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Guest reefatoon

We should just go out and get our sponsors from Abu Dhabi and Man City can get theirs from Saudi. Sorted. Fuck the other 18 clubs reet up the arse.

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5 minutes ago, Dokko said:

This really isn't a problem for us. We have £190m to spend on players plus can make a loss of what, £109m over 3 years? If we spend all that on players I'd a: die of bloodloss to my erect penis. B: Wed have a team attracting big deals on their own merit. Nufc has untapped potential. Ashley has held us back commercially, we'll grow quickly now and if we do things like expand the stadium and compete higher up we'll bring in enough funds naturally especially with £300m, this price paid for the club at our disposal w8th having to fix deals like others have. 

It doesn’t really work like that, We could spend a lot for a few seasons before it begins to add up. For example we could spend £200m this season on 5 players and it would only cost the club £40m per season (+ wages) assuming those players signed 5 year contracts. The problem comes when we spend big for 2, 3 or 4 seasons because that £40m per season becomes £100m+ per season even when you've stopped spending. Which is why it’s imperative get in proper sponsors and grow our commercial revenue quickly. 



Edited by nufcnick

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Annoying TIFO podcast this week, chatted about what we need to improve, Bruce probably going etc. Then they randomly linked to a piece about oppression of LGBTQ people in Saudi, and said it was clearly linked to football. 

I’m as much in favour of educating yourself about Saudi Arabia as anyone, but it’s odd to link it every discussion about NUFC. They don’t do this with Russian oligarchs or Qatar when talking about Chelsea and Man City. 

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So who determines what is a fair amount for sponsorship?


What if we just started low with a related party, and every season bumped it up and quoted worldwide interest in the club alongside (fingers crossed) slow progression up the league means it's worth more?


Whilst the general idea is fine, because going from 4m per season to 100m seems bonkers. But commercially we have been stunted by Ashley and became a toxic brand. 


Under new ownership, we could essentially get a larger deal by the very fact he's not associated anymore.


Just feels flakey at best and reactionary.

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1 minute ago, NE27 said:

So who determines what is a fair amount for sponsorship?


What if we just started low with a related party, and every season bumped it up and quoted worldwide interest in the club alongside (fingers crossed) slow progression up the league means it's worth more?


Whilst the general idea is fine, because going from 4m per season to 100m seems bonkers. But commercially we have been stunted by Ashley and became a toxic brand. 


Under new ownership, we could essentially get a larger deal by the very fact he's not associated anymore.


Just feels flakey at best and reactionary.

It is, the sole goal is to knee cap us and prevent us from challenging. 

The pathetic fucks are shitting themselves. 

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As others have said, none of our competitors gave a shit about a fair playing field when the club was being paid well under market value to plaster tat over every available surface.


Consider any future astronomical deals delayed recompense, you corrupt fucks. :aww:

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What happens if we break FFP rules anyway? Banned from European competition for a season (which we are unlikely to be in next season)? Transfer embargo for a season like Chelsea? Or a paltry fine?


Really nothing painful enough to stop us from breaking the bank for one season.

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Just now, LRD said:

What happens if we break FFP rules anyway? Banned from European competition for a season (which we are unlikely to be in next season)? Transfer embargo for a season like Chelsea? Or a paltry fine?


Really nothing painful enough to stop us from breaking the bank for one season.

Because it’s us, we would probably get a points deduction 

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Just now, 54 said:

Got to say, I do find this whole "communication" concept a little odd.

It’s like years of domestic abuse, and your new partner asks “are you OK” got to get used to this care & consideration from the owners . I bloody love it ♥️

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3 minutes ago, KaKa said:

Wow, that is really interesting. Surprised by that tbh.


I was reading something in the paper this morning about some pressure group meeting with NUFC to discuss refraining from dressing as arabs. Surprised the club took any notice though, seems an infringement of civil liberties to me. 

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1 minute ago, TRon said:


I was reading something in the paper this morning about some pressure group meeting with NUFC to discuss refraining from dressing as arabs. Surprised the club took any notice though, seems an infringement of civil liberties to me. 


Yeah, I'm very surprised, but they've worded the statement very well, and I think it's a fair enough request by the club so as not to attract any unnecessary attention, even though it shouldn't really, but it's good the leadership at the club are sensitive to the situation.

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16 minutes ago, Newcastle Fan said:

Pointless though as its harmless and doesn't really offend Arabs, it was making news here on the GCC and everyone was having a good laugh about it.

I understand why they've done it though, they don't want to clash with kick it out so this statement covers that 

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