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39 minutes ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:

Is Wilshere on a segment called 'TalkAtOneThousandMilesAnHourSport' 




Aye, it’s called Coke Sport

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“It is chaos, complete and utter chaos” is how one well-placed observer described Newcastle United’s first week under their new owners.


It is understood that while PIF, which owns 80 per cent of Newcastle's shares, initially wanted to fade into the background, largely in order to manage expectations, it is keeping a watchful eye on everything. It intends to be an active investor rather than passive money provider and every decision is being questioned, scrutinised and then effectively decided by PIF.


Staveley, as well as Reuben, the other non-executive director, are also effectively on trial. Their new jobs are exciting and very visible, but they have begun with a probation period. The Saudis want to assess them and gauge whether they are capable of delivering what they want in terms of running the club on a day-to-day basis on their behalf.


There is no sense of division or animosity, even if the huge variety of names being linked to the jobs of manager, sporting director and chief executive is mainly down to the fact they all have different candidates in mind.


The new regime is trying to do things the right way, seeking advice from those with more detailed knowledge of English football, and the hope must be that things will settle down, as they did with Manchester City when they were taken over by their oil-rich state backers more than a decade ago. That situation was, as one source told Telegraph Sport, “exactly the same” as Newcastle are going through.


“There is no need to worry,” they added. “Things will settle down once they have the right people in place in the senior management roles.”





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Said earlier in a thread I've never seen an Express article that doesn't cover another site's news, glad to say I've been proven wrong https://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/1506006/Newcastle-takeover-EXCLUSIVE-transfer-news-FFP-Amanda-Staveley-Chelsea


An established intermediary, who has helped broker four Premier League transfers in the past two years, exclusively tells Express Sport: "This kind of scenario - where a club that is usually as quiet as a mouse in the transfer market - suddenly has loads of cash, is like a lottery for agents, honestly.

"Newcastle has always been a prestigious and historic club in English football, very highly regarded in European countries but the project is now so fascinating. Whether you agree with the ethics or not.

"But the next few months will be crazy, I can tell you that. Players will be offered to the club virtually every day and others will play the game and use their name to secure big, big contracts. More cash for the players and agents.

"From what I hear and know, Newcastle do not want to just throw all their money at big names. They have a strategy and plan to sign younger, talented players and invest smartly in some experience. I think that's clever."


The early word out of Newcastle is that the new board will instead seek to replicate a similar model to that of RB Leipzig in order to fast-track their way to success and in the view of the incognito intermediary, Rangnick would therefore be the perfect appointment.

"They want a model and similar infrastructure to RB Leipzig in the Bundesliga, which is why Rangnick is the guy they want at the top, he knows his stuff," the intermediary added.


"There is a lot of b******* rumours flying about though with players, targets and so on. It's crazy and funny but we expect it.

"But Newcastle are listening to proposals already. There will be no clear final decisions right now but in the next few months, they will plan ahead for January.

"The new coach will also have a voice that will be heard but from what I know, the money is there to do what they want! There is talks, every day. We hold regular dialogue with the club."

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13 minutes ago, nbthree3 said:

Said earlier in a thread I've never seen an Express article that doesn't cover another site's news, glad to say I've been proven wrong https://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/1506006/Newcastle-takeover-EXCLUSIVE-transfer-news-FFP-Amanda-Staveley-Chelsea


An established intermediary, who has helped broker four Premier League transfers in the past two years, exclusively tells Express Sport: "This kind of scenario - where a club that is usually as quiet as a mouse in the transfer market - suddenly has loads of cash, is like a lottery for agents, honestly.

"Newcastle has always been a prestigious and historic club in English football, very highly regarded in European countries but the project is now so fascinating. Whether you agree with the ethics or not.

"But the next few months will be crazy, I can tell you that. Players will be offered to the club virtually every day and others will play the game and use their name to secure big, big contracts. More cash for the players and agents.

"From what I hear and know, Newcastle do not want to just throw all their money at big names. They have a strategy and plan to sign younger, talented players and invest smartly in some experience. I think that's clever."


The early word out of Newcastle is that the new board will instead seek to replicate a similar model to that of RB Leipzig in order to fast-track their way to success and in the view of the incognito intermediary, Rangnick would therefore be the perfect appointment.

"They want a model and similar infrastructure to RB Leipzig in the Bundesliga, which is why Rangnick is the guy they want at the top, he knows his stuff," the intermediary added.


"There is a lot of b******* rumours flying about though with players, targets and so on. It's crazy and funny but we expect it.

"But Newcastle are listening to proposals already. There will be no clear final decisions right now but in the next few months, they will plan ahead for January.

"The new coach will also have a voice that will be heard but from what I know, the money is there to do what they want! There is talks, every day. We hold regular dialogue with the club."


Some great info you've found @nbthree3 :thup:


Absolutely love the sound of all of that, and is exactly how I would love for the club to be run, would be brilliant if we become a top club that way. Very exciting. Hope it's all true.

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58 minutes ago, nbthree3 said:

Said earlier in a thread I've never seen an Express article that doesn't cover another site's news, glad to say I've been proven wrong https://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/1506006/Newcastle-takeover-EXCLUSIVE-transfer-news-FFP-Amanda-Staveley-Chelsea


An established intermediary, who has helped broker four Premier League transfers in the past two years, exclusively tells Express Sport: "This kind of scenario - where a club that is usually as quiet as a mouse in the transfer market - suddenly has loads of cash, is like a lottery for agents, honestly.

"Newcastle has always been a prestigious and historic club in English football, very highly regarded in European countries but the project is now so fascinating. Whether you agree with the ethics or not.

"But the next few months will be crazy, I can tell you that. Players will be offered to the club virtually every day and others will play the game and use their name to secure big, big contracts. More cash for the players and agents.

"From what I hear and know, Newcastle do not want to just throw all their money at big names. They have a strategy and plan to sign younger, talented players and invest smartly in some experience. I think that's clever."


The early word out of Newcastle is that the new board will instead seek to replicate a similar model to that of RB Leipzig in order to fast-track their way to success and in the view of the incognito intermediary, Rangnick would therefore be the perfect appointment.

"They want a model and similar infrastructure to RB Leipzig in the Bundesliga, which is why Rangnick is the guy they want at the top, he knows his stuff," the intermediary added.


"There is a lot of b******* rumours flying about though with players, targets and so on. It's crazy and funny but we expect it.

"But Newcastle are listening to proposals already. There will be no clear final decisions right now but in the next few months, they will plan ahead for January.

"The new coach will also have a voice that will be heard but from what I know, the money is there to do what they want! There is talks, every day. We hold regular dialogue with the club."

Yeah this sounds great. Exciting times ahead!

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1 hour ago, nbthree3 said:

Said earlier in a thread I've never seen an Express article that doesn't cover another site's news, glad to say I've been proven wrong https://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/1506006/Newcastle-takeover-EXCLUSIVE-transfer-news-FFP-Amanda-Staveley-Chelsea


An established intermediary, who has helped broker four Premier League transfers in the past two years, exclusively tells Express Sport: "This kind of scenario - where a club that is usually as quiet as a mouse in the transfer market - suddenly has loads of cash, is like a lottery for agents, honestly.

"Newcastle has always been a prestigious and historic club in English football, very highly regarded in European countries but the project is now so fascinating. Whether you agree with the ethics or not.

"But the next few months will be crazy, I can tell you that. Players will be offered to the club virtually every day and others will play the game and use their name to secure big, big contracts. More cash for the players and agents.

"From what I hear and know, Newcastle do not want to just throw all their money at big names. They have a strategy and plan to sign younger, talented players and invest smartly in some experience. I think that's clever."


The early word out of Newcastle is that the new board will instead seek to replicate a similar model to that of RB Leipzig in order to fast-track their way to success and in the view of the incognito intermediary, Rangnick would therefore be the perfect appointment.

"They want a model and similar infrastructure to RB Leipzig in the Bundesliga, which is why Rangnick is the guy they want at the top, he knows his stuff," the intermediary added.


"There is a lot of b******* rumours flying about though with players, targets and so on. It's crazy and funny but we expect it.

"But Newcastle are listening to proposals already. There will be no clear final decisions right now but in the next few months, they will plan ahead for January.

"The new coach will also have a voice that will be heard but from what I know, the money is there to do what they want! There is talks, every day. We hold regular dialogue with the club."

This is exactly what we need.  I'd love to be challenging for the league in the short term but it doesn't make sense to go all out and spend a fortune in a short space of time as that would be very problematic. I am happy to take it slow because there is a vision and we can dare to dream.


Being able to be positive about the future is the main thing.  I have been a wanker this week, I wanted Bruce out instantly so we had a fresh start but actually they are doing things properly.  I'll still be pissed off that he is there Sunday, but I can wait a bit longer now we have some hope.


I still can't believe this has happened tbh.


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4 hours ago, Scotty66 said:

Caught a bit of talksport on the way home before turning it off swiftly, Jack Wiltshire (remember him?) saying we hate Bruce because of the Sunderland connection and we'll only make at most 3 signings this January.

Darren Bent chipped in with a classic "they shouldn't go and get a top top manager now because it just wouldn't work" 


Yes it was a risk to bring in Sir Bobby when we were in the bottom three, I felt Dave Bassett or George Burley were our best best. Someone shit is just the ticket right now.

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26 minutes ago, Dan Gleebals said:

Umagine - it all stays the same! 



No ambition.

Little spending.

Bins for ice baths. 




At least some would be able to be racist in their whining.



(Too far ?)

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And to be 100% clear - yes I wished and hoped Bruce would be sacked this week. I expected it as such. 

but I also realize that I’m just a supporter and I’m not an owner of a club that has been completely devoid of corporate and football structure and this entire thing came out of the blue last week. 

trusting the process. I’m backing this team Sunday from Florida and will be hoping for 3 points. Onward and upward! 


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4 hours ago, nbthree3 said:







The new regime is trying to do things the right way, seeking advice from those with more detailed knowledge of English football, and the hope must be that things will settle down, as they did with Manchester City when they were taken over by their oil-rich state backers more than a decade ago. That situation was, as one source told Telegraph Sport, “exactly the same” as Newcastle are going through.

Clearly just speaking to Bruce's mates.

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