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23 minutes ago, midds said:

Must admit that the whole joy/relief/positivity in feeling is split between 70‰ Ashley going and 30‰ Saudis coming in. It's not all about what's about to happen in the future, it's what we're leaving behind, the complete lack of ambition, the neglect of the foundations of the club, the refusal to invest in the training facilities, the refusal to engage with the fans, the refusal to clean the stadium, the refusal to even consider the views and opinions the fans at they did as they fucking pleased. 


Getting shot of Ashley is miles better than gaining the new owners, they could have been any fuckers tbh. Ashley was the millstone around the neck of this club. Cutting that free was the success


Went to highlight a bit in the middle of that, then realised... Aye... The whole things spot on. 


'it's what we're leaving behind' resonates with me.  Fuck what anyone else thinks, if they didn't care about Newcastle to start with, nobody will know what this feels like. 

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1 hour ago, HTT II said:

I was 28, single, unmarried, no kids, now happily married with two great kids so it’s not been all bad. Just don’t mention NUFC/the football…


Are... you.. me?



Edited by veriaqa

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Apologies in advance but I'm absolutely mortal. Stayed outside the ground for like 4 hours, chanting, dancing, getting up on the Bobby Robson statue. Town was just something else, been so many years since town felt this way, so many hopeful conversations, so much pure FUN!


Hope you all had a great day! Big love

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Surreal this. Don't wanna sleep me. Just absolutely out this world this is. Feels like every fucking moment in the pissing rain, dishing our flyers, flags, trying to convince passers by to use their voice, being laughed at, ridiculed, alienated... Alienated to the point you question what the fuck you're actually doing has all been worthwhile. Some fucking daft cunts out there can say protests were abject failures feom their ivory tower, but I tell you what, those same subjects of "abject failure" will make 10 times the noise of some fucking posh twat in their box.


This is for the protestors. It's for all our fans, but primarily them. Making a sacrifice for those who still went. For those who wanted to go in the future, for themselves.



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8 minutes ago, Heron said:

Surreal this. Don't wanna sleep me. Just absolutely out this world this is. Feels like every fucking moment in the pissing rain, dishing our flyers, flags, trying to convince passers by to use their voice, being laughed at, ridiculed, alienated... Alienated to the point you question what the fuck you're actually doing has all been worthwhile. Some fucking daft cunts out there can say protests were abject failures feom their ivory tower, but I tell you what, those same subjects of "abject failure" will make 10 times the noise of some fucking posh twat in their box.


This is for the protestors. It's for all our fans, but primarily them. Making a sacrifice for those who still went. For those who wanted to go in the future, for themselves.



Just wait until the spurs game. Could be packed inside and outside! Going to be mental.

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Just now, toontownman said:

Just wait until the spurs game. Could be packed inside and outside! Going to be mental.

Perfect storm for parts of the media as we are so up for it now.....but they are the better team. Us gwtting beat is ideal for them, many will already be musing on lines to use.

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59 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

I was expecting to see plenty of virtue signalling by supporters of other clubs and boy did the bindippers deliver. RAWK is a hoot.

It's wild. 

"You know what when you see those fans outside Saint James' Park celebrating their club been bought out by murderers and owners who support beheadings, stoning of women and gay people it makes you physically sick."


Followed by: "Another club to dislike that I have never really been fussed about previously.

I thought the point of sports washers was to put a positive spin on their countries and improve people's opinions of them but to me I instantly get the opposite vibes it seems. Like an allergy it's taken some time to pin down but after chelsea, psg, city and now these the pattern is clearer."



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2 minutes ago, woody said:

It's wild. 

"You know what when you see those fans outside Saint James' Park celebrating their club been bought out by murderers and owners who support beheadings, stoning of women and gay people it makes you physically sick."


Followed by: "Another club to dislike that I have never really been fussed about previously.

I thought the point of sports washers was to put a positive spin on their countries and improve people's opinions of them but to me I instantly get the opposite vibes it seems. Like an allergy it's taken some time to pin down but after chelsea, psg, city and now these the pattern is clearer."



Coooooeeeeeee over here top 6! Remember when you thought you'd mug us all off :lol: now who's the boss man in town. 



Edited by Heron

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7 minutes ago, toontownman said:

Taking one for the team, bringing Conte home :)

Ironically, going to see Inter vs Juve note than likely. With the Inter half of the family :lol: one snaton for one conte please

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How, in the space of two days, have we humiliated Jordan, wiped that smirk off Richard Keys/Masters faces, shut up Bruce's media chums, seen the end of Ashley, the inevitable end of Charnley, Bruce, the Steve's and Shola, Luke 'I hate Stavely' Edwards humiliated, the trolls silent, the mackems insignificance extended indefinitely and made some of the big6 (especially the conspirators) soil themselves and got our club back?
How do you even begin to get your head around this?

Its like the end of one of the Godfathers and it worked in our favour



Edited by Wolfcastle

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3 hours ago, Slim said:


What do suggest we do? 


3 hours ago, Sn0rky said:

fuck knows but this isnt right


Hows about we do what you and 99% of similar complainants did at the last World Cup and what you'll do at the next World Cup, feel conflicted but turn a blind eye because it suited you where this doesn't? Which is almost certainly what your problem really is. If they'd bought any other business in Newcastle would you care, despite all your 'morals objections' being just as present?




Edited by Wolfcastle

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1 hour ago, Heron said:

Surreal this. Don't wanna sleep me. Just absolutely out this world this is. Feels like every fucking moment in the pissing rain, dishing our flyers, flags, trying to convince passers by to use their voice, being laughed at, ridiculed, alienated... Alienated to the point you question what the fuck you're actually doing has all been worthwhile. Some fucking daft cunts out there can say protests were abject failures feom their ivory tower, but I tell you what, those same subjects of "abject failure" will make 10 times the noise of some fucking posh twat in their box.


This is for the protestors. It's for all our fans, but primarily them. Making a sacrifice for those who still went. For those who wanted to go in the future, for themselves.



I love you.

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