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Does the club DJ take requests?

Dunno if this has been suggested, but it might be nice for N-O to ask for a tune dedicated to Mandypanties at the Spurs game in recognition of all she's done to bring this about.

My suggestion would be Pete Frampton's 'You'.

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Worst thing about living in London. Walking around the office with a massive grin on my face wondering why everyone else wasn't sat at their desk F5'ing. Almost like they weren't bothered.


Probably hasn't sank in yet. Even the little things like my 9 year old daughter having the piss ripped out of her turning up on "Heritage Day" at school in a Newcastle shirt in RIchmond being mocked for supporting a shit team by the Chelsea/Manu U/Man City crowd, my uncle giving up his 30 year season ticket because of Ashley, probably the greatest football related day in all of our lives. 


Genuinely don't give a shit now about winning anything, although it would be nice, but the fact that I might during my lifetime be able to say to my daughter that I wasn't bullshitting when I said this is the best team you could ever support if fantastic.


Having played a very very small part in getting rid of Ashley, I'm absolutely delighted. Cans all round.  

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8 hours ago, HaydnNUFC said:


Heard it on a podcast iirc, think it was All With Smiling Faces, may well have been @Heron and a mate of his who were involved with the flags lot. Could be wrong on that but remember hearing it on a pod.




What's the quandary? I'm half cut. :lol:

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this what we want ? shitshop multi millionare flogs us to a murderous royal parasite dictatorship ? how low we have fallen, what happened to values ? you want the toon to be next next PSG ? FFS. 

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7 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

I’d be interested in knowing why the cat case was allowed to run last weeks tbh.


Surely the PL came away from it feeling like this whole thing wasn't gonna go their way and made the agreement to let it through if they sorted the BEIN thing?


Don't think the timing is coincidental.

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2 minutes ago, Sn0rky said:

this what we want ? shitshop multi millionare flogs us to a murderous royal parasite dictatorship ? how low we have fallen, what happened to values ? you want the toon to be next next PSG ? FFS. 

Nah I'm gutted mate.


What do you suggest we do? 




Nice first ever post



Edited by Slim

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