturday 27th June, no logical reason as there has been no logical reasoning all the way thru this process but it’s my son’s 18th birthday and it would be a decent present from the club for him ?

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A HELL YEAH towards the end of next week!


Sky must be desperate for it to go through this week so they can go with the ‘IT’S THE SAUDI DERBY - AND IT’S LIIIIIIIVE” on Sunday!

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